ncKitty checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see a stunning woman. Despite her...revealing dress, her bearing is professional and businesslike. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node024 (As you speak, she looks up, startled.) You! You came back! I…I thought you might be dead. (She looks relieved.) I was so *worried.* Risking your life, taking on the Enclave…that's the bravest thing I've ever heard. --- ! I'm glad you've come back again. Just having a hero like yourself around does wonders for business: risking your life, taking on the Enclave…That's the bravest thing I've ever heard. talk_p_proc->Node024 talk_p_proc->Node024 Node002 Why, if it isn't Reno's most famous prizefighter! --- My, my, if isn't the star of the golden screen. --- I wondered when Mr. --- First quarter revenues are up slightly…now, if we account for the increased tribute… --- would send you over…(Winks.) --- Hello again! --- (The woman before you is stunningly beautiful. As you address her, she looks up from her work, and smiles.) Ah, a new face! I'm Miss Kitty…welcome to the Cat's Paw. --- What's your pleasure today, sir? talk_p_proc->Node002 talk_p_proc->Node002 Node025 You are so humble. --- I LOVE that about you. (Makes sweeping gesture at Cat's Paw.) You are always welcome here, free of charge. --- You are so strong. So…confident. --- I LOVE that about you. (Makes sweeping gesture at Cat's Paw.) You are always welcome here, free of charge. Node024->Node025 Shucks, Miss Kitty. It taint nothing nobody else wouldnta done in mah place. Node024->Node025 Thanks. Just doing my job as a hero. Node024->Node025 It was nothing that any pissed-off woman who had her village kidnapped wouldn't have done. Node024->Node025 Thanks. Just doing my job as a heroine. Node024->Node025 Daaaaamn right, baby. And that's the bravest thing you're ever gonna hear, cause I'm the BADDEST of the bad. Node024->Node025 And that's the bravest thing you're EVER gonna hear about, cause I'm the BADDEST bitch in the wastes. Node024->Node025 Kicking ass and taking names, that's my job. Node999 Node002->Node999 George sayz we gonna haf a few achers of owr own an' I shud keep away from yuu or he won't lemme play wit the rabbitz so me go now Node002->Node999 Nothing today, thanks. Node003 (The pretty lady puts the palm of her hand on your forehead.) Oh, you poor thing…you can stay in here for a little while to get in from the heat, but you can't be here too long, okay? Promise me now. Node002->Node003 preshshure? Node002->Node003 Yuu haf prettee hair Node002->Node003 Yuu said 'pleashure' Huh-Huh-Huh-Huh-Huh Node990 Node002->Node990 Jules told me to come here if I was looking for some…action. Node004 (Smiles and winks.) Is that so? Well, then, you've come to the right place. Whatever your pleasure or fantasy, we can provide it…and don't be shy, we've heard it all. So, what would you like? Node002->Node004 I'm looking for some…action. Node012 Node002->Node012 Actually, I'd like to ask you some questions. Node016 (Looks surprised.) Let me see. (Glances at magazine.) Well, well…you know, I had heard a rumor that - in the pre-war years -- the Cat's Paw was a publishing house…for pornographic materials. Node002->Node016 You know, I've been finding magazines named "Cat's Paw" throughout the desert, and I have no idea what they are. I have one right here. Node019 Wonderful! I'll give you $500 for the set. Node002->Node019 Here's that collection of Cat's Paw magazines you asked for. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Miss Kitty. description_p_proc You see a stunning woman. Despite her...revealing dress, her bearing is professional and businesslike. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc *Aaawoooo* --- *Bzzzt* --- *Grunt* --- Way to go, Boss! Ain't had sex myself in a loooooong time. --- *Aaawoooo* --- *Bzzzt* --- *Grunt* --- Way to go, Boss! Ain't had sex myself in a loooooong time. --- *Aaawoooo* --- *Bzzzt* --- *Grunt* --- Way to go, Boss! Ain't had sex myself in a loooooong time. --- *Aaawoooo* --- *Bzzzt* --- *Grunt* --- Way to go, Boss! Ain't had sex myself in a loooooong time. --- *Aaawoooo* --- *Bzzzt* --- *Grunt* --- Way to go, Boss! Ain't had sex myself in a loooooong time. --- *Aaawoooo* --- *Bzzzt* --- *Grunt* --- Way to go, Boss! Ain't had sex myself in a loooooong time. --- *Aaawoooo* --- *Bzzzt* --- *Grunt* --- Way to go, Boss! Ain't had sex myself in a loooooong time. --- *Aaawoooo* --- *Bzzzt* --- *Grunt* --- Way to go, Boss! Ain't had sex myself in a loooooong time. --- *Aaawoooo* --- *Bzzzt* --- *Grunt* --- Way to go, Boss! Ain't had sex myself in a loooooong time. --- *Aaawoooo* --- *Bzzzt* --- *Grunt* --- Way to go, Boss! Ain't had sex myself in a loooooong time. --- *Aaawoooo* --- *Bzzzt* --- *Grunt* --- Way to go, Boss! Ain't had sex myself in a loooooong time. --- *Aaawoooo* --- *Bzzzt* --- *Grunt* --- Way to go, Boss! Ain't had sex myself in a loooooong time. --- *Aaawoooo* --- *Bzzzt* --- *Grunt* --- Way to go, Boss! Ain't had sex myself in a loooooong time. --- *Whew* Node001 timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node003->Node999 Okayy, pretty ladee fank you Node990->Node004 Node004->Node999 Actually, I've changed my mind. Performance anxiety and all. Goodbye. Node004->Node012 I'd like to ask you some questions… Node005 I'm flattered, but…no. I can't. Node004->Node005 Well, pardon me for coming on strong, but I'd like to get to know YOU better. What time do you get off? Uh, work, I mean. Node007 Well…(Ticks off the menu on her fingers.)…we have honey loving, the dipstick swirl, humjobs, and various other exotica. (Smiles.) Question is, what are YOU in the mood for? Node004->Node007 Depends…what's on the menu? Node989 Node004->Node989 I'd like to hook up my friend here with a little something special. Node014 Of course. (Scans your companions.) Which one? Node004->Node014 I'd like to hook up one of my friends here. It's their…uh, birthday. Node012->Node999 Actually, I better be going. Node012->Node990 Jules told me to come here if I was looking for some…action. Node012->Node004 I'm looking for some…action. Node012->Node016 You know, I've been finding magazines named "Cat's Paw" throughout the desert, and I have no idea what they are. I have one right here. Node012->Node019 Here's that collection of Cat's Paw magazines you asked for. Node012->Node989 I'd like to hook up my friend here with a little something special. Node012->Node014 I'd like to hook up one of my friends here. It's their…uh, birthday. Node028 (Nods.) Yes, that's correct. We usually have to train them extensively to suppress their natural revulsion. It's almost a rite of passage now. Still, if a girl can abide Myron, it means she's tough… Node012->Node028 I heard some of your girls are chosen to go…visit Myron. Node019->Node999 No thanks, I've become attached to them. Maybe some other time. Node019->Node012 No, I think I'll keep them...say, I had some other questions… Node020 Hmmmmm. Seven fifty, and you got a deal. Node019->Node020 $500? After collecting ALL of these? No way. Make it a thousand. Node022 Really? (Examines No. 5, then goes through the rest of your stack.) Hmmmm. Well, it looks like you have two of them, so you can have this one back…but let me get the stain out first. Node019->Node022 Sounds good. Here you go. But hey, careful with number five…the pages look like they are glued together. Node005->Node999 Sorry, didn't mean to pressure you. Goodbye. Node005->Node012 All right then. I'd like to ask you some questions… Node006 (Looks around, then leans in and whispers.) Look… come back after you've done what you've had to do to save your people, and then we'll talk, okay? Node005->Node006 Hey, don't worry…I won't wear the power armor, okay? Node007->Node999 Actually, I've changed my mind. Performance anxiety and all. Goodbye. Node007->Node012 I'd like to ask you some questions… Node008 All right then. --- That'll be --- chips. --- All right then. --- (Winks.) That'll be no charge. Node007->Node008 I'd like some…oral attention. Node010 Why, of course you can. We call it the "Kesting special." --- Only costs --- chips. --- Why, of course you can. We call it the "Kesting special." --- (Winks.) That'll be no charge. Node007->Node010 Is it okay if I just, you know, talk with them? Node013 Chances are that we can accommodate you. Your request would be…? Node007->Node013 I have a special…dramatic…request. Node031 (Looks you up and down, then nods.) I think we can accommodate you… --- chips. --- (Looks you up and down, then nods.) I think we can accommodate you… --- (Winks.) There's no charge, so don't sweat the money. Node989->Node031 Node989->Node031 Node989->Node031 Node989->Node031 Node015 This your friend here? (Looks your companion up and down, nods.) I think we can accommodate you… --- chips. --- This your friend here? (Looks your companion up and down, nods.) I think we can accommodate you… --- Don't worry about the money. There's no charge. Node989->Node015 Node989->Node015 Node989->Node015 Node989->Node015 Node989->Node015 Node989->Node015 Node014->Node999 Actually, no one, thanks. Node982 Node014->Node982 Vic. "Trader" Vic. Node985 Node014->Node985 This little pervert Myron here. Node987 Node014->Node987 Could you take care of Lenny? I don't think he's ever even kissed a girl. Node983 Node014->Node983 Cassidy here. I think it's been a while. Node984 Node014->Node984 "Bone Nose" here, if you catch my drift. Heh heh. Node986 Node014->Node986 You got anyone who can, uh, "handle" Marcus? Node980 Node014->Node980 Doc's looking to take a "temperature" or two. Node979 Node014->Node979 Davin here could use…a lot…more experience. Node978 Node014->Node978 Miria wants to take a walk on the wild side. Node981 Node014->Node981 Can one of your girls read the dictionary to Robo Brain? It stimulates his brain center. Node006->Node999 It's a date. See you then. Node006->Node012 All right then. I had some other questions… Node008->Node999 I don't have enough money…maybe another time. Node008->Node999 Actually, I've changed my mind. Performance anxiety and all. Goodbye. Node008->Node012 Nevermind. I'd like to ask you some questions… Node988 You talk for hours. The girls at the Cat's Paw have amazing insight into human nature. --- I sure hope I didn't get her pregnant. Node008->Node988 Done. Here's the money. Node008->Node988 Can't argue about that price. Let's do it. Node010->Node999 I don't have enough money…maybe another time. Node010->Node999 Actually, I've changed my mind. Performance anxiety and all. Goodbye. Node010->Node012 Maybe some other time. I'd like to ask you some questions… Node010->Node988 Done. Here's the money. Node010->Node988 Sounds like a deal. I'll take that then. Node011 Well…rumor has it there was once an employee of a famous computer company who enjoyed talking with others. (Shrugs.) --- By coincidence, he also only made --- chips a week. --- Oh. Well, sign me up for the talking session then. Here's the --- chips. --- Well…rumor has it there was once an employee of a famous computer company who enjoyed talking with others. (Shrugs.) --- By coincidence, he also made no money at all, so talking was all he could afford. Node010->Node011 Why do you call it that? Node013->Node999 Actually, Nevermind. I've got to go. Node013->Node012 I'd like to ask you some questions instead… Node013->Node031 You have any girls that look like Angela Bishop? I need to work off some excitement. Node013->Node031 You have any girls that look like Mrs. Bishop? I need to work off some excitement. Node009 All right then. --- That'll be --- chips. --- All right then. --- (Winks.) That'll be no charge. Node009->Node999 I don't have enough money…maybe another time. Node009->Node999 Actually, I've changed my mind. Performance anxiety and all. Goodbye. Node009->Node012 Nevermind. I'd like to ask you some questions… Node009->Node988 Done. Here's the money. Node009->Node988 Can't argue about that price. Let's do it. Node011->Node999 I don't have enough money…maybe another time. Node011->Node999 Actually, I've changed my mind. Performance anxiety and all. Goodbye. Node011->Node012 I think I'll pass. I'd like to ask you some questions… Node011->Node988 Can't argue about that price. Let's do it. Node028->Node999 Hmmmm. Thanks for the information. Node028->Node012 I see. I had some other questions… Node029 (Studies you, then makes a circling gesture with her finger.) Turn around for me. Hmmmm… --- yes… yes, I think you'd do just fine. Are you interested in the job? All of my other girls are…sick of it. --- (Studies you, then makes a circling gesture with her finger.) Turn around for me. Hmmmm… --- no, I don't think you'd make the cut. Maybe if you cleaned yourself up a little more, made yourself…presentable. Sorry. Node028->Node029 I'd like to meet him. Think I could volunteer to be his next "choice?" Node031->Node999 Hmmm. Maybe some other time when I have enough cash. Node031->Node999 Actually, I've changed my mind. Goodbye. Node031->Node012 Maybe later…look, I had some other questions. Node031->Node988 Okay. Here you go. Node031->Node988 Can't argue with that price. Done. Node982->Node015 Node985->Node031 Node987->Node031 Node983->Node015 Node984->Node015 Node986->Node031 Node980->Node015 Node979->Node015 Node978->Node015 Node981->Node031 Node015->Node999 Hmmm. Maybe some other time when I have enough cash. Node015->Node999 Actually, I've changed my mind. Goodbye. Node015->Node012 Maybe later…look, I had some other questions. Node015->Node988 Okay. Here you go. Node015->Node988 Can't argue with that price. Done. Node017 Yes…the rooms here were used for film shoots with models from across the world. (Seems entranced by the magazine.) Quite a little piece of history you have there. Node018 You know…if you can bring me a complete set…say, ten issues, I'll buy them from you. They'd be good for a display, might attract customers. Are you interested? --- You delivered the Cat's Paw magazines to Miss Kitty. --- You see Miss Kitty. Node017->Node018 Well, you know, I just read this for the articles. Node017->Node018 I'm just glad to know what the damn thing is. It's irritating to keep examining it and getting that same message over and over. I'll probably STILL get it even though it's identified now. Node018->Node999 Sure. If I come across that many, I'll be sure to stop by. Node018->Node012 If I can FIND that many...say, I had some other questions… Node018->Node019 Actually, I happen to have ten right here. Node020->Node999 Forget it. Maybe some other time. Node020->Node012 I think I'll keep them then...say, I had some other questions… Node021 Here you go. (Counts out the money, hands it to you.) Thanks again. --- You delivered the Cat's Paw magazines to Miss Kitty. --- You see Miss Kitty. Node020->Node021 $750? All right, then. They're yours. Node021->Node999 Not a problem. Goodbye. Node021->Node012 Say, I had some other questions… Node023 Happens all the time around here…(Miss Kitty starts cleaning the magazine.)…mostly to the sheets. That should do it...(Holds it up.)...good issue - has an article on energy weapons, it looks like. Here you go. --- You delivered the Cat's Paw magazines to Miss Kitty. --- You see Miss Kitty. Node023->Node999 An article on energy weapons? Thanks. I might read it later on. Node023->Node012 I had some other questions… Node025->Node999 Thanks. I appreciate it, Miss Kitty. Node025->Node999 I expect nothing less. I'll collect later. Node025->Node012 Great! Look, I had some questions before I indulge myself… Node025->Node012 Great! Look, I had some questions before I indulge myself… Node026 All right then, --- …let me just get my coat. Node025->Node026 So…how about that date we talked about way back when? Node025->Node026 So…how about…you know, you and me…like…you know. Node025->Node026 So…how about that date we talked about way back when? Node027 Oh, --- , you Enclave-smashing animal… Node025->Node027 Baby, I got to feeling like a machine, and that's no way to feel. C'mere. Node977 Node026->Node977 No rush. Take your time. Node026->Node977 Sure. But hurry up…we've got reservations at eight. In my PANTS. Node026->Node977 Sure. But hurry up…you and my tongue got reservations at eight. Node026->Node977 Good thing I've got my "coat" in my pocket. Heh-heh. Node027->Node977 ::Bwanbwan-bwan-ba-bwan oookwaka oookwaka:: Node029->Node999 Hmmmm. Thanks for the information. Node029->Node012 No, but I may ask again later. I had some other questions… Node029->Node012 Hmmmph. I had some other questions… Node030 (Nods.) Excellent. One of the Mordino lieutenants should be showing up soon. If you want to take a seat, I'll present you as one of the…applicants. Node029->Node030 Sure. Node030->Node999 Nevermind…I've changed my mind. Maybe some other time. Node030->Node012 Actually, forget it. I had some other questions… Node976 The Mordino lieutenant arrives, and seems impressed with you. He leads you north out of town to someplace called the "Stables." --- You see Miss Kitty. Node030->Node976 All right…I'll wait for him. push_p_proc