ncLilJes checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see a sunburned young man dressed in black leather and chains. His face is pock-marked with acne scars. --- You see Lil' Jesus Mordino. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node007 Yo! talk_p_proc->Node007 talk_p_proc->Node007 Node009 Yo! Hombre, you can't be carrying that around in here. talk_p_proc->Node009 talk_p_proc->Node009 talk_p_proc->Node009 talk_p_proc->Node009 Node010 talk_p_proc->Node010 talk_p_proc->Node010 Node015 talk_p_proc->Node015 talk_p_proc->Node015 Node020 Don't be showing iron around here, friend. Put that away. talk_p_proc->Node020 talk_p_proc->Node020 Node022 talk_p_proc->Node022 talk_p_proc->Node022 Node024 What the hell you sneaking around for? You looking to get shot? talk_p_proc->Node024 talk_p_proc->Node024 Node025 What you sneaking around for, chica? You looking to get shot? talk_p_proc->Node025 talk_p_proc->Node025 Node026 talk_p_proc->Node026 talk_p_proc->Node026 Node027 talk_p_proc->Node027 talk_p_proc->Node027 Node028 talk_p_proc->Node028 talk_p_proc->Node028 Node036 talk_p_proc->Node036 Node063 (Lil' Jesus glances at the knife in your hand, shakes his head.) --- *Tchhhh.* Don't you know how to HOLD a knife, homes? --- Here, like this… (Adjusts your grip.) You need some instruction. --- (Look at knife. Look at ugly man. Look at knife.) You touch --- 's hand No TOUCH --- 's hand --- NO LIKE talk_p_proc->Node063 talk_p_proc->Node063 Node033 Heeeey! How's it going, --- Yo! Hombre, you can't be carrying that around in here. --- ? --- You being helped, or do I got to call over one of the putas ta get you set up? Ha! talk_p_proc->Node033 talk_p_proc->Node033 Node011 What the hell you sneaking around for, --- Your film wasn't bad, but you obviously need a few pointers from me. ::Laughs:: --- ? With that right hook you got, you should walk tall. talk_p_proc->Node011 Node012 What you sneaking around for, chica? With that right hook you got, you should walk tall. talk_p_proc->Node012 Node032 [] --- Hey, hey, hey! You're --- Your film wasn't bad, but you obviously need a few pointers from me. ::Laughs:: --- ! The big ol' fighter! Man, you're good! talk_p_proc->Node032 talk_p_proc->Node032 Node016 What the hell you sneaking around for, --- ? C'mon, walk tall. talk_p_proc->Node016 Node017 No way you're sneaking by Lil' Jesus with a bod like that, chica. talk_p_proc->Node017 Node021 Don't be sneakin' around, slaver, all right? You're among friends. talk_p_proc->Node021 Node034 Eh? You looking to deal, slaver? Got some stock you wanna unload? talk_p_proc->Node034 talk_p_proc->Node034 Node031 Eh...? You again? What do you want now? talk_p_proc->Node031 talk_p_proc->Node031 Node030 Hunh? --- Something you want, amigo? talk_p_proc->Node030 talk_p_proc->Node030 Node999 Node063->Node999 Wander off Node063->Node999 Maybe some other time, thanks. Node038 Me? If you gotta ask…heh. Name's Jesus. Jesus Mordino. Same as my Dad, he's the BIG Jesus, head of WHOLE Mordino family here in Reno. So most call me Lil' Jesus. Prevents confusion, y'know? Node063->Node038 Who are you? Node035 Heh. You been out squatting in the sun too long. Get. --- Eh…right. You take care, amigo. I'll catch you later. --- Heh. Maybe you oughta go back out and squat in the sun, tribal. Clear the air in here. Node063->Node035 Kagagoogoo Node037 Node063->Node037 Actually, I had some questions for you, Jesus… Node064 Hmmmmm... --- I don't know, homes…I mean, I ain't got a lot of free time and knife fighting's an ART, y'know? Node063->Node064 Really? Can you teach me? Node033->Node999 Wander off Node033->Node999 No, I'm good, thanks. Catch you later. Node033->Node038 Who are you? Node033->Node035 Fire it up fire it up Node033->Node037 No, I'm fine. Say, I had some questions for you, Jesus… Node032->Node999 Wander off Node032->Node999 Thanks for the compliment. I was just stopping by; I have to be going. Node032->Node999 Yeah, I don't need you to tell me that. Just watch yourself. Node032->Node038 Who are you? Node032->Node035 Fire it up fire it up Node032->Node037 Thanks, Lil' Jesus. Hey, I had some questions for you… Node034->Node999 Wander off Node034->Node999 Not right now. Maybe later. Node034->Node038 Who are you? Node034->Node035 Me unload! Me unload! Node034->Node037 Not right now. I had some questions for you, though… Node054 No, not me…head on upstairs and see my Pa. He's the one you want to talk to. Node034->Node054 Sure. Are you the one to talk to? Node031->Node999 Wander off Node031->Node999 Nevermind. Sorry to bother you. Node031->Node038 Who are you? Node031->Node035 Me from under where Node031->Node037 I had some questions… Node030->Node999 Wander off Node030->Node999 Sorry. I thought you were someone else. Node030->Node038 Who are you? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Lil' Jesus Mordino. description_p_proc You see a sunburned young man dressed in black leather and chains. His face is pock-marked with acne scars. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc Yo! map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc map_update_p_proc->destroy_p_proc timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node007 timed_event_p_proc->Node007 timed_event_p_proc->Node007 timed_event_p_proc->Node007 timed_event_p_proc->Node009 timed_event_p_proc->Node009 timed_event_p_proc->Node009 timed_event_p_proc->Node009 timed_event_p_proc->Node009 timed_event_p_proc->Node009 timed_event_p_proc->Node009 timed_event_p_proc->Node009 timed_event_p_proc->Node010 timed_event_p_proc->Node010 timed_event_p_proc->Node010 timed_event_p_proc->Node010 timed_event_p_proc->Node015 timed_event_p_proc->Node015 timed_event_p_proc->Node015 timed_event_p_proc->Node015 timed_event_p_proc->Node020 timed_event_p_proc->Node020 timed_event_p_proc->Node020 timed_event_p_proc->Node020 timed_event_p_proc->Node022 timed_event_p_proc->Node022 timed_event_p_proc->Node022 timed_event_p_proc->Node022 timed_event_p_proc->Node024 timed_event_p_proc->Node024 timed_event_p_proc->Node024 timed_event_p_proc->Node024 timed_event_p_proc->Node025 timed_event_p_proc->Node025 timed_event_p_proc->Node025 timed_event_p_proc->Node025 timed_event_p_proc->Node026 timed_event_p_proc->Node026 timed_event_p_proc->Node026 timed_event_p_proc->Node026 timed_event_p_proc->Node027 timed_event_p_proc->Node027 timed_event_p_proc->Node027 timed_event_p_proc->Node027 timed_event_p_proc->Node028 timed_event_p_proc->Node028 timed_event_p_proc->Node028 timed_event_p_proc->Node028 timed_event_p_proc->Node036 timed_event_p_proc->Node011 timed_event_p_proc->Node012 timed_event_p_proc->Node016 timed_event_p_proc->Node017 timed_event_p_proc->Node021 Node001 timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node002 How do you take a piss with that thing on? timed_event_p_proc->Node002 Node029 timed_event_p_proc->Node029 Node003 Nice piece you got there, --- Yo! Hombre, you can't be carrying that around in here. --- . timed_event_p_proc->Node003 Node004 What you creeping around for, eh, --- Yo! Hombre, you can't be carrying that around in here. --- ? Mordinos walk proud. timed_event_p_proc->Node004 Node005 Yo! Hombre, you can't be carrying that around in here. timed_event_p_proc->Node005 Node013 Your film wasn't bad, but you obviously need a few pointers from me. ::Laughs:: timed_event_p_proc->Node013 Node018 timed_event_p_proc->Node018 Node038->Node999 I have to go. Later, Jesus. Node038->Node037 I see. Say, I had some questions… Node039 We Mordinos are gonna run New Reno…and Redding, too. You'll see. Node038->Node039 Family Mordino? Who are they? Node038->Node039 I've heard about your family. I hear you guys are a force to be reckoned with. Node990 Node038->Node990 I'm looking for a job. Is Family Mordino hiring? Node048 The Desperado is the place to be, homes. We got the Jet, the games, the action…and we got all the putas you need right outside, wet and willing. Paradise, homes. Pair-a-dice. --- So…you wanna re-lax, chica? Heh...then how 'bout you and me get down to some sweet love? --- The Desperado is the place to be, chica. We got the Jet, the games, and the action. You ain't need to go nowhere else. Node038->Node048 Know what there is to do around New Reno to relax? Node056 That little piss-ass Wright kid? Ha! You trying to pin that shit on me? You outta luck; I ain't sorry the little fucker's dead, but I didn't have NOTHIN' to do with it. Node038->Node056 You know anything about Richard Wright overdosing on Jet? Node035->Node999 Okeee Doh-kee Node037->Node999 Nevermind. Catch you later. Node037->Node039 What was that you were saying about the Mordino Family again? Node037->Node039 Who is this Mordino Family you were talking about? Node037->Node990 I'm looking for a job. Node037->Node048 What is there to do around New Reno to relax? Node037->Node056 You know anything about Richard Wright overdosing on Jet? Node037->Node064 Can you teach me knife fighting? Node054->Node999 Thanks. Node054->Node038 And you are...? Node054->Node037 All right then. Before I go, I had some questions… Node039->Node999 I have to go. Later, Jesus. Node039->Node037 Sounds like the Mordinos have a bright future. Say, I had some questions… Node039->Node990 Sounds like the Mordino family is the one to hook up with…can you set me up? Node041 Bunch of no-neck miners, dig in the dirt, but they like to FLY, know what I'm saying? Node039->Node041 What do you mean about Redding? Node040 To the northwest, homes. --- If you ain't been there, you ain't missing nothing. Bunch of no-neck miners who like to FLY, know what I'm saying? Node039->Node040 Redding? Where's that? Node055 FUCK you. Get outta my family's casino 'fore I carve my initials on your dead body. Node039->Node055 You Mordinos talk big, but got small cojones. What you got to say about that, LITTLE Jesus? Node051 (Checks you over, nods.) We're always looking for new blood…'specially new blood that's willing to spill blood, know what I'm saying? Go upstairs, talk to my Pa, tell him I sent you, and maybe we can do business. Node990->Node051 Node052 I don't know. You don't look too strong to me…maybe you should try somewhere else, homes. --- mind's a blank. Our family ain't hiring, and the other families sooner'd kill you than listen to you. You outta luck, homes. --- Naw...I don't know of no place hiring. You might try and find a pimp, MAYBE earn some cash charging rent on yer ass, y'know? --- WE ain't hiring, but with a bod like that, you might try the Corsican Bros Studio up the street. (Grins.) But if you're looking for some quick chips, my room's upstairs... Node990->Node052 Node048->Node999 Thanks for the tip, thanks. Node048->Node999 Why don't you start without me? I have to go. Node048->Node999 Thanks for the tip, thanks. Node048->Node037 Got it. I had some other questions… Node048->Node037 I'm flattered, but no thanks. Say, I had some other questions… Node048->Node037 Got it. I had some other questions… Node048->Node990 I'm looking for a job. Know of any place that's hiring? Node048->Node990 I'm looking for a job. Know of any place that's hiring? Node048->Node990 I'm looking for a job. Know of any place that's hiring? Node989 Node048->Node989 Tempting, but I haven't got ten seconds for your sweet love right now, Little Jesus. Node056->Node999 All right then. Just asking. Node056->Node037 Okay…look, I had some other questions… Node057 (Eyes narrow.) Look now, I ain't had NOTHING to do with that kid's death. I don't know what you heard, but if I'd killed that kid, I woulda carved him up, not made him crash and burn on Jet, see? Node056->Node057 Oh, yeah? Well, the Mordinos are the biggest suppliers of Jet in New Reno. That makes you the first ones who are gonna take the blame. Node056->Node057 I don't believe you. I think you ARE the one responsible. You and the rest of the Mordinos. Node058 Yeah, Renesco…the "Rocketman." Sells so much Jet, he could shoot you to the moon. He's on the west side, in Salvatore territory. He don't like the Wrights none, and his chems ain't PURE, know what I'm saying? Node056->Node058 Who do you figure might have done it? Node064->Node999 Maybe some other time then, thanks. Node064->Node999 Some other time then…when I have enough chips to change your mind. Node064->Node038 Who are you? Node064->Node037 Actually, I had some questions… Node066 Hmmmm...all right, yeah, I'll do it. You look like you might have the cojones for it. Look, now, the first thing you gotta do is… Node064->Node066 My lovemaking's an art, too. Wanna swap styles? Node065 Naw...I was thinking about something ELSE, y'know? (His eyes drift down your body, licks his chapped lips.) --- Hmmmmm. 200 and it's a deal. Node064->Node065 I'll give you a hundred chips. Node985 Node064->Node985 I'll give you two hundred chips. Node041->Node999 I have to go. Later, Jesus. Node041->Node037 I hear you. I had some other questions… Node042 Them no-necks dig for gold, see, but what WE give them is better than gold, know what I'm saying? They give us ALL the gold they dig up just for a LEETLE Jet. Everybody happy. Node041->Node042 Not really. What do you mean? Node043 Well, when they got their first taste o' Jet, they were. You can't have just one. Node041->Node043 They're a bunch of chem reliants? Node040->Node999 I have to go. Later, Jesus. Node040->Node037 I hear you. I had some other questions… Node040->Node042 Not really. What do you mean? Node040->Node043 They're a bunch of chem reliants? Node055->Node998 Just try it and see what happens…LITTLE Jesus. Node055->Node998 Don't you threaten me, Jesus. Node055->Node998 Hold on - I had some other questions… Node055->Node999 Calm down, Jesus. I'm leaving. Node042->Node999 I have to go. Later, Jesus. Node042->Node037 Sounds like it. Look, I had some other questions… Node042->Node043 They're a bunch of chem reliants? Node043->Node999 I have to go. Later, Jesus. Node043->Node037 I hear you. Look, I had some other questions… Node044 The Jet? It comes from HERE. See, we don't dig for gold, we MAKE it: liquid gold. Jet. Worth a fortune to the miners, costs next to nothing to make. We ship it to Redding, they shoot up, they fly, they ship us gold. That simple. Node043->Node044 Where does the Jet come from? Node044->Node999 I have to go. Later, Jesus. Node044->Node037 I hear you. Look, I had some other questions… Node045 You're right about that…see, we didn't always HAVE Jet. But we stumbled across this kid - he took a look at the shitty chems we was selling and said he could do 'better.' And he did. Now he works for us. That simple. Node044->Node045 How long has this been going on? It seems like you would have controlled all of Northern California by now if Jet was that habit-forming. Node045->Node999 I have to go. Later, Jesus. Node045->Node037 I hear you. Look, I had some other questions… Node046 Kid's name's Myron. As for where he IS, that's somethin' you don't need to know. --- Kid's name's Myron. We got him set up in the stables, north of town, testing new chems. You could go over and see him if you want, but he's busy most of the time…either with the chems or the women. Node045->Node046 Who is this kid and where is he? Node046->Node999 Myron, huh? All right then, Jesus. Thanks for the conversation. Node046->Node037 Got it. I had some other questions… Node046->Node055 Why don't you get smart and tell me anyway? Node049 Eh? What are you talkin ab --? (Gets it.) You fucking PUTA! You better get yo tramp ass outta here 'fore I carve you into so many pieces your own mother won't recognize you. Node989->Node049 Node050 Ha! You all right, chica. You all right. Lil' Jesus gonna be keeping an eye on you…not that I couldn't help myself. What can I do for you? Node989->Node050 Node049->Node998 Try it and see what happens, LITTLE Jesus. Node049->Node998 Try it, and I'll add so many scars to your face you'll look like a jigsaw puzzle. Node049->Node998 Chill. I had some other questions… Node049->Node999 I'm leaving. Great talking to someone as cultured as you. Node053 Oh, so that makes it all better then, huh? (Spits at your feet.) Get the hell outta here 'fore I carve you. Node049->Node053 Calm down…I was just kidding with you. Node053->Node998 You spit on my shoe? You fuck! I'm gonna teach you a lesson about respect, mother fucker. Node053->Node998 Just try it and see what happens…LITTLE Jesus. Node053->Node998 Calm down, Jesus…look, I had a few other questions… Node053->Node999 I'm leaving. Node050->Node998 First thing you can do for me is keep your eyes to yourself, LITTLE Jesus. I'd sooner consider humping a rock before touching that cratered landscape you call a face. Node050->Node999 Actually, I have to be going. Good talking to you, Jesus. Node050->Node037 I had some other questions… Node050->Node990 I'm looking for a job. Know of anyone who's hiring? Node051->Node999 I'll go see him then. Later, Jesus. Node051->Node037 Maybe so. Say, I had some other questions… Node052->Node999 Nevermind then. Thanks anyway. Node052->Node999 No thanks. I better be going. Node052->Node037 All right then. I had some other questions… Node052->Node037 Uh, I'll pass. I had some other questions… Node052->Node037 I'd rather not, thanks. I had some other questions for you, though… Node052->Node989 Oh, I bet it WOULD be quick. No thanks. Node057->Node999 Thanks for the information, Jesus. You've been very helpful. Node057->Node037 Well, that certainly clears matters up for me. I had some other questions… Node057->Node058 You know who sold Richard the Jet that killed him? Node058->Node999 All right. I'll check it out. Thanks, Jesus. Node058->Node037 West side, huh? I might stop by. I had some other questions, though… Node059 No, there's others, but Renesco's the one who done it. Node058->Node059 He can't be the only dealer in a town this size. Node059->Node999 All right, Jesus. Thanks for the info. Node059->Node037 Yeah, you said that already. Look, I had some other questions… Node060 CAUSE he's a half-blind cracker with a mean streak a mile wide that sells BAD SHIT, that's fucking why. You go see him, you see what he says about the Wright kid, and THEN you'll see I'm right. Node059->Node060 What makes you say that? Node061 There's Jules, front of town, peddles mostly to newcomers…n' Jagged Jimmy J, up on 2nd street by the gym…can't miss that punk-ass cause he cut his face up one night while on Jet…it's so bad his entire face is all scars. Node059->Node061 Who are the other dealers? Node060->Node999 All right then, Jesus. I'll go check this Renesco out. Node060->Node037 I may do that. Look, I had some other questions… Node060->Node061 What other dealers are there? Node061->Node999 Renesco, Jules and Jagged Jimmy J. Got it. Thanks for the information. Node061->Node037 Interesting. I had some other questions… Node061->Node060 What makes you think Renesco's responsible? Node062 CAUSE, mother fucker, I AIN'T a dealer. --- I may sell Jet sometimes, but I'm Lil' Jesus MORDINO, not some two-bit Jet-pushing punk that's got to work ten customers a day just to make enough to eat. So FUCK you. Node061->Node062 I hear you deal chems, too, Jesus. How come YOUR name wasn't on that list? Node062->Node999 All right then. Thanks for the information. Node062->Node037 Easy, easy, just curious…look, I had some other questions… Node062->Node055 You better watch your mouth with me, Jesus. Node983 At the cost of your dignity, you have become more skilled with knives. You also desperately want a shower. --- Lil' Jesus shows you some vicious knife fighting tricks. You have become more skilled with knives. Node066->Node983 All right... Node065->Node999 Maybe some other time, thanks. I REALLY have to be going. Node065->Node999 Maybe some other time then, thanks. Node065->Node038 Nevermind. Uh, who are you, anyway? Node065->Node038 Nevermind. Uh, who are you, anyway? Node065->Node037 Forget it. I had some other questions… Node065->Node037 Forget it. I had some other questions… Node065->Node055 Oh, you were thinking of sex? Well, keep thinking, cause it ain't gonna happen. Node065->Node066 Uh, okay. Let's do it. Anything for some added knife skill. Node065->Node065 Tell me you mean 200 chips. PLEASE tell me you mean 200 chips. Node984 Node065->Node984 All right. Here's the money. Node985->Node065 Node985->Node984 Node984->Node066 Node986 Node986->Node064 Node986->Node065