ncLloyd checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see a lean, hungry-looking man. He has a haggard look, and a thin coat of stubble covers his chin. --- You see Pretty Boy Lloyd. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc All in a day's work... destroy_p_proc critter_p_proc->destroy_p_proc Node998 critter_p_proc->Node998 pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc talk_p_proc->Node998 Node035 (Jumps.) Uh…ready to go? talk_p_proc->Node035 talk_p_proc->Node035 Node002 Who're you? What're you doing down here?! --- Me --- Me --- Me --- Who U talk_p_proc->Node002 talk_p_proc->Node002 Node103 Here we are…*whew*...the money's in…this grave here. talk_p_proc->Node103 talk_p_proc->Node103 go_golgatha talk_p_proc->go_golgatha Node999 Node035->Node999 No, you wait here until I come back. I got to take care of some stuff first. Node958 Node035->Node958 Yes. Let's go. (Follow him.) Node002->Node999 Wander off Node002->Node999 Nothing. Just looking around. See you. Node003 Well, get outta here. And don't you be telling anyone you saw me, you hear? Node002->Node003 Nuttin honey Node023 (Stiffens.) Maybe. Who are you? I don't believe I've had the pleasure… Node002->Node023 You Lloyd? Pretty Boy Lloyd? Node004 None of your business...friend. I suggest you just head right back up those stairs and forget we ever met. Node002->Node004 What are YOU doing down here? Node002->Node004 Calm down, friend, THEN we'll talk. Everything all right? Node104 (Looks winded.) As...part of your…guard duties, I'd…be grateful if you'd...dig it up. Node103->Node104 Dig it up, Lloyd. Node950 Node103->Node950 Let me take a look at this grave first... Node949 Node103->Node949 Well, stand back and let me dig it out... Node114 Right, right...all yours. No problem. I'm leaving. (Turns, then walks away. Node103->Node114 Get outta here, Lloyd. This money's mine now. look_at_p_proc You see Pretty Boy Lloyd. description_p_proc You see a lean, hungry-looking man. He has a haggard look, and a thin coat of stubble covers his chin. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc You follow Lloyd to Golgotha. Once there, he digs up one of the graves. --- You lose Lloyd once you get outside of New Reno. --- After a long hike, you reach the Golgotha foothills. Once there, Lloyd leads you to one of the graves. timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node998 Node001 Gotta get outta town… timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node101 Time to get the hell outta Reno… timed_event_p_proc->Node101 map_exit_p_proc map_update_p_proc Node003->Node999 Me here. Now me gone! Node024 All right…all right now… (Swallows.) It's on the Golgotha plains south of Reno, buried in one of the graves. Only I know where it is, though. Node023->Node024 Dispense with the bullshit, Lloyd. I'm here for the money you stole from Mr. Salvatore. Node025 Hmmmmmm. I don't think either one of us believes that… (Swallows.) But maybe I can trust you. The money's buried on the Golgotha plains south of Reno, in one of the graves. Only I know where it is, though. Node023->Node025 Look, Lloyd, hand over the cash and I MIGHT forget I ever saw you until you're far away from here. Node026 Hmmmm. An 'arrangement' you say…all right, all right…what is it you want? Node023->Node026 Lloyd, Mr. Salvatore sent me here to get his money back and have me make an…example of you. It doesn't need to be that way...IF the two of us can come to an arrangement. Node004->Node999 Me Forget. 4-get, four-git…uh…forget whut? Node004->Node999 Okee Dokee Node004->Node999 All right then. Sorry to bother you. Node979 Node004->Node979 I don't care much for your suggestion…friend. What's the problem here? Node018 Hmmmmm. I don't know you, friend...but I'm thinking I'd like to. Name's Lloyd. Some call me Pretty Boy Lloyd, but that's them, not me. Node004->Node018 You sound like a man in trouble. I might be able to help you. Node978 Node004->Node978 You look like a man who values his privacy. For someone as talkative as I am, forgetting you could be very expensive. Node005 Problem? The problem's standing right in front of me. --- Now I'm not going to say it again, fella: Leave. Node979->Node005 Node006 Problem? No problem, friend, no problem at all. Just looking for a little privacy is all. Node979->Node006 Node036 And as for your offer, I COULD use some help. See, I need to get out of town, but things have been complicated because of a certain…misunderstanding... Node018->Node036 Pleased to meet you. So...about my offer...? Node007 (Eyes narrow.) --- If you came down here looking for trouble, you hit the jackpot, friend. --- Hope you done paid your respects… Node978->Node007 Node005->Node018 You sound like a man in trouble. I might be able to help you. Node005->Node978 You look like a man who values his privacy. For someone as talkative as I am, forgetting you could be very expensive. Node977 Node005->Node977 You *threatening* me? Think VERY carefully before you answer. Node977->Node007 Node008, look…I'm not threatening anyone, and I'm certainly not looking for any trouble. Node977->Node008 Node006->Node018 You sound like a man in trouble. I might be able to help you. Node006->Node978 For someone as talkative as I am, privacy can be pretty expensive. Node976 Node006->Node976 I think you DO have a problem. See, all this privacy makes it hard for anyone to hear what's going on down here. Maybe I'll just kill you, eh? Node009 Uh...hey, now…there's, uh, no need for that kind of talk. Maybe we can talk about something ELSE: how much your friend Lloyd can help you. Node976->Node009 Node010 (The man's face turns pale. He swallows for a second…then lunges at you!) Node976->Node010 Node007->Node998 You want some trouble? You GOT troub -- Node008->Node999 All right then…sorry to bother you. Node008->Node018 You look like a man in trouble, and I might be able to help you. What do you say? Node008->Node978 You sound like a man who values his privacy. For someone as talkative as I am, forgetting you could be very expensive. Node008->Node976 I think you DO have a problem. See, all this privacy makes it difficult for anyone to hear what's going on down here. Maybe I'll just kill you, eh? Node009->Node998 Forget it, Lloyd. Your number's up. Prepare to die. Node009->Node999 Not interested. I'm outta here. Node975 Node009->Node975 I'm interested. You keep on talking. Node011 I got some chips…maybe a little money can clear the air between us, keep everything civil? Node975->Node011 Node014 I…I said…ehh…all right now…I know where you can find more cash…it ain't mine, see, and it's more trouble than it's worth, but you want it, it's yours. Node975->Node014 Node010->Node998 Son of a b - Node011->Node998 Forget it, Lloyd. Your number's up. Prepare to die. Node011->Node999 Keep your money. I'm outta here. Node012 All right then, all right…(He reaches into pocket, pulls out some chips, then hands them over to you.)…now how about you take that money, head on upstairs and have a good time on Lloyd, you hear? Node011->Node012 Fine. Give me everything you got. Node012->Node998 Okay. Well, after I kill you. Node012->Node999 All right then. I'm outta here. Node013 Uh, now...that's all I got in the world, friend. I ain't got no more; I done gave it all to you. Node012->Node013 Maybe you're deaf. I SAID, give me everything you got. Node013->Node999 All right then. I'm outta here. Node974 Node013->Node974 Don't screw with me, Lloyd. I KNOW you got more; you're a smart guy. Last chance: where's the rest? Node973 Node013->Node973 We'll see about that, Lloyd. I'm going to see what I find when I search your corpse. Node974->Node014 Node973->Node998 Node014->Node999 I'm not interested in your double-talk brahmin shit. I'm outta here. Node014->Node973 Actually, I was just kidding about giving you a chance, Lloyd. I'm just going to kill you and let the spirits sort it out. Node015 All right then…it's on the Golgotha plain south of Reno, buried in one of the graves. Only I know where it is, though. Node014->Node015 Keep talking and keep it interesting. Node015->Node999 Oh, forget this horseshit. I'm outta here. Node015->Node973 That's the biggest load of…oh hell, I'm just going to kill you, Lloyd and let the spirits sort it out. Node017 (Lloyd looks like he's about to say something, thinks better of it, then nods.) All right then. Seems I got no choice. Let's go. Node015->Node017 Show me. Node016 Face the sign at the Golgotha crossroads, walk northwest until you hit the third grave, then head northeast until you hit the first stake. It's a grave near there, marked "Arch Stanton." Dig down about six feet, and you'll find it. Node015->Node016 Tell me. Node971 Node017->Node971 I have some stuff to take care of first. You wait here, I'll be back in a hour. (Leave, hide outside room, then see if Lloyd leaves and follow him.) Node970 Node017->Node970 I have some stuff to take care of first. You wait here, I'll be back. Node981 Node017->Node981 I'm right behind you. Node016->Node973 That's all I needed to know…they'll be burying you at that grave in the morning. Node016->Node017 Face sign, go northwest three graves, go northeast until the first stake, then look for "Arch Stanton"…all right, let's go, Lloyd. I need someone to dig, after all. Node941 You let Lloyd leave. Node016->Node941 All right then. I'm outta here. Make yourself scarce. (Let Lloyd leave.) Node972 Node941->Node972 Node971->Node981 Node036->Node999 I don't think I can help you, Lloyd. I think we better just forget we met. Goodbye. Node019 The Salvatore family and I had a…disagreement over my success at one of their gambling tables. I think the matter can only be settled by removing myself as far from New Reno as possible. Node036->Node019 What misunderstanding? Node019->Node999 I don't think I can help you, Lloyd. I think we better just forget we met. Goodbye. Node021 (Pales, then regains composure.) Enough to get them mad. Most was spent in bribes keeping the Salvatore thugs off of my back long enough to slip down here and hide. I've been afraid to show myself in town… Node019->Node021 Success at their gambling tables, eh? How much you win, Lloyd? Node020 Hmmmm…you look well-equipped to serve as a bodyguard. Help me get out of town. Escort me to the Gologtha plain to the south, and I can pay you some chips for your trouble. Node019->Node020 How can I help? Node968 Node019->Node968 What's in it for me? Node021->Node999 I don't think I can help you, Lloyd. Goodbye. Node967 Node021->Node967 All right, I'll help you. Let's get outta here. (Follow him.) Node022 (Looks like he's about to say something, thinks better of it, then nods.) Seems I got no choice. Let's go. Node021->Node022 I'll help you, but I'll want half that money you won, Lloyd. Don't cheat me on this if you know what's good for you. Node021->Node022 Give me half of what you won at the tables, and I'll help you, Lloyd. It's a fair exchange to see that you get out of town in one piece. Node020->Node999 I don't think I can help you, Lloyd. I think we better just forget we met. Goodbye. Node020->Node021 Success at their gambling tables, eh? How much you win, Lloyd? Node020->Node967 Done. Let's go. (Follow him.) Node968->Node020 Node967->Node981 Node022->Node970 No, you wait here and keep quiet until I come back. I got to take care of some stuff, then I'll be back and we'll go on our field trip. Node022->Node981 I'm right behind you. Node024->Node999 Oh, forget this horseshit. I'm outta here. Node024->Node973 That's the biggest load of…oh hell, I'm just going to kill you and find the cash on my own. Node024->Node017 Show me. Node024->Node016 Tell me. Node025->Node999 Oh, forget this horseshit. I'm leaving. Keep your cash and your secret and get out of my sight. Node025->Node973 That's the biggest load of…oh hell, I'm just going to kill you and find the cash on my own. Node025->Node017 Show me. Node025->Node016 Tell me. Node026->Node999 Aw, nevemind. I don't want anything - get outta here before I change my mind. Node026->Node981 Aw, nevermind. I don't want anything - get outta here before I change my mind. (Pretend to leave, hide, then follow him.) Node964 Node026->Node964 I'll get you out of town for half of that money you won from Mr. Salvatore, Lloyd. Node963 Node026->Node963 I'll get you out of town in exchange for all the money you won from Mr. Salvatore, Lloyd. Node027 Well, now...hmmmm...seems I got no choice. I'm going to have to take you to where the money is, though, cause you won't find it otherwise. Let's go. Node964->Node027 Node963->Node027 Node027->Node971 I have some stuff to take care of first. You wait here, I'll be back in a hour. (Pretend to leave, hide, then follow him.) Node027->Node970 No, you wait here until I come back. I got to take care of some stuff, then I'll be back for you and we'll go on our field trip. Node027->Node981 I'm right behind you. (Follow him.) Node958->Node981 Node102 Here we are… Node104->Node950 Let me take a look at this grave first... Node104->Node949 All right then, I'll do it… Node105 (Lloyd mumbles under his breath, then proceeds to dig.) --- (Lloyd mumbles under his breath, then proceeds to dig...carefully. Less than a minute later, he pulls out a landmine from beneath the dirt and sets it aside. He shrugs sheepishly.) Node104->Node105 There's two types of people in this world, Lloyd. Those with loaded guns and those that dig. Node107 (The dirt around the grave looks like it has been disturbed recently. For some reason, the distance Lloyd is standing for the grave makes you wonder if it hasn't been trapped.) Node950->Node107 Node108 (The dirt around the grave looks like it has been disturbed recently. This would make sense if Lloyd buried the chips here.) Node950->Node108 Node114->Node998 (Shoot him in the back.) Node942 Node114->Node942 (Let him go.) Node106 (A half-hour later, Lloyd has dug away enough dirt to reveal a small manhole cover set into the're certain you wouldn't have found it if Lloyd hadn't told you about it. Lloyd takes a deep breath and wipes his forehead.) Old...fallout...shelter. Node105->Node106 Thaaat's it. You're doing great. Keep it up. Dig a little faster. Node105->Node106 Nice one, Lloyd. KEEP digging. Let's see what else is under there. Node110 (The manhole cover opens with a rusty shriek, revealing a dark hole leading downwards.) Node106->Node110 Well, let me open this up, and we'll get down to business. Node106->Node110 Open the manhole, Lloyd. Node111 (Lloyd frowns, thinks about making a comment, then shrugs and climbs down into the manhole cover.) Node110->Node111 Get in there, Lloyd. Node947 Node110->Node947 Stand back, Lloyd. I'm going in. Node107->Node104 I think you should dig, Lloyd. Node107->Node949 Stand back, Lloyd. I'm going to start digging. Node107->Node114 Get outta here, Lloyd. This money's mine now. Node948 Node107->Node948 Hmmmm. Let me take a closer look at the grave... Node948->Node949 Node109 (You make an examination of the site, and brush away the dirt. As you do, you notice a landmine buried in the dirt. You disarm it carefully and stow it in your pack.) Node948->Node109 Node108->Node104 I think you should dig, Lloyd. Node108->Node949 Stand back, Lloyd. I'm going to start digging. Node108->Node114 Get outta here, Lloyd. This money's mine now. Node109->Node998 Forget about this, Lloyd? Let's see if you can forget THIS, dead man. Node109->Node114 Get outta here, Lloyd. This money's mine now. Node109->Node105 I think YOU should dig, Lloyd. Get to it. Node109->Node106 I'll let this pass, Lloyd...this time. Now stand back while I keep digging. Node112 (You hear Lloyd grunting down below.) Hold on…almost got it… (There is the scraping of metal, then silence.) Node111->Node112 Hurry up, Lloyd. Node946 Node111->Node946 HEY LLOYD, CATCH! (Drop the landmine down the hole.) Node945 Node111->Node945 I'm coming down after you, Lloyd. Node112->Node946 HEY LLOYD, CATCH! (Drop the landmine down the hole.) Node112->Node945 I'm coming down, Lloyd. Node940 Node112->Node940 Get a move on, Lloyd. We haven't got all day. Node969 Node969->Node981 Node959 Node959->Node972 Node944