ncMason checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see a powerfully built middle-aged man with a receding hairline. --- You see Mason. He is watching you carefully. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node060 talk_p_proc->Node060 Node055 Hello…sir. talk_p_proc->Node055 Node053 (Grunts.) Hey, there… --- . Mr. Salvatore sent word of yer promotion. Congrats. I got some stuff for you…lessee…(He hands you an armload of items.) Careful with that stuff… talk_p_proc->Node053 talk_p_proc->Node053 Node017 'Bout time you showed, boy. --- This bum that stole from Mr. Salvatore, his name's Lloyd. Mr. Salvatore wants him dead and that money he stole back. When you done the job, report back to ME, understand? Think you can handle that? --- 'Bout time you showed. Don't know why Mr. Salvatore would hire porn trash, but I ain't gonna question him on it. --- This bum that stole from Mr. Salvatore, his name's Lloyd. Mr. Salvatore wants him dead and that money he stole back. When you done the job, report back to ME, understand? Think you can handle that? talk_p_proc->Node017 talk_p_proc->Node017 Node026 You found Lloyd yet? talk_p_proc->Node026 talk_p_proc->Node026 Node032 Go see Mr. Salvatore. He's waiting for you. talk_p_proc->Node032 Node061 (Sneers when he sees you.) I heard Renesco had an "accident." Word on the street you had something to do with it. Just so you know, he was one of OURS, tribal. I figure you owe blood. talk_p_proc->Node061 talk_p_proc->Node061 Node033 Awright, then. You're gonna be a one-man collection agency. Drill's simple: Visit Renesco's Pharmacy on Commercial Row, collect the tribute, 1000 chips, then bring it back here. talk_p_proc->Node033 talk_p_proc->Node033 Node041 (As soon as he sees you, Mason sneers.) Just the dumb mother fucker I was looking for. --- You can't collect tribute from dead people. (Reaches for his weapons.) You done screwed up but GOOD. talk_p_proc->Node041 talk_p_proc->Node041 talk_p_proc->Node041 talk_p_proc->Node041 Node034 You collect the tribute yet? talk_p_proc->Node034 talk_p_proc->Node034 Node063 Nevermind. The job was canceled. Get outta here. talk_p_proc->Node063 talk_p_proc->Node063 talk_p_proc->Node063 talk_p_proc->Node063 Node044 Awright, the boss says you're coming along on a little TRANSACTION we're doing. Make sure you come armed…don't bring no pea-shooters…then come back and talk to me. talk_p_proc->Node044 talk_p_proc->Node044 Node064 Glad you finally got back. The boss wants to see you. talk_p_proc->Node064 Node049 You got enough beauty sleep? Maybe NOW yer ready to go? talk_p_proc->Node049 talk_p_proc->Node049 Node050 I been itching to kill you for a LONG time… I WARNED you what would happen if you were late. talk_p_proc->Node050 talk_p_proc->Node050 Node043 Get outta here. Mr. Salvatore don't want to do business with you no more. talk_p_proc->Node043 Node004 You can go on in…THIS time. talk_p_proc->Node004 Node005 This ain't no porn studio. Get. --- What're you doing here, punchy? Lose your way to the boxing ring? Get outta here. --- You done walking in the wrong place, tribal. Get. talk_p_proc->Node005 talk_p_proc->Node005 Node054 Also, we Salvatores…we got a special UNDERSTANDING with Miss Kitty down at the Cat's Paw. And Eldridge over at the weapons store…and at Renesco's. (Winks.) Have fun. Node053->Node054 Take the items. Node999 Node017->Node999 Sure. Thanks, Mason. Node978 Node017->Node978 I can handle it. Now stand back and let me get to work. Node030 Well, why the hell didn't you say so in the FIRST place, idiot? Go tell Mr. Salvatore what you found. Node017->Node030 I already took care of the Lloyd "situation." Node019 He's been laying low, so tracking him down's gonna be YOUR job, boy. --- Best bet? Check some of the bars along Virgin street. Lloyd might be running another hustle there. Node017->Node019 Where can I find Lloyd? Node020 Lloyd? Hell…he's 'bout average height, white, brown hair. Last I saw him, he had a tan shirt, and dark brown scarf. He probably ain't changed his clothes since I saw him last. Node017->Node020 What does Lloyd look like? Node022 About a thousand chips. Now look, that ain't nothin' to Mr. Salvatore, but he's got this policy with regards to people who take ANYTHING from him. If I were you, I'd remember that. Mr. Salvatore's gonna want EVERY chip back. Node017->Node022 How much did he steal? Node987 Node017->Node987 Why aren't YOU tracking down Lloyd? Node026->Node030 Yeah, I found Lloyd. Node018 Yeah? Like what? Node026->Node018 No, not yet. I had some more questions about Lloyd… Node029 (Stares at you in disbelief.) You screwed it up. We give you a simple job, and you screw. It. Up. --- You must be the STUPIDEST son of a bitch alive. --- (Sneers, reaches for weapons.) Time to die, tribal. Node026->Node029 No, I think he left town with the cash. Node027 Hold on a minute there, speedy. I'll make this REAL clear so you can understand: Don't talk to me again until you find Lloyd. Or you're gonna make me mad. Now do your JOB. Node026->Node027 Not yet. Sorry to bother you. Node028 I told you not to come back until you found Lloyd…I TOLD you. (Taps his head.) Are you stupid?! Must be, cause here you are talking to me again. Stupid…and DEAD. Node026->Node028 No, not yet. I had some more questions about Lloyd… Node026->Node028 Not yet. Sorry to bother you. Node061->Node998 Let's go, shitheel. Node061->Node998 Bring it on. Node061->Node998 No, YOU'RE the one who's gonna RETIRE! You HEAR ME, MASON?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S GONNA R -- Node058 Don't let gramps give you any bullshit…if he does, tell him you work for Mr. Salvatore. That should clear up any misunderstandings. You got that? Node033->Node058 All right...anything else? Node041->Node998 Yeah, well, I was getting tired of you anyway... Node041->Node998 No, YOU'RE the one who's DONE SCREWED UP BUT GOOD! You HEAR ME, MASON?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S DONE FU -- Node034->Node998 I got your tribute right here...dead man. Node042 (Mason nods, seems disappointed.) Heh. Thought we'd bled ol' Renesco of his last dime. All right then, well…take it in to the boss. (Frowns.) Go on now. Node034->Node042 it. Here's the money. Node037 I told you not to come back until you got that money…I TOLD you. (Taps his head.) Are you stupid?! Must be, cause here you are talking to me again. Stupid…and DEAD. Node034->Node037 Did it, but I don't have the money on me… Node034->Node037 Where was I supposed to collect from again? Node034->Node037 Renesco's giving me shit. Says he gave two weeks ago, and he shouldn't have to pay for another month. Node034->Node037 Almost. I'll have it next time, Mason. Node984 Node034->Node984 Where was I supposed to collect from again? Node983 Node034->Node983 Renesco's giving me shit. Says he gave two weeks ago, and he shouldn't have to pay for another month. Node982 Node034->Node982 Almost. I'll have it next time, Mason. Node045 Yeah, that's the word. Here you go…don't be playing with it, neither. You hurt ANYONE with that thing, and I'll shoot you dead. Node044->Node045 Mr. Salvatore said you were to give me a laser pistol. Node046 (Sneers.) If the boss didn't tell you, then you ain't gotta know. So shut your hole…and don't be telling anyone about what's going on, neither, or I'll make sure you never say anything again. Node044->Node046 What is this transaction were doing? Node981 Node044->Node981 I'm ready to go right now. Let's do it. Node048 Make sure you hurry up. We only got a 24 hour window before the deal's off. You miss it, and I'll make sure you rot in Golgotha. Node044->Node048 Give me some time to get ready, and I'll come back. Node049->Node045 Mr. Salvatore said you were to give me a laser pistol. Node049->Node046 What is this transaction were doing again? Node049->Node048 I need a little more time, then I'll be back. Node052 (Grunts.) Goddammit…look, first off, hold it like THIS. (Adjusts your grip.) Now, the loading chamber is here…(After an hour, and some practice, Mason has improved your skill with Energy Weapons.) Node049->Node052 Can you teach me how to use this pistol? Node047 Let's go then. Node049->Node047 Yes. Let's do it. Node050->Node998 Well, pardon fucking me for not having a watch. Node050->Node998 No, YOU'RE the one was WARNED! You HEAR ME, MASON?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO WAS WARN -- Node005->Node999 Wander off Node005->Node999 All right then, I'm leaving. Node006 Beat it, retard. I ain't gonna be telling you again. Node005->Node006 Get smart Node005->Node006 Oog make mission statement Node990 Node005->Node990 Can I ask you where you get those laser pistols? Node062 (Mason's face goes stone cold, then he reaches for his weapons.) Node005->Node062 Word is, you Salvatores poisoned that Wright kid. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Mason. description_p_proc You see a powerfully built middle-aged man with a receding hairline. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc What're you doing up here? map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node055 timed_event_p_proc->Node004 Node003 Touch that door again, and I'll turn you into a torch. timed_event_p_proc->Node003 Node031 You done the job yet? timed_event_p_proc->Node031 Node002 Well, check out this bouquet of assholes. timed_event_p_proc->Node002 Node001 What're you doing up here? timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node006->Node999 Wander off Node012 I WARNED you, asshole, now you're... (Mason suddenly pauses, listening to something you can't hear. After a moment, his teeth clench.) Mr. Salvatore says you may come in... --- . Node006->Node012 Tell me WHUT again? Node011 These pistols? Aw, gee, I can't rightly say.  I just plumb forgot. (Scowls.) Look, tribal. If you don't shove off right now, I'm going to turn you into a torch. Now get. Node990->Node011 Node016 Awright, that DOES it, smartass! You crossed the line…(Cracks knuckles.)…now yer gonna get hurt. Node990->Node016 Node062->Node998 I don't think you'll find killing ME as easy as poisoning that kid... Node012->Node998 Oh, I'll be going in all right. After I kill you. Node980 Node012->Node980 Thanks, assholio, I'll be sure to mention your manners to Mr. Salvatore. Node013 (Mason stops you.) Look… (Leans in, lowers voice.) ...some ground rules, boy. --- Don't waste Mr. Salvatore's time, and don't give him any bullshit, or you'll answer to me. Node012->Node013 All right then. Node007 Life's full of disappointments. Now GET, capiche? Node007->Node999 All right then, I'm leaving. Node007->Node990 Where do you get those laser pistols? Node007->Node062 Word is, you Salvatores poisoned that Wright kid. Node010 Look, maybe you ain't HEARD, tribal, but this's Salvatore's place. MY job is to make sure the boss ain't bothered by yapping dogs like you. Now run back to yer tribe and cook up one of yer people for dinner. Node007->Node010 I want to see Mr. Salvatore. I want a job. Node989 Node007->Node989 Look, dipshit…do you still want to have your job tomorrow? I have some info about one of the other families in Reno that Mr. Salvatore's going to want to hear. So let me speak to him NOW. Node010->Node999 All right then, I'm leaving. Node010->Node990 Where do you get those laser pistols? Node010->Node062 Word is, you Salvatores poisoned that Wright kid. Node010->Node012 I SAID, I want to see Mr. Salvatore. Node008 [] --- Boy, you must be dumber than SHIT to be talking to me like that. One more word, just ONE more word, and yer a torch. Node989->Node008 Node009 (His face reddens. He suddenly speaks to the air.) Excuse me, Mr. Salvatore, this is Mason. --- This…man…says he's got something you wanna hear. Node989->Node009 Node989->Node016 Node008->Node999 (Leave quietly.) Node008->Node012 I SAID, I want to see Mr. Salvatore. Node008->Node012 All right then, I'm leaving. Node009->Node998 (Attack Mason before he can continue.) Node056 (Mason pauses, listening to something you can't hear. After a moment, his teeth clench.) Mr. Salvatore says you may come in, --- . Node009->Node056 (Wait...) Node056->Node980 Thanks, assholio. I'll be sure to mention your manners to Mr. Salvatore. Node056->Node013 All right then. Node011->Node999 Okay! I'm going, I'm going. Node011->Node999 Leave quietly. Node980->Node013 Node980->Node016 Node014 (Mason stops you again.) I ain't DONE yet. You show him RESPECT. You call him *Mr. Salvatore* at all times, and when he talks, you *shut up and listen.* Understand? Node013->Node014 Understood. Node988 Node013->Node988 Yeah, yeah, whatever. Get out of my way. Node014->Node999 Understood. Node014->Node978 Last chance, Mason: Get the hell out of my way. Node988->Node014 Node988->Node016 Node978->Node016 Node015 One day, you and me are gonna work out this problem you got with authority. Node015->Node999 I haven't got a problem. Everything's cool. Node979 Node015->Node979 Blow me. Node979->Node015 Node979->Node016 Node016->Node998 Hurt? William? Node016->Node998 Let's dance. Node016->Node998 No, YOU'RE the one who's gonna get HURT! You HEAR ME, MASON?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S GONNA GET H -- Node030->Node999 All right. Node030->Node978 Oh, REALLY? Is THAT what I should do? Thanks, Mason. Without you, I wouldn't even know how to get from place to place. Sheesh. Idiot. Node019->Node018 I had some other questions… Node986 Node019->Node986 That's all I need to know. Thanks, Mason. Node985 Node019->Node985 That's all I need to know. Stand back and let me get to work, Mason. Node020->Node018 I had some other questions… Node020->Node986 That's all I need to know. Thanks, Mason. Node020->Node985 That's all I need to know. Stand back and let me get to work, Mason. Node021 Haw! You're telling me. Names are about the only way to tell people apart nowadays. You'd think there's only ten kinds of people in the world. (Leans in.) Way I figure it, there was some big cloning accident in the past. Node020->Node021 You know, oddly enough, that describes a LOT of people I've seen since I left Arroyo. Node022->Node018 I had some other questions… Node022->Node986 That's all I need to know. Thanks, Mason. Node022->Node985 That's all I need to know. Stand back and let me get to work, Mason. Node987->Node016 Node023 I been keeping my eyes open, but Lloyd's been pretty careful about keeping out of sight...from Salvatore eyes, anyway. I'm betting the boss figures you might have better luck, being new in town an' all. Node987->Node023 Node018->Node030 I already took care of the Lloyd "situation." Node018->Node019 Where can I find Lloyd? Node018->Node020 What does Lloyd look like? Node018->Node022 How much did he steal? Node018->Node023 Why aren't YOU tracking down Lloyd? Node018->Node986 That's all I need to know. Thanks, Mason. Node018->Node985 That's all I need to know. Stand back and let me get to work, Mason. Node057 (Eyes narrow.) Of course, if you're IMPLYING I ain't doing my JOB, then you and I can have a discussion up close and personal right now. Mr. Salvatore ain't gonna ask what happened to your sorry ass. Node023->Node057 Yeah, whatever. I'm outta -- Node023->Node057 I had some other qu -- Node023->Node057 All right then, I'll go check -- Node986->Node027 Node985->Node016 Node985->Node027 Node021->Node018 I had some other questions… Node021->Node986 That's all I need to know. Thanks, Mason. Node021->Node985 That's all I need to know. Stand back and let me get to work, Mason. Node057->Node016 I'm not implying that you aren't doing your job, splinterdick. I'm TELLING you. Node057->Node986 This conversation is starting to bore me. I'm outta here. Node024 All right then. Node057->Node024 Calm down. I was just curious. Node024->Node018 I had some other questions… Node024->Node986 That's all I need to know. Now back off and let me get to work. Node024->Node986 That's all I need to know. Thanks, Mason. Node029->Node998 Let's go, shitheel. Node029->Node998 Bring it on. Node029->Node998 No, YOU'RE the one who's gonna DIE! You HEAR ME, MASON?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S GONNA D -- Node027->Node999 All right, all right… Node027->Node016 Bite me, Mason. Node028->Node998 Let's go, shitheel. Node028->Node998 Bring it on. Node028->Node998 No, YOU'RE the one who's STUPID AND DEAD! You HEAR ME, MASON?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S STU -- Node058->Node999 That's all I need to know. Thanks, Mason. Node058->Node978 Got it. Now stand back and let me get to work. Node042->Node999 All right. Node042->Node978 Oh, REALLY? Is THAT what I should do? Thanks, Mason. Without you, I wouldn't even know how to get from place to place. Sheesh. Idiot. Node037->Node998 Let's go, shitheel. Node037->Node998 Bring it on. Node037->Node998 No, YOU'RE the one who's STUPID AND DEAD! You HEAR ME, MASON?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S STU -- Node984->Node016 Node035 *Renesco's Pharmacy.* On the West Side. A thousand chips.  Now get going. Node984->Node035 Node983->Node016 Node038 (Mason's eyes narrow.) So friggin' what? You tell him who you worked for? Node983->Node038 Node982->Node016 Node036 Hold on a minute there, speedy. I'll make this REAL clear so you can understand: Don't talk to me again until you get that money from Renesco. Or you're gonna make me mad. Now do your JOB. Node982->Node036 Node035->Node982 That's all I need to know. Now stand back and let me get to work, Mason. Node035->Node036 That's all I need to know. Thanks, Mason. Node036->Node999 All right, all right… Node036->Node016 Bite me, Mason. Node038->Node998 I got your tribute right here...dead man. Node038->Node036 Almost. I'll have it next time, Mason. Node039 Then did you SHOW him who you worked for? Node038->Node039 Yes. Node040 What, I gotta hold your HAND?! Easiest goddamn thing in the world, and you come crying to me 'May-son, May-son, so and so ain't paying his tribute.' Node038->Node040 Well, no. Node039->Node998 I got your tribute right here...dead man. Node039->Node036 Uh, no. I'll have it next time, Mason. Node039->Node040 Show him? Node039->Node040 Well, no. Node059 Grow some BALLS, boy, and take *care of it.* Node040->Node059 Now hold on... Node059->Node998 Oh, I'll take care of it. Starting with you. Node059->Node982 I'll take care of it, then. Thanks, Mason. You've been a BIG help. Node059->Node036 I'll take care of it, then. Node045->Node046 What is this transaction were doing? Node045->Node048 Give me some time to get ready, and I'll come back. Node045->Node052 Can you teach me how to use this? Node045->Node047 All right then, I'm good to go. Let's do it. Node046->Node045 Mr. Salvatore said you were to give me a laser pistol. Node046->Node048 Give me some time to get ready, and I'll come back. Node046->Node047 I'm ready to go right now. Let's do it. Node048->Node999 Don't you worry. I'll be there. Node052->Node046 What is this transaction were doing? Node052->Node048 All right then. Give me some time to get ready, and I'll come back. Node052->Node047 Well, I'm good to go. Let's do it. Node051 Why izzit you gotta question every thing I say?! Look: The OTHER party at this transaction ain't gonna be hurt by these lightbringers, okay? So make sure you have something ELSE with you. Node052->Node051 So, why do I need something other than this? These pistols seem pretty powerful. Node047->Node981 Follow him and the other Salvatores into the desert... Node051->Node046 What is this transaction were doing again? Node051->Node048 I need a little more time, then I'll be back. Node051->Node052 Can you teach me how to use this pistol? Node051->Node047 Yes. Let's do it. Node054->Node999 Thanks, Mason.