ncMcGee checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see an elderly man. He looks angry and is mumbling to himself. --- You see Old Man McGee. He looks angry and is mumbling to himself. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node006 talk_p_proc->Node006 Node007 [] --- You! You the one who done hit the jackpot on MY machine! The one I been playing fer *five goddamnable years* and ain't never got one goddurn chip outta it! talk_p_proc->Node007 Node004 talk_p_proc->Node004 Node017 [] --- Eh? What do you want, boy? --- wanna play machine talk_p_proc->Node017 Node990 Node007->Node990 Ernnhh? Node007->Node990 Now, hold -- Node999 Node017->Node999 Wander off Node017->Node999 Nothing. Sorry to bother you. Node018 (A series of symbols roll by on the slot machine, and there is a *bzzzzt*) Dammmit! Stubborn machine! I'm gonna get my chips back anyday now… --- wanna play machine --- go now! By-yye Node017->Node018 Who you Node017->Node018 Who are you? Node017->Node018 What are you doing? Node020 [] --- (Sneers) Let you touch my machine? N' Jinx mah luck?! Hell, no! Git outta here! Node017->Node020 Mind if I give it a pull? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see an elderly man. description_p_proc You see an elderly man. He looks angry and is mumbling to himself. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node004 Node002 timed_event_p_proc->Node002 Node001 timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node005 timed_event_p_proc->Node005 Node003 timed_event_p_proc->Node003 map_update_p_proc Node008 I pumped all me life savings inta that one-armed little slut and she ain't even give me the time o' day. Then YOU come along n' take it all! --- I got yer number, you little cocksucker! --- Hunh? Little koksuker? Me BIG koksucker --- No me koksucker. Me --- . --- Calm down, Mr. McGee. Can we talk about this? --- Cocksucker? COCKSUCKER?! Gramps, you're gonna need surgery to get my boot outta your ass. Node990->Node008 Node023 I pumped alla me life savings inta that one-armed little slut and she ain't even give me the time o' day. Then YOU come along and take it all! --- I pumped alla me life savings inta that one-armed little slut and she ain't even give me the time o' day. Then YOU come along and take it all! --- (Reaches for his rifle, clutches air) Eh? Where the hell is my rifle…? Node990->Node023 Node012 What? (Blinks) You talkin' about givin' me my winnings back? All 473 chips? Node008->Node012 Hold on a minute. How about I give you the money I won? Node011 Square and fair, my lily white ASS! Boy, you gone and done signed yore own death warrant! --- Square and fair, my lily white ASS! Boy, you gone and done signed yore own death warrant! --- (Reaches for his rifle, clutches air) Eh? Where the hell is my rifle…? Node008->Node011 Look, I won the money square and fair. Node016 Don't you DARE turn yore back on me, boy! --- Don't you DARE turn yore back on me, boy! --- (Reaches for his rifle, clutches air) Eh? Where the hell is my rifle…? Node008->Node016 Whatever. I'm leaving. Node023->Node998 Let me show you... Node989 Node009 Talk?! TALK?! What in HELL do we have to talk about, you goddamned thief! Node989->Node009 Node010 Boy, we ain't gonna talk about SHIT. Only thing yer gonna be doin' is catching bullets. --- Boy, we ain't gonna talk about SHIT. Only thing yer gonna be doin' is catching bullets. --- (Reaches for his rifle, clutches air) Eh? Where the hell is my rifle…? Node989->Node010 Node988 Node009->Node988 Hold on a minute. How about I give you the money I won? Node009->Node011 Look, I won the money square and fair. Node009->Node011 Look, I won the money square and fair, gramps. Don't like it? That's YOUR problem. Node009->Node016 Forget it then. I'm leaving. Node022 Looks like I'll be taking my money off yer corpse then, boy! Get ready ta eat lead! --- Looks like I'll be taking my money off yer corpse then, boy! Get ready ta eat lead! --- (Reaches for his rifle, clutches air) Eh? Where the hell is my rifle…? Node009->Node022 Thief? Gramps, you better watch your tongue before I shove it down your throat. Node010->Node998 Let me show you... Node988->Node012 Node014 No dice, boy. I'm a-taking my winnings back right now. --- No dice, boy. I'm a-taking my winnings back right now. --- (Reaches for his rifle, clutches air) Eh? Where the hell is my rifle…? Node988->Node014 Node012->Node016 Forget it. I'm leaving. Node012->Node022 Well, I can't yet. I don't have that much on me. Node987 Node012->Node987 Uh, how about 250 chips? Node015 [] --- (Blinks as chips change hands) Well, now...hell, I don't know what to say. --- That was mighty kind of you,, mister. I… Node012->Node015 Sure. All 473 chips. Here ya go. Node014->Node998 Let me show you... Node011->Node998 Let me show you... Node016->Node998 Let me show you... Node022->Node998 Let me show you... Node987->Node014 Node013 [] --- Hmmmmmm. Wahl, now…that ain't nowhere near what I lost to that machine, but that don't sound like too bad a deal to me. --- All right then, boy. 250 chips, and that'll settle things jest fine. Node987->Node013 Node024 Desert sun can make a man say sum downright terrible things, and you done have my apology right here and now. (Tips an imaginary hat respectfully.) --- Luck be with you, mister. Node015->Node024 Yes? Node013->Node999 All right then. Node024->Node999 All right then. Apology accepted. Node018->Node999 Wander off Node018->Node999 Nevermind. Sorry to bother you. Node019 [] --- Close now to five years…I reckon anyday now this machine's gotta break, and when it DOES… Paydirt! Heh-heh! Node018->Node019 Uh…how long have you been doing this? Node020->Node999 All right then... Node019->Node999 Uh, good luck to you then. Node019->Node999 Greeeeeat. Talk to you later then. Node021 Damn slobberin' retard! I'm taking that money back right now! --- Damn slobberin' retard! I'm taking that money back right now! --- (Reaches for his rifle, clutches air) Eh? Where the hell is my rifle…? Node021->Node998 Let me show you...