ncOrvill checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see a well-dressed gentleman. He looks perpetually pissed off. That's probably why his brown hair is graying around the edges. --- You see a grumbling Orville Wright. He looks like he is about to pull out what remains of his hair. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc Node002 critter_p_proc->Node002 Node998 critter_p_proc->Node998 pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node006 (When he sees you, Mr. Wright's face breaks into a snarl and he starts shouting.) --- Boys! We got a visitor lookin' for a plot of land in Golgotha! Get in here! talk_p_proc->Node006 Node038 (Smiles when he sees you.) --- No SHIT? (Sneers.) Well, pleased to meet you, "simple traveler." Glad you stopped by, damn neighborly of you. (Sneer crumbles into a frown as he scopes you out.) Looking for work in family Wright, huh? --- …everyone treating you all right? No problems? talk_p_proc->Node038 Node031 If you're back and ain't done what I asked, then you're in for a world of hurt. --- Ah, it's you. You got some good news for me? You find a way into that army base? talk_p_proc->Node031 Node029 (Wright smiles when he sees you.) You change your mind about that proposition I had? talk_p_proc->Node029 Node018 You again. You find out who killed my boy? talk_p_proc->Node018 Node004 (Wrinkles cover this old man's looks like any expression other than a scowl is foreign to him. Only a few brown hairs are left in his thick gray hair.) --- Start talking, tribal. Who are you and what do you want? --- Me --- ! --- The name's --- . I'm interested in a job. talk_p_proc->Node004 Node006->Node998 Get in here, boyz! Me wanna play Node006->Node998 Whoa, now hold on…! Node006->Node998 That DOES it! I'm sick of your bullshit. You'll be dead before your little boys can get here. Node006->Node998 They won't get in here in time to save your life... Node006->Node998 Excuse me. Me and the exit have an appointment. Node999 Node038->Node999 Sure. I was just stopping by, Mr. Wright. You take care, sir. Node981 Node038->Node981 Sure. How are things with you, Mr. Wright? Node031->Node999 Screw this job, and screw you. I'm outta here. Node034 Sorry? SORRY?! That don't cut it this time, tribal. If you think you can waste my time, you're wrong. I can get someone else to fill your shoes. (Shouts at door.) Boys! Get in here! --- If you come back here again and you ain't done what I asked, I'll see you hang in Golgotha, tribal. NO ONE wastes my time. You understand me? Node031->Node034 Sorry. I'll return once I get inside the Army base. Node032 If you ain't DONE what I asked, then what in HELL are you doing back here?! I need you to crack that base, so don't be coming back here until you've done it! Node031->Node032 Not yet. Node037 An 'accident?' Aw, hell, I don't even want to know. Get outta here and don't ever come back. --- (Eyes gleam.) You done good, --- . Go to the Cat's Paw and New Reno Arms…tell them you're from me, and they'll set you up. You're family now…a made man, and all Reno's gonna know it. Node031->Node037 I got inside the base, but there was an…accident…the base is contaminated. Node031->Node037 Yes. I managed to get inside and found a lot of old weapons and military hardware there. It's all there for the taking. Now, about my payment… Node024 It so happens, not too long ago, I came across a map that shows an old army base in the mountains not far from here. You find a way in there, and I'll see that you're taken care of… --- go. --- crack base. --- smash! Node029->Node024 What was this proposition again? Node028 (Shakes his head.) Too bad. You come back and see me if you change your mind. Node029->Node028 No, just stopping by. I'll be going now. Node022 If you think you can jerk me around on this, tribal, you're dead wrong. I've HAD it with your bullshit. (Starts shouting.) Boys! Get in here! --- If you come back here again and you ain't done what I asked, I'll see you hang in Golgotha, tribal. NO ONE wastes my time. You understand me? Node018->Node022 Not yet. I'm working on it. Node988 You fingered a suspect in Richard Wright's death. --- You see Orville Wright. Node018->Node988 Yeah, it was Jules, the dealer at the front of town. Node987 You fingered a suspect in Richard Wright's death. --- You see Orville Wright. Node018->Node987 Jagged Jimmy J, the dealer on 2nd Street. Node986 You fingered a suspect in Richard Wright's death. --- You see Orville Wright. Node018->Node986 That old geezer, Renesco the Rocketman. Node985 You fingered a suspect in Richard Wright's death. --- You see Orville Wright. Node018->Node985 Lil' Jesus Mordino. He deals Jet. Node984 You have solved the murder. --- You see Orville Wright. Node018->Node984 Your son didn't die of an overdose. He was poisoned. Node005 (Scowls.) Get outta my sight. You come around here again, I'll have you shot, you hear me? --- Me --- ! Node004->Node005 Boogity boogity Node004->Node005 Yoo Boo Hoo Yooooo Node004->Node005 Kootchie Kootchie Koooo Node004->Node005 Who hell you Node008 No SHIT? (Sneers.) Well, pleased to meet you, "simple traveler." Glad you stopped by, damn neighborly of you. (Sneer crumbles into a frown as he scopes you out.) Looking for work in family Wright, huh? --- No SHIT? (Sneers.) Well, pleased to meet you, SLAVER. Glad you stopped by, damn neighborly of you. (Sneer crumbles into a scowl.) We don't deal with your kind, you hear? Now, get out! Node004->Node008 I'm a simple traveler…looking for work. Node007 Yeah, seems like you got this habit o' coming in and stepping out. Maybe we better take care of that problem o' yours. --- Yeah, maybe you BETTER leave, and quickly. If you're still here in five seconds, I'll have you shot, you hear me? Node004->Node007 Actually, I seem to have entered the wrong room. I'll be leaving now. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Orville Wright. description_p_proc You see a well-dressed gentleman. He looks perpetually pissed off. That's probably why his brown hair is graying around the edges. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc Get away from there! map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node998 Node001 Get away from there! timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node003 timed_event_p_proc->Node003 Node005->Node006 Uh-uh Node005->Node006 You kiss mommee with that mouth? Node005->Node006 You betta NOT shoot me. Shooting me just makes me ANGREE Node005->Node999 Go way n' find sumone else to talk to who izint such a meanie Node008->Node006 Hold on a minute, I haven't FINISHED talking to you yet. I… Node008->Node007 Actually, I seem to have entered the wrong room. Pardon me. Node008->Node007 All right. Looks like I'll be going. Node010 So happens MY family IS family Wright. Blood thicker than water and all. (Scowls.) --- What makes you think I'd want tribal trash like you in my family? I got all the hitmen I need. Node008->Node010 Yes, I -- Node007->Node998 What do you m --? Node007->Node998 My thoughts exactly. Time for you to die. Node007->Node999 I'm going. Node010->Node001 Looks like I came to the wrong place. I'll be going now. Node011 (Studies you for a moment.) All right. Maybe you not being in the family could be a good thing. (Scowl fades.) You got children? Node010->Node011 Give me a test, then. Let me prove myself. Node009 No SHIT? (Sneers.) Well, pleased to meet you, " --- ." Glad you stopped by, damn neighborly of you. (Sneer crumbles into a frown.) Looking for work in family Wright, huh? Node009->Node007 Actually, I seem to have entered the wrong room. Pardon me. Node009->Node010 Yes, I -- Node012 One of my sons…my boy, Richard, passed away recently. Chem overdose. Jet. Node013 I want to know what dealer gave that SHIT to Richard and forced him to take it. Every time I send my boys to find out, they turn up nothin'. Maybe somebody who ain't got Wright blood could get some answers. Node012->Node013 How can I help? Node012->Node013 Uh…I don't really see how I can -- Node013->Node007 No, this job isn't my style. I better be going. Node014 (Face turns red.) My boys are clean, and they know to stay away from that shit, or I'll kill them. Then SUDDENLY, Richie ODs. Someone pumped a ton of Jet in him, so much that fumes was runnin' outta his nose. Node013->Node014 Uh, "forced him to take it?" Node015 (Nods.) All right then. Now look: You find that son of a bitch who killed my boy, don't you touch 'im…you just come back and TELL me the dead man's name. (Eyes blaze.) I'LL take care of it from there. Node013->Node015 I'll take the job. Node014->Node006 Well…that doesn't mean someone else is responsible. Your son could have taken too much. Jet is highly habit-forming. Node014->Node007 No, this job isn't my style. I better be going. Node014->Node015 Hmmm. I'll take the job. Node015->Node999 Find the person who gave him the Jet, don't hurt them, just come back and tell you. Got it. Node016 Yer right, we ain't talked price, cause you ain't done nothing BUT talk. I'm letting you prove your worth. Do your job, and you don't need to worry about money. I give you my word as a Wright. Node015->Node016 We haven't talked a price. Node017 (Eyes blaze.) No…everybody's too scared to talk…to a Wright, anyway. If I were you, I would 'question' some of the Reno chem pushers, see what they know. That Jet came from SOMEWHERE. Node015->Node017 Any leads? Node016->Node999 Find the person who gave him the Jet, don't hurt them, just come back and tell you. Got it. Node016->Node017 Any leads? Node989 Node016->Node989 Forget this, then. Only fools work for nothing. I'm out of here. Node017->Node999 Find the person who gave him the Jet, don't hurt them, just come back and tell you. Got it. Node017->Node989 Look, this job isn't my style. I better be going. Node043 (Frowns.) Way I see it, it was probably a Mordino pusher…that goddamn family controls nearly all the Jet in Reno. I'd scope out the Desperado, see what dealers hang out round there. Node017->Node043 Any pushers you suspect? Node989->Node007 Node043->Node999 Find the person who gave him the Jet, don't hurt them, just come back and tell you. Got it. Node043->Node989 Look, this job isn't my style. I better be going. Node022->Node998 Whoa, now hold on…! Node022->Node998 That DOES it! I'm sick of your bullshit. You'll be joining your dead chem-using son in hell. Node022->Node998 They won't get in here in time to save your life... Node022->Node998 Get out of here. Node022->Node999 Understood. Node022->Node022 I'm not the one for this job, Mr. Wright. Find somebody else. Node022->Node022 Fuck this job, fuck your dead chem-using son, and fuck you. I'm outta here. Node019 That so? Word is, the bastard's ALREADY dead, but I ain't telling you nothing new. I TOLD you not to touch him - you screwed up. Now, YOU'RE dead. Node988->Node019 Node020 That bastard's seen his last days. Come morning, he'll be dead. But he'll be a LONG time dying… Node988->Node020 Node987->Node019 Node987->Node020 Node986->Node019 Node986->Node020 Node985->Node019 Node985->Node020 Node044 Wh -? "Poisoned?" What in hell's name are you talking about? Node984->Node044 Node019->Node006 Wait -- Node019->Node006 Oh, yeah, well -- Node021 I owe you…I owe you. --- Here's a little cash for your trouble, plus some ammo, liquor from my private stock… and another job for you, if you're interested. --- Well now, before I get into specifics, let's settle accounts first… --- Here's a little cash for your trouble, plus some ammo, liquor from my private stock… and another job for you, if you're interested. Node020->Node021 Now, about the price for doing my work… Node020->Node021 No less than he deserves. Node983 Node020->Node983 Uh, but Renesco didn't give Richard the Jet...he didn't know who it was was the SALVATORES that poisoned your son. Node021->Node024 I'm interested. Node021->Node028 No thanks. I'll see you around. Node048 Now why in hell would they do that? Node983->Node048 Node024->Node999 Not interested, thanks. Goodbye. Node030 (Nods, smiles.) All right then. Come back when you found a way in, and I'll see you're well rewarded. Now, as for the location of the base…head north, then… (Gives you the coordinates for the army base.) Node024->Node030 Okee Dokee Mister Orderville Node024->Node030 All right. I'll go check it out. Node979 Node024->Node979 I already found a way inside the base. Problem is, there was an... accident... the base is contaminated. Node024->Node979 I already found a way to get inside the base. There's a lot of old weapons and military hardware there, all for the taking. Node025 (Mr. Wright's expression tightens for a moment, then he snorts.) Heh. Not exactly. The fellas I got the map from are dead. They were a tough bunch, but they all got wiped out tryin' to get inside the base. Node024->Node025 Why should I go? Didn't you send somebody already? Node028->Node999 I'll do that. Node030->Node999 All right. I'll go check it out. When I find a way inside, I'll be back. Node979->Node037 Node026 Yeah, the only survivor said…shortly before his unfortunate death…said that there were some kind of super gun turrets guarding the entrance. Wiped out most of his boys. Node025->Node026 They didn't even get INSIDE? Node026->Node028 Forget this. No one said it would be that dangerous. Node026->Node030 Hmmmm. I'll have to be careful then. I'll take the job. Node027 Oh, ol' Sam Pritchard? Sad story. Got drunk one night, mentioned to my boy Keith he'd found this 'base,' and 'fore y'know it, he draws me a map and DIES. He's sleeping in Golgotha now. Node026->Node027 What happened to the survivor? Node027->Node028 Y'know, it's stories like that that make me realize I really can't take this job. Later, Wright. Node027->Node030 Seems like Reno's filled with sad stories these days. I'll take the job. Node034->Node998 Whoa, now hold on…! Node034->Node998 That DOES it! I'm sick of your bullshit. You'll be dead before your little boys can get here. Node034->Node998 They won't get in here in time to save your life... Node034->Node998 Get out of here. Node034->Node006 Screw this job, and screw you. I'm outta here. Node034->Node999 Understood. I'll be back when I've done the job. Node032->Node006 Screw this job, and screw you. I'm outta here. Node032->Node999 All right. I'll return once I get inside the Army base. Node037->Node999 All right then. Node982 Node037->Node982 Thanks, Mr. Wright. If I'm a Made Man, then I'd like to be called… Node035 You have become a made man of the Wright family. --- You see Orville Wright. --- No SHIT? (Sneers.) Well, pleased to meet you, "simple traveler." Glad you stopped by, damn neighborly of you. (Sneer crumbles into a frown as he scopes you out.) Looking for work in family Wright, huh? --- . I like it, I like it. It's got style. Now you stop on by the Cat's Paw and New Reno Arms, and they'll take care of you. You need free hootch, head on by the train station, too. I'll set you up. Node035->Node999 Thanks. I'll do that. Node982->ChooseFromList Node039 (Chuckles.) Not bad, not bad. My wife is still being a holy terror, but that's nothing new. The joys of marriage. Node981->Node039 Node040 Angry? Hell, yes, my goddamn wife just went berserk on one of my stills. Don't know how the hell she found out, but… --- Angry? Hell, yes, some low-down sonuvabitch destroyed one of my stills. Don't know how the hell he pulled it off, but… --- Angry? Hell, yes, my customers are dropping off...literally. Something's wrong with the alcohol, and I think it's killing people. I wonder if the fermenting process is poisonous... Node981->Node040 Node041 Funny you should ask. My son got a gun from somewhere…I think it's one of the other families, trying to get him to shoot himself or his old man. When I catch the bastard… Node981->Node041 Node039->Node999 I understand. Well, I was just stopping by, Mr. Wright. You take care, sir. Node042 (Nods.) Probably nothing. Aw, well… Node040->Node042 She probably just stumbled across it. Dumb luck, no doubt! I don't think anyone told her, nope. Very unlikely. Node040->Node042 Well, those old machines break down all the time! I don't think anyone did it on purpose. Very unlikely. Node040->Node042 Well, it certainly couldn't have anything to do with radscorpion venom leaking into the vats from a severed radscorpion tail being dropped in there. I wouldn't dwell on it. Node042->Node999 Sure. Oh, well, I was just stopping by, Mr. Wright. You take care, sir. Node041->Node042 Uh, a gun? Really? You're right, sir, probably one of the other families gave it to him. Be hard to track down whoever did it, though. I wouldn't pay it any mind. Node045 "Inspected my son's body?" Node044->Node045 I inspected your son's body. Jet didn't kill him...his body still had traces of radscorpion venom in it. Node047 Assuming I believe this for a second... and I ain't saying I AM... then who POISONED my son? And why did they go to the trouble of dosin' him with Jet? Node044->Node047 He was poisoned with radscorpion venom. The Jet overdose was just a cover for the poisoning. Node046 You ghoulish son of a bitch… --- you just earned YOURSELF a plot o' land on Golgotha. IF they find all the pieces. (Starts shouting.) Boys! Get in here! And bring yer knives! Node045->Node046 Yeah, I had to open his grave to do an autopsy. Node045->Node046 Uh…you know, I DIDN'T. I misspoke. "Son's body?" I meant "somebody's." Yes, that's what I meant. Node045->Node046 This might not be the best time to discuss this. I'll talk to you later. Node047->Node986 I don't know which of the Salvatores did it. Renesco doctored up some Jet for them, not knowing they'd use it to poison your son. Node047->Node048 Word is it was the Salvatores. They pumped him with Jet laced with radscorpion venom, then left him for you to find. Node052 (Frown deepens.) This smells like a pile of brahmin shit to me... Node047->Node052 I don't know. Node046->Node998 Hold on! Can't we talk about this? Node046->Node998 You're going to need more than knives to take me down… Node046->Node998 Excuse me. The exit and I have an appointment. Node980 You have correctly identified who killed Richard Wright and the motive. --- You see Orville Wright. Node048->Node980 Way I see it, the Mordinos control the Jet in Reno. Naturally, you'd blame them for a chem overdose... and then there'd be war. IF you two didn't wipe each other out, you'd at least be weakened by the fight. That makes life easier for the Salvatores…all they have to worry about then is the Bishops. Node049 (Stares at you for a long time, then a dry chuckle escapes his lips.) You give me an answer, and I can't do nothing about it. The Salvatores…goddammit. (Takes a deep breath.) Node048->Node049 I don't know. Maybe you should ask them. Node052->Node022 Look, trust me... your son was POISONED. I don't know by who, but somebody went to great pains to make it look like a Jet overdose. Node052->Node045 Don't believe me? Look, I inspected your son's body, and it REEKED of radscorpion venom. Node980->Node049 Node050 Know what those Salvatore bastards are ARMED with, friend? Those damned lightbringers. ONE Salvatore packing that kind of heat can kill my whole family without batting an eye. To beat that, I'd need… Node049->Node050 What's wrong? Node049->Node050 "You can't do anything about it?" What do you mean? Node050->Node021 What? Node051 Ha! The ones in Reno maybe, but you got a lot to learn about the families... there's still Salvatores kicking around beyond Reno, and even if there's just one left, that's trouble. To beat them, I'd need... Node050->Node051 Don't worry about it, I've kicked the shins out from underneath the Salvatores already. Node051->Node021 What? Node990 Node990->Node008 Node990->Node009