ncResear checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see a tired-looking woman. Her head has been shaved bald, and she is wearing a white coat. --- You see Marjorie Reed. She is filling a hypodermic, grumbling slightly to herself. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node003 talk_p_proc->Node003 Node002 talk_p_proc->Node002 Node004 (The bald woman doesn't even look up from her clipboard.) Yes? talk_p_proc->Node004 Node999 Node004->Node999 Wander off Node004->Node999 Sorry, I thought you were some other bald woman with a clipboard. I'll be going now. Node005 (The woman looks up and glares at you.) Are you one of the control subjects? As if matters anyway...Guards! Detain this slave! Node004->Node005 No! Node004->Node005 Yes! Node004->Node005 Heh-heh. You bald. You look like man Node004->Node005 Delenn? Node006 Look, I'm VERY busy, so if you don't mind… [Glances up from her clipboard at you, then scowls.] You again? What do you want now? --- Look, I'm VERY busy, so if you don't mind… [Glances up from her clipboard at you, then scowls.] WHO are you? How did you get in here? Node004->Node006 Who are you? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see the lead researcher, Marjorie Reed. description_p_proc You see a tired-looking woman. Her head has been shaved bald, and she is wearing a white coat. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc damage_p_proc->Node998 map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node002 Node008 Guards! Guards, detain this person! timed_event_p_proc->Node008 Node001 timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node005->Node998 Where slave? Me no see one Node005->Node998 Wander off Node006->Node998 Your barn door's open. Heh-heh…get it? I kill me. Node006->Node999 Nevermind. Sorry to bother you. Node009 MORE guards. Ha! As if they do any good…look, you SHOULD have received instructions from whoever sent you here. Talk to the other guards to find out your assignment. Now go. Node006->Node009 I'm one of the new personnel assigned here. Node026 Try downstairs in the lab. The guarded door. If you see him, tell him to come up here when he has the chance. IF he's not too busy. Node006->Node026 I'm looking for Myron. Is he around? Node010 You're a RESEARCHER...? Hmmmm. I've never seen you before. How much do you know about pharmaceutical research? Node006->Node010 Are those test results you have on that clipboard? Can I see them? Node009->Node999 Thanks. You've been very helpful. Node009->Node010 I'm not a guard; I'm one of the new researchers. Do you have an assignment for me? Node990 Node009->Node990 Excuse me, but I was hoping YOU could show me around. I saw you standing over here and felt COMPELLED to talk to you. Perhaps after the tour we could have dinner…? Node026->Node999 Thanks. You've been very helpful. Node010->Node999 I have to be going. Node011 Ha! I think I'll just watch you go, period. Leave before I call the guards. Node010->Node011 Uh, enough. Just sit back and watch me go. Node012 Hmmmm. All right then. Let me give you a run-down on what we do here: we test the effects and potency of a metamphetamine called Jet. Node010->Node012 I know a fair amount about the composition and manufacture of base neurochemical compounds, and I think I could be of some assistance in your studies. Node007 This area is not open for…visitors. Leave or I will call the guards. Node007->Node998 But hey, I had some questions for you… Node007->Node999 Very well. Sorry to bother you. Node007->Node009 I'm one of the new personnel assigned here. Node007->Node010 Are those test results you have on that clipboard? Can I see them? Node020 Look, I'm VERY busy, so if you don't mind… Node990->Node020 Node021 This…hmm…I'm VERY flattered, but I'm also very busy at the moment…so…uh… Node990->Node021 Node012->Node999 I think I have the idea. I'll examine the rest of the testing area myself. Node013 Not so well. Our schedule is tight, and we need to purify the Jet manufacturing process soon. Node012->Node013 I see. And how is the research coming? Node013->Node999 Sounds like a tough job. Look, I have to take care of something real quick - I'll be back. Node015 It's potent *enough,* but there's room for improvement. The 'brass' wants to increase Jet distribution in Redding, and they want the reliance rate as close to 100% as we can get it. It's going to require us pulling some long hours. Node013->Node015 Why? Jet seems habit-forming enough already. Node014 No one's come out and said it, but it's probably due to Jet distribution in Redding. Jet's potent *enough,* but there's a good deal of room for improvement, and the 'brass' wants to increase Jet reliance in Redding. Node013->Node014 Why the tight schedule? Node015->Node999 Thanks for the information. I'll be back later. Node015->Node014 What's the deal with Redding? Node014->Node999 Well, good luck meeting the schedule. Node016 Hook the miners in Redding to Jet, and whoever controls the Jet, controls Redding. Typical power play. Node014->Node016 What's the deal with Redding? Node016->Node999 Thanks for the information. I'll be back later. Node017 Who controls the chems? The Mordinos. Of course, Myron laid all the groundwork for Jet's composition. We do mostly clean-up work. Node016->Node017 So…who does control the chems? Node017->Node999 Thanks for the information. I'll be back later. Node018 You COULD call it that. He's a smart one, I'll give him that, but he doesn't care much about what goes on up here. He mostly stays in the basement vault…no visitors except for the train of prostitutes. Typical project leader. Node017->Node018 Is Myron your boss? Node018->Node999 Yeah, though marketing's worse. Anyway, thanks for the information. I'll be back later. Node019 I suppose…let me give you a temporary badge; just show it to the guards. Keep it quick, though, Myron doesn't like people staying long. --- You get a temporary pass from Marjorie. --- You see the lead researcher, Marjorie Reed. Node018->Node019 Could I see him? Node019->Node999 Thanks for the badge. I'll see you later. Node020->Node999 Nevermind then... Node021->Node999 Well, I had to ask. Thanks anyway. Node022 Oh, not THAT busy…heh…well, no, pretty busy. I mean, mostly its routine chem testing, and occasionally we have a slave go over the edge… Node021->Node022 Well, do you mind if I came by and picked you up after work then? No pressure…just some dinner, some conversation. You look like someone who might need to take a little break from work. Things here must keep you very busy. Node022->Node999 Sounds interesting, but I have to go….uh, I'll be back, though. Node022->Node013 Chem testing? Really? How are things going? Node023 Was that some poor attempt at a joke? Node022->Node023 Doesn't purposely injecting experimental metamphetamines into enslaved humans make you question your basic humanity? Node025 Slave deaths? A few. Mostly accidental overdoses - usually a tech's fault - or self-inflicted injuries. Some ingest too much Jet, and they REALLY want to fly. Node022->Node025 Wow. That sounds dangerous. You ever get hurt? Do you have many patient fatalities? Node023->Node999 Uh, yes. I have to be going. Node024 I'm on THIS side of the stalls, they're on THAT side. Since we're getting into hypotheticals, would YOU like to find out what it's like to be them? We have an extra stall or two. Node023->Node024 Just asking. I mean, what if you had been sold into slavery, been taken here, then pumped full of chems? Node025->Node999 I bet. Well, thanks for the information. You've been very helpful. Node025->Node013 Other than that, how's the chem testing going? Node024->Node998 Now hold on a minute… Node024->Node999 Uh, no thanks. Sorry to bother you.