ncSalvat checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see an elderly, well-dressed gentleman. He is carrying an oxygen tank, and he seems to have difficulty breathing. --- You see Louis Salvatore. He is carrying an oxygen tank, and he seems to have difficulty breathing. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc Node002 Guards! Gu…*cough* *cough*…Guards! --- *Cough* critter_p_proc->Node002 pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node041 I have no further need of your services, --- . talk_p_proc->Node041 talk_p_proc->Node041 Node003 (Salvatore turns to you with a stone-faced expression. He studies you for a fraction of a second, then makes a strange motion with his hand. Instantly, an alarm rings throughout the casino.) talk_p_proc->Node003 talk_p_proc->Node003 Node015 Talk to Mason. He will have the…details of your assignment. talk_p_proc->Node015 talk_p_proc->Node015 talk_p_proc->Node015 Node016 (Salvatore looks up at you, takes a breath from the mask.) Have…you disposed of the thief? talk_p_proc->Node016 talk_p_proc->Node016 Node027 Have you done as I asked? talk_p_proc->Node027 talk_p_proc->Node027 Node037 You have successfully completed the secret transaction. --- You see Louis Salvatore. --- Sit, --- . You have done…all I have asked. I would like you to join the Salvatore Family and become…one of my made men. talk_p_proc->Node037 talk_p_proc->Node037 Node032 (Takes a breath from his mask.) You have...done as I asked. I have no further need of your… services. (Points to the exit.) Leave now. talk_p_proc->Node032 talk_p_proc->Node032 Node004 (The elderly man looks up at you. His face is gaunt and covered with liver spots. He is holding a breathing mask, which is connected to an oxygen tank by his side.) What… do you want of me? --- Me --- ! Who yu talk_p_proc->Node004 talk_p_proc->Node004 Node003->Node998 Owwww! Turn down sound! Hurt ears! HURT EARS! Node003->Node998 ME CANT TALK OVER RINGING. TURN OFF, WE TALK Node003->Node998 I'm gonna CRIPPLE you, old man! You'll never walk again! Node003->Node998 I knew I should have gotten permission first… Node003->Node998 Shit! Node003->Node998 Uh, please tell me that was room service. Node017 Yet…you told Mason that you had taken care of the assignment. Node016->Node017 No, Mr. Salvatore. Lloyd left town with the money. Node016->Node017 Not yet, Mr. Salvatore. Node016->Node017 Naw...Lloyd left town with the money. Node016->Node017 Not yet. Node982 Node016->Node982 Yes. I made an example of him, Mr. Salvatore. Node983 Node016->Node983 Yep. The vultures are probably shitting pieces of him out right now. Node972 Node027->Node972 Yes, Mr. Salvatore, I have the tribute you asked me to collect. Node970 Node027->Node970 Not yet, Mr. Salvatore. When I return, I shall have it with me. Node027->Node970 Not yet. I haven't got the old guy to cough it up yet. Node971 Node027->Node971 Yeah, the 'tribute' is right here. Node963 Node037->Node963 I would be honored, Mr. Salvatore. Node037a That is... unfortunate. I cannot take the risk that you will remain... silent about what you have seen in the desert. Goodbye, --- . Node037->Node037a I would be honored, Mr. Salvatore, but I cannot. I have other duties to another family… notably, my mother. Node037->Node037a I can't. I have other obligations. Thanks for the offer, though. Node964 Node037->Node964 All right, then. Node032->Node003 Could I have one of those laser pistols as part of my payment before I go? Node999 Node032->Node999 Uh…okay. Node004->Node999 Wander off Node004->Node999 I think I've entered the wrong room. Pardon me. Node005 I have told you the reason the boy was killed. It will not leave this room. (Salvatore makes a strange motion with his hand. Instantly, an alarm rings throughout the casino.) Node004->Node005 Me want…me no know what I want Node004->Node005 Me want Node004->Node005 I wanted to know where you get the lightbringers. Node994 Node004->Node994 I have information for you, Mr. Salvatore. Node992 Node004->Node992 Mr. Salvatore, you have a reputation for strength and fairness. I want to work for you. Node995 Node004->Node995 I have information for you. Node993 Node004->Node993 I'm looking for a job. Node043 (Mr. Salvatore looks at you for a long time in silence, then speaks.) We Salvatores...we will rule New Reno. If a child must die to insure that, it will be...done. There is no other reason. Node004->Node043 Word is you had Mr. Wright's son poisoned. Why? destroy_p_proc You have assassinated Boss Salvatore. --- You see Louis Salvatore. --- You have whacked Boss Salvatore. --- You see Louis Salvatore. look_at_p_proc You see Louis Salvatore. description_p_proc You see an elderly, well-dressed gentleman. He is carrying an oxygen tank, and he seems to have difficulty breathing. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc *Cough* map_enter_p_proc map_exit_p_proc Heh-heh. I love killing old people. map_exit_p_proc->destroy_p_proc timed_event_p_proc *Cough* Node042 Heh-heh. I love killing old people. --- ... timed_event_p_proc->Node042 Node001 timed_event_p_proc->Node001 Node042->destroy_p_proc Node005->Node998 Owwww! Turn down sound! Hurt ears! HURT EARS! Node005->Node998 ME CANT TALK OVER RINGING. TURN OFF, WE TALK Node005->Node998 I'm gonna CRIPPLE you, old man! You'll never walk again! Node005->Node998 Shit! Node005->Node998 Uh, please tell me that was room service. Node006 (Takes a deep breath from his mask, then shakes his head.) You have nothing…that I need to know, --- . Now…what do you WANT of me? Node994->Node006 Node009 (Takes a breath from the oxygen mask, then gives a slight smile.) Of…course. But I require a…token of your good faith. A sample of your…willingness to work for me. Node992->Node009 Node995->Node006 Node008 (Takes a breath from the oxygen mask, then gives a slight smile.) Of…course you are. And WHY should I hire you? Node993->Node008 Node043->Node005 What did killing Wright's son have to do with ruling New Reno? That makes no SENSE. Node043->Node005 You murdered someone's SON, Salvatore. You might as well have just signed your own death warrant... Node043->Node005 All right then. I just wanted to know why you did it. Node006->Node999 Actually, I seem to have entered the wrong room. Pardon me. Node006->Node005 I wanted to know where you get the lightbringers. Node006->Node992 Mr. Salvatore, you have a reputation for strength and fairness. I want to work for you. Node006->Node993 Uh, okay. Well then, I'm looking for a job. Node006->Node043 Word is you had Mr. Wright's son poisoned. Why? Node991 Node006->Node991 Um, I don't recall introducing myself. How do you know my name? Node007 (Looks at you silently for a minute. He might be either amused at your question or irritated…it's hard to tell.) Again, --- : What…do you WANT of me? Node991->Node007 Node007->Node999 Actually, I seem to have entered the wrong room. Pardon me. Node007->Node005 I wanted to know where you get the lightbringers. Node007->Node992 Mr. Salvatore, you have a reputation for strength and fairness. I want to work for you. Node007->Node993 Uh…hmmm. Well, uh, I'm looking for a job. Node007->Node043 Word is you had Mr. Wright's son poisoned. Why? Node990 Node008->Node990 Well, why not? Name a job, I'll do it. I'm hard-working, and I got the skills to get things done. Node013 Then you are of…no use to me. Leave now. Node008->Node013 Whoa. Did I say I was looking for work? I meant to say I was leaving. Node010 (Shakes his head slightly.) Your naivetй has…no place here. Words are not sufficient: You wish to work for Louis Salvatore? Then I must know how much I can rely on you. Node990->Node010 Node013->Node999 Leave quietly. Node013->Node005 Uh, waitaminute…I changed my mind. I'll do it. Node009->Node013 Whoa. Did I say I was looking for work? I meant to say I was leaving. Node988 Node009->Node988 What would you have me do, Mr. Salvatore? Node989 Node009->Node989 What do you want me to do? Node011 (Takes a deep breath from the oxygen mask.) There is…a man…who has used his…skill with cards to rob me. The sum is...trivial. The insult is not. I want him killed and the money he stole returned. Node988->Node011 Node989->Node011 Node010->Node013 Whoa. Did I say I was looking for work? I meant to say I was leaving. Node010->Node988 Let me prove it, Mr. Salvatore. Assign me a task. Node987 Node010->Node987 Look, you can COUNT on me. Node987->Node009 Node011->Node013 Uh, I don't do contract hits. I'll be leaving now. Node012 Mason will have…the details. (Nods at exit.) Go now. Node011->Node012 Who is this thief? Node011->Node012 How much has he stolen? Node986 Node011->Node986 It could be a rough assignment: Can I have one of those laser weapons your family uses? Node012->Node013 Uh, I don't do contract hits. I'll be leaving now. Node984 Node012->Node984 Thank you, Mr. Salvatore. I will go ask Mason. Node985 Node012->Node985 All right. Node014 (Narrows his eyes. His next words are delivered in a rasping hiss.) ::You have not yet PROVEN yourself.:: Now go see Mason. He will have the…details of your assignment. Node986->Node014 Node014->Node999 I understand, Mr. Salvatore. Forgive my question. I will go see Mason. Node014->Node005 Look: If you aren't going to arm me properly, then I can't continue working for you. Node014->Node985 All right, then. Forget the pistols for now. Node017->Node005 Well, yes, but… Node018 (Puts his fingers together.) And…the money. Has it been recovered? Node982->Node018 Node026 You are...lying to me. I know that he still lives. Node982->Node026 Node983->Node018 Node983->Node026 Node019 Your instructions were to recover the money he stole. Have you not done this? Node018->Node019 No, Mr. Salvatore, I couldn't find the money. Node018->Node019 No, Mr. Salvatore, Lloyd already spent the money. Node018->Node019 Not yet, Mr. Salvatore. Node018->Node019 No, I couldn't find the money. Node018->Node019 No, Lloyd already spent the money. Node018->Node019 Not yet. Node980 Node018->Node980 Yes, Mr. Salvatore. Node981 Node018->Node981 Yes. Node019->Node005 Well, no, because -- Node019->Node005 Well, you see, I don't -- Node020 I will take the money now. Node019->Node020 Uh, I have the money -- Node980->Node020 Node981->Node020 Node020->Node005 Well, I don't have it on me… Node020->Node005 (Make a break for it.) Node021 This amount…is not the amount that was stolen from me. Perhaps you don't know how much was stolen from me. Or perhaps you are holding out on me. Either way… Node020->Node021 Give him 250 chips. Node020->Node021 Give him 500 chips. Node020->Node021 Give him 750 chips. Node021->Node005 Oh, well, I must have miscounted… Node022 (Salvatore nods as you give him the money, but he holds up his hands halfway through the transaction.) The…remaining half is yours. --- You have resolved the Lloyd "situation". --- You see Louis Salvatore. Node978 Node022->Node978 Thank you, Mr. Salvatore. Node979 Node022->Node979 Hey, thanks. Node978->Node032 Node024 (Mr. Salvatore takes a breath from the mask.) I have another…matter that requires your attention. Node978->Node024 Node979->Node032 Node979->Node024 Node024->Node013 No more jobs for me, Mr. Salvatore. I have to be going. Node024->Node013 No, I'm done doing hit jobs. I'm making a clean break. Node973 Node024->Node973 I am interested in the job, Mr. Salvatore. What do you want me to do? Node974 Node024->Node974 Sure, why not? What's the job -- another kill and fetch assignment? Node025 A constituent in my…district has not paid me…tribute…for the services I provide. Collect it. If he objects, inform him you are my…representative in this matter. Talk to Mason for the details. Node973->Node025 Node974->Node025 Node025->Node013 No thanks, I don't do extortion jobs. Node025->Node984 Yes, Mr. Salvatore. I'll go see him. Node025->Node985 All right. Node026->Node005 Well, yes, but… Node029 Very well. (He waits.) Node972->Node029 Node028 You told Mason you had collected my tribute. Have you not done this? Node970->Node028 Node971->Node029 Node028->Node005 Well, no, because -- Node028->Node005 Well, you see, I don't -- Node028->Node029 Uh, I have the money -- Node029->Node005 (Make a break for it.) Node029->Node970 Actually, I don't have the tribute ON me… Node031 (Salvatore nods as you give him the money.) You have done…well. You have earned 25% of the cut. --- (Salvatore nods as you give him the money.) You have done…adequately. You have earned 10% of the cut. --- You have collected Mr. Salvatore's tribute. --- You see Louis Salvatore. Node029->Node031 Give him 1000 chips. Node030 This amount…is not the amount that was stolen from me. Perhaps you don't know how much the required tribute is. Or perhaps you are holding out on me. Either way… Node029->Node030 Give him 900 chips. Node029->Node030 Give him 800 chips. Node968 Node031->Node968 Thank you, Mr. Salvatore. Node969 Node031->Node969 Hey, thanks. Node030->Node005 Oh, well, I must have miscounted… Node968->Node032 Node033 (Takes a deep breath from the mask.) I have another…matter that I could use your assistance with. Node968->Node033 Node969->Node032 Node969->Node033 Node033->Node013 No more jobs for me, Mr. Salvatore. I have to be going. Node033->Node013 No, I'm done doing extortion jobs. I'm making a clean break. Node966 Node033->Node966 I am interested in the job, Mr. Salvatore. What do you want me to do? Node967 Node033->Node967 Sure, why not? What's the job - more extortion? Node034 A…sensitive transaction will be taking place soon. I am in need of an extra… guard to insure that the transaction goes smoothly. You will speak with Mason and do as he directs you. Node966->Node034 Node967->Node034 Node034->Node013 I can't do this mission right now, Mr. Salvatore. I must be going. Node035 Mason will have…the details. Go now. Node034->Node035 What is this transaction? Node034->Node035 Where is this transaction taking place? Node965 Node034->Node965 Can I have one of those laser weapons you use? Node035->Node013 I can't do this mission right now, Mr. Salvatore. I must be going. Node035->Node984 Yes, Mr. Salvatore. Node035->Node985 All right. Node965->Node014 Node036 Yesss. This time, yes. But you will carry other armaments as well. Talk to Mason about the details. He will give you one of the lightbringers. Node965->Node036 Node036->Node984 Yes, Mr. Salvatore. Node036->Node985 All right, then. Node038 Node963->Node038 Node037a->Node998 Whoa! Wait a minute...! Node037a->Node998 Oh yeah? Bring it on so I can slaughter your entire family, one by one. Node964->Node038 Node038->ChooseFromList Node039 (Nods) That is a…good name. Now go speak to Mason. He will have… something for you. --- You have become a made man of the Salvatore family. --- You see Louis Salvatore. Node039->Node984 Thank you, Mr. Salvatore. Node039->Node985 All right, then. Node040 Greetings, --- . Node975 Node975->Node032 Node975->Node024