ncWriChi checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see a black-haired little boy. --- You see a black-haired little girl. Her hair is cropped short, so much so that you almost mistook her for a boy. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node010 Heh-heh. Why thank you, little one. But take a tip from --- : You can be ANYTHING you want when you grow up. talk_p_proc->Node010 Node015 Are you a ROBOT? talk_p_proc->Node015 Node024 How do you go pee-pee in that thing? talk_p_proc->Node024 Node004 talk_p_proc->Node004 Node005 talk_p_proc->Node005 Node027 Is that a REAL robot? talk_p_proc->Node027 Node029 Is that a REAL mutant? talk_p_proc->Node029 Node041 Is that a REAL ghoul? talk_p_proc->Node041 Node030 The kid stops and looks at you. talk_p_proc->Node030 Node999 Node010->Node999 Wander off Node011 Uh-uh! Yer SMART! Yer a HERO and yer BRAVE and I wanna be YOU when I grow up. Thanks fer savin' us, --- Thankzzz little pershun. You make --- feel better. Me glad me saved u Node010->Node011 Why you wanna be me? Me DUMB Node012 Okay, --- . I won't fergit it, I promise, if I live ta be a hunderd. Node010->Node012 Follow your dreams. You can achieve your goals. I'm living proof. Node044 Uh-uh. Daddy's real mad about it cuz he doesn't know who killed Richie. He says if he ever catches us doing Jet, he'll give us a whippin'. Node010->Node044 Sure you can. Say, I was sorry to hear about your brother, Richie. Do you know what happened to him? Node015->Node999 Wander off Node015->Node044 No, no, I'm a regular person under this armor. By the way, I was sorry to hear about your brother, Richie. Do you know what happened to him? Node016 Yer DUMB. Node015->Node016 Watz a rowboat? Node020 Oh. (Thinks for a moment, then squints at you.) Why ARENCHA a robot? Node015->Node020 Heh-heh. Aren't you cute. No, I'm not a robot, little one. Node024->Node999 Wander off Node024->Node044 Not comfortably, that's for sure. Say, I was sorry to hear about your brother, Richie. Do you know what happened to him? Node027->Node999 Wander off Node027->Node044 Yes, it is. Say, I was sorry to hear about your brother, Richie. Do you know what happened to him? Node027->Node016 Watz a rowboat? Node028 Are YOU a robot, too? Node027->Node028 The Robobrain? Why, yes it is. Node027->Node028 It THINKS it is. Don't even get me started. Node027->Node028 Yeah, but don't bother it. I think it wants to destroy the human race. Node029->Node999 Wander off Node029->Node044 Yes, he is. Say, I was sorry to hear about your brother, Richie. Do you know what happened to him? Node029->Node016 Mootant? Node042 Hello, Mar-cus mutant. Yer awful big. Hee-hee... and yer fidget animation is funny. --- Hello, Len-ee ghoul. Phew... yer reeally smelly. Node029->Node042 Why, yes it is. His name is Marcus. Don't worry, he doesn't bite. Node043 (The kid turns pale, then runs away, screaming.) Node029->Node043 Why, yes it IS a mutant. Gosh, I sure hope he isn't hungry for little children. Node029->Node043 Why, yes. A very HUNGRY mutant. And it's right about snack time, too. How convenient. Node041->Node999 Wander off Node041->Node044 Yes, he is. Say, I was sorry to hear about your brother, Richie. Do you know what happened to him? Node041->Node016 Gool? Node041->Node042 Why, yes it is. His name is Lenny. Don't worry, he doesn't bite. Node041->Node043 Why, yes it IS a ghoul. Gosh, I sure hope he isn't hungry for little children. Node041->Node043 Why, yes. A very HUNGRY ghoul. And it's right about snack time, too. How convenient. Node030->Node999 Wander off Node030->Node044 I was sorry to hear about your brother, Richie. Do you know what happened to him? Node040 Node030->Node040 Helloooo destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see one of the Wright children. description_p_proc You see one of the Wright children. --- You see one of the Wright children. --- You see a black-haired little boy. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node004 timed_event_p_proc->Node005 Node002 timed_event_p_proc->Node002 Node003 timed_event_p_proc->Node003 Node006 timed_event_p_proc->Node006 Node007 timed_event_p_proc->Node007 Node008 timed_event_p_proc->Node008 Node013 (The kid stops you.) Um… --- ? Are you gonna delete us from yer hard drive now that you finished the game? Node012->Node013 You take care now, you hear, little one? I've got some more hero things to do. Node044->Node999 Let the child go back to playing. Node045 Uh-uh. Node044->Node045 Do you know WHO might have given Richie the Jet that killed him? Node046 Uh-uh. He was hangin' out a lot on th' West side of town, around Commercial Row, and Dad told us not ta go over there. Node044->Node046 Do you know WHERE Richie got that Jet that killed him? Node014 Will we dream? Node013->Node014 Uh…no. I promise. Node013->Node014 Uh…not as far as you know. Node013->Node014 Don't worry, little one. I'll come back and visit you as a different character. Node013->Node014 Don't worry, little one. You won't feel a thing. Node038 (The kid blinks at you.) Node014->Node038 Uh…sure. Sure you will. Node014->Node038 Beats me. I don't seem to dream, so you probably don't either. Life's a bitch, huh? Node039 (The child runs off.) Node038->Node039 All right, then. Talk to you later. Node016->Node999 Run away crying Node016->Node999 Wander off Node018 Nuh-uh, DUMBHEAD! (The kid runs off, his laughter ringing cruelly in your ears.) Node016->Node018 SO ARE YOU Node016->Node018 Same to you, cept more of it Node016->Node018 He who smelt it dealt it Node016->Node018 Takes one t'know one! Node017 Yer the dumbest. Yer dumbest! Node016->Node017 Yer dumb-errrr Node020->Node999 I have to be going. Node021 Oh, yeah? (Seems suspicious.) Like what? Node020->Node021 Uh… because… well, robots and people have different… uh, parts. Node018->Node999 Me no want to talk to you ANYWAY... *snfff*... me... *snfff*... have a PARTY... with *snfff* CAKE and ICE CREAM... and YOU cant come [Leave.] Node018->Node999 Wander off Node017->Node999 Run away crying Node017->Node999 Wander off Node017->Node018 SO ARE YOU Node017->Node018 Same to you, cept more of it Node017->Node018 He who smelt it dealt it Node017->Node018 Takes one t'know one! Node019 (The kid blinks, opens his mouth, then closes it. A tear wells up and turns into a full sob.) Node017->Node019 Yer dumb-errrr Node019->Node999 Hee hee ME win Node019->Node999 Wander off Node021->Node999 Uh…well! Look at the time! I must be going. Node022 Explain what? Node021->Node022 Uh…well…say, kid, didn't your Mommy and Daddy explain this to you? Node023 Mommy an' my big sisters bleed every month or so. Then they get really mean. I wish they were robots. Node022->Node023 Uh…well…robots…have oil inside. Humans…well, humans…bleed. Node023->Node999 Uh…yeah. Great, kid. Look, I have to be going - don't tell yer Mom I was talking to you. Node023->Node999 Uh…well! Look at the time! I must be going. Node025 That's GROSS. Node025->Node999 Wander off Node025->Node016 YER gross, pee-pee FACE Node026 You drink pee-pee! You drink pee-pee! Node025->Node026 Uh, heh…heh. No actually, it means… Node026->Node999 Let the little shit go back to playing. Node026->Node999 (Leave.) Node026->Node026 Uh, heh…heh…keep your voice down, little one…recycling doesn't mean that I drink p…well, not EXACTLY…look… Node028->Node020 Heh-heh. Aren't you cute. No, I'm not a robot, little one. Node042->Node999 Well, gotta go. See you later. Node042->Node040 It sure is, isn't it? So… what's up, kid? Node042->Node040 He sure is, isn't he? So… what's up kid? Node043->Node999 Heh heh heh heh. "Izzat a REAL mutant?" Teach her not to ask questions. Node043->Node999 "Hungry" mutant! Sheesh. Everyone knows that mutants don't eat hum - uh, why're you looking at me like that, Marcus? Node043->Node999 Heh heh heh heh. "Izzat a REAL ghoul?" Teach her not to ask questions. Node043->Node999 "Hungry" ghoul! Sheesh. Everyone knows that ghouls don't eat hum - uh, why're you looking at me like that, Lenny? Node043->Node999 (Leave.) Node040->Node999 Wander off Node040->Node044 I was sorry to hear about your brother, Richie. Do you know what happened to him? Node031 Are you sick? Node032 You LOOK sick. Node031->Node032 Why do you ask? Node033 Do you take medicine? Node032->Node033 I am sick. Node034 Wanna sing? Node033->Node034 There is no medicine for what I have. Node035 Do you know 'He's Got the Whole World in His Hands?' Node034->Node035 Sing? Node036 ::Sings:: 'He's got the whole world in his hands. He's got the whole wide world in his hands.' Come on. Node035->Node036 Yes, I do. Node037 ::Singing Together:: He's got the whole world in his hands. ::Singing winds down:: He's got the whole world in his hands. Node036->Node037 ::Sing:: He's got the whole world in his hands. He's got the whole wide world in his hands. Node037->Node038 Thank you for singing with me. I might be back later…if I need a hat. Node039->Node999 Wander off Node039->Node999 (Leave.) Node045->Node999 Let the child go back to playing. Node045->Node046 Do you know WHERE Richie got that Jet that killed him? Node046->Node999 Let the child go back to playing. Node046->Node045 Do you know WHO might have given Richie the Jet that killed him? push_p_proc