niMcGSlt checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You see an ugly, rust-covered slot machine. --- You see one ugly-looking slot machine. It is covered with rust and is dented in several places, as if struck repeatedly by a heavy object. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node000 talk_p_proc->Node000 Node004 You see a strange dull metal box with three eyes and one arm. Node000->Node004 Node003 (This machine looks like it has finally given up the ghost. It looks as if paying off the jackpot was its death rattle. You can't help but feel a little sorry for it.) Node000->Node003 Node001 (You see a slot machine. It is perhaps the ugliest slot machine you have seen in New Reno. Its handle is bent, two of its windows are broken, and there are dents all over it.) --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: Node000->Node001 destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see an ugly, rust-covered slot machine. description_p_proc You see an ugly, rust-covered slot machine. use_p_proc use_skill_on_p_proc This machine is ancient. It is a miracle it's still working. --- You cannot work on the machine while the old man is playing it. --- This machine is beyond repair. --- There is nothing more that you can do with this machine. --- This machine is ancient. It is a miracle it's still working. You tinker with it for a bit until you hear a terrible grinding noise. You suddenly decide to leave it be. --- This machine is ancient. It is a miracle it's still working. You tinker with it for a bit, but you can't seem to fix it. --- This machine is ancient. It is a miracle it's still working. You tinker with it for a while and clean some of the gears, but it's still in sorry shape. damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node999 Node001->Node003 Collect winnings! Node002 (As you pull the bent handle, you think you hear the machine give a relieved sigh, followed by a long silence. Just when you are about to give up on it, you hear something rattling from deep within the machine. A few seconds later, the rattling grows to a deafening roar as coins start piling out in an avalanche!) JACKPOT! --- Eventually, the tumblers rattle to a stop to reveal… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- (The machine laughs.) *That's it, whippersnapper! I knew I still had some… ::wheeze:: …moxy left! Heh-heh!* --- (The machine chuckles warmly.) *That's it, youngster. I knew you cou… ::cough:: ::cough:: …do it.* --- (The machine continues to whisper at you.) *Try again, youngster…once more for - ::cough:: ::hack:: - luck's sake.* --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: --- There is a ear-numbing rattling noise as the chambers spin, and… --- NOTHING! (The machine chuckles dryly.) *Better luck next time, youngst -- ::cough:: ::cough:: ::wheeze:: Node002->Node003 Collect winnings! Node005 The strange dull metal box with three eyes and one arm does not answer. Node006 You grab its arm and shake it warmly. As you do, there is a sharp rattling sound! Node013 (Before you is perhaps the ugliest slot machine you have ever seen. As you stare at its ugliness in morbid fascination, suddenly a gravelly male voice whispers from the coin slot.) *Ain't seen a youngster like you around before - ::cough:: ::cough:: You looking… ::hack:: ::wheeze::… ta take a chance?* Node014 *I'm still here, youngster,* the slot machine rattles. *Look, come on now…y'wanta place a bet? I ain't long fer this world.* Node015 *I'm the oldest one-armed bandit in Reno. I been around damn near…::cough:: ::cough::…well, damn near forever. Starting ta show, ah'm sorry ta say. Look, you gonna bet or am I just gonna sit here n' rust?* Node016 ::Cough:: ::Cough:: *Ain't got TIME ta shoot the shit with you, youngster. And you sure as hell must have more 'portant things ta do than chat with me, eh? Somethin' on yer mind?* Node017 Node018 *Hey now, c'mon, enough of that. Take a walk, clear yer head…::cough::…help you relax. You think yer gonna be allright, youngster?* Node019 *Pah! No thanks needed, [X]. Now, you go out there an' give 'em HELL. Yer the only hero we got in this two-bit world of bastards an' thieves… ::cough:: ::wheeze:: ::cough::…so you be careful, hear?* Node018->Node019 I'll be all rite…thasnk fer talkin' with me, oul slot macheen Node019->Node999 Shurr will -- you toooo, okayyy? Node997 Node997->Node002 Node981 Node981->Node997 Node982 Node982->Node997 Node983 Node983->Node997 Node984 Node984->Node997 Node985 Node985->Node997