ocgrutha checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc getTimeBit start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc Die, treacherous human! Node034 Unfortunately, it had to come to this. I allowed him to stay unharmed as long as he presented no threat to the pack. He chose his path. I hope you understand. talk_p_proc->Node034 Node001 Do not fear me, human. I do not intend to harm you. I am Gruthar, leader of this deathclaw pack. Why have you come here? --- Why have you come here? talk_p_proc->Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node015 Hello --- . Have you examined the machine? talk_p_proc->Node015 Node017 Hello --- . Have you found the part to fix the machine? talk_p_proc->Node017 Node018 You have restored my faith in humans. I thank you for all that you have done for the pack. Is there something that I can do for you in return? --- You see a large deathclaw. The creature is composed of rippling muscle, sharp teeth, and claws. --- You see Gruthar, leader of the deathclaws. talk_p_proc->Node018 Node020 Hello again, human. I hope that you do not intend to play the fool with me. talk_p_proc->Node020 Node021 Greetings, human. Have you reconsidered? Will you help me? talk_p_proc->Node021 Node022 Greetings, friend. Have you examined the machine yet? talk_p_proc->Node022 Node023 Hello, my friend. You have saved the pack and we thank you. talk_p_proc->Node023 Node033 I hope you are enjoying your stay. talk_p_proc->Node033 Node998 Node034->Node998 Screw you and everyone who looks like you! Node034->Node998 You bad. Node999 Node034->Node999 I understand, Gruthar. Node034->Node999 Yes. Matt no good. Node002 You are no idiot, human. I can see the truth of this in your eyes. Please do not try to deceive me. I have no patience for such games. --- Very well. If you wish to be thought of as an idiot, then so be it. Return to me if you change your mind. --- My apologies. You seem to be intellectually challenged. You are no threat to me or the pack. You are welcome here, and may consider this place a safe haven from the outside world. Harm no one, stay out of trouble, and you will always be welcome here. Node001->Node002 Uh... Node025a Node001->Node025a To kick your ass! Node003a Node001->Node003a How is it possible that a deathclaw can talk... and so well? Node005a Node001->Node005a I want to know what happened to the people who once lived here. Node006a Node001->Node006a I'm looking for something called a GECK. I was told I could find one here. Node011 I see... Well, deathclaws are dangerous by nature and great care must be taken when encountering them in the wild. However, I am certain that you have noticed that we are an exception. My pack poses no threat to you or your human communities. We have evolved beyond our base cousins and wish simply to be left alone. Node001->Node011 I've been asked to eliminate a den of dangerous deathclaws... Node013 (Gruthar pauses and seems to be carefully considering his response to you) I am sorry to say that I ordered the raids on the human lands. I am responsible for the lives of many here. We are running out of food, water, and other supplies. Until I can get the situation corrected, I need to take what I, a deathclaw, can not ask humans for. Node001->Node013 I'm investigating raids on the local brahmin ranches. Do you know anything about this? Node031 Good-bye Node001->Node031 I think I'll be leaving now. Node015->Node999 No. I'll get to it, though. Node016a Node015->Node016a I'm sorry, Gruthar. The voice module has gone bad. I'll have to go get one. Node017->Node999 No, I'm still looking. Node029 Thank you. Please go to the control room and replace the module. Node017->Node029 Yes, and here it is! Node018->Node999 No, thank you. I have everything that I need. Node019 Yes, there was a geck in the vault storage room. It is yours with many thanks. --- Yes, there was a geck in the vault storage room. However, it is missing. I am sorry that I can not give it to you as a reward for all your generous help. Node018->Node019 You said you would let me know if you found a geck here. Did you locate one? Node018->Node019 Yes, I am looking for a geck. I have been told that I could find it here. Do you know where it is? Node020->Node001 I want to apologize and start over, Gruthar. Node020->Node031 Sorry, I gotta go. Node032 Apology accepted, human. Have a nice day! Node020->Node032 Uh, me sorry. Node030 You are not welcome here at this time. You may leave. Node021->Node030 Hell, no. I just wanted to listen to you butcher the language some more. Node021->Node030 No, I don't think so. Node010a Node021->Node010a Yes, Gruthar. I will help you. Node022->Node999 Not yet, but I'll get on it. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a large deathclaw. The creature is composed of rippling muscle, sharp teeth, and claws. --- You see Gruthar, leader of the deathclaws. description_p_proc You see the most impressive deathclaw you could imagine. The creature must be unique among its kind. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc push_p_proc Node002->Node999 Uh, okay. Node025 I have no quarrel with you, human, and I do not want one. I am trying to deal with you civilly. Please return the favor! Node025a->Node025 Node003 Forgive me. I do not mean to be rude, but I do not see that this is relevant to our conversation. I can speak your tongue, I can read your written word. What more needs be said? Node003a->Node003 Node005 They are gone, human. We did not kill them and take their home. It is not our way to kill. I understand that you may not believe me, but I hope that you will judge me by my actions toward you and not out of fear or prejudice. Node005a->Node005 Node006 A geck. Is that not a small lizard... no, wait... that is a gecko. I am sorry, but I do not know what a geck is, nor where it can be found. --- Yes, I believe you mentioned this once before. I do not know what a geck is, nor where it can be found. Node006a->Node006 Node011->Node001 Uh... yeah. Node011->Node001 I can see that you are not the savage killers that deathclaws are known to be. Node012 I have spent many sleepless nights, deep in thought, pondering just such issues. I have finally come to the conclusion that the burdens and responsibilities associated with the gift of intelligence are countless. There are only two choices available to any thinking being. Either accept life as it comes and make the best of it for yourself and others, or simply cease to be. I have chosen to accept the challenges of life. If this makes me a threat to humankind, then I pity the small mind that finds it so... Node011->Node012 Your heightened intellect could make you even more of a threat than the average deathclaw, Gruthar. Node013->Node001 I see... Node013->Node998 Well, now that I know the source of the raids, I'll just eliminate it! Node013->Node031 I've heard enough for now. I need some time to think. Node008 (Gruthar stares at you intently for a moment.) You would be interested in helping us? Yes, I sense little evil in you. Very well, I shall place my trust in you. --- (Gruthar stares at you intently for a moment.) I think not. I can sense the evil in you, human. I can not risk the lives of those I protect by taking a chance with you. Node013->Node008 I'm sorry to hear that. Is there some way that I may be able to help you so that you can stop the raids? NodeTeleport Node031->NodeTeleport Good-bye. Node003->Node001 I see. Node004 Yes, I certainly can. Very well. If we part as friends, human, you should speak with Goris. He has more understanding in this matter than I. He can usually be found in the vault library. Node003->Node004 I don't mean to pry, but surely you can understand my interest in this matter. Node026 No. I am leader here, so I decide. If you do not like this, you can return to your human lands! Node003->Node026 Yeah, well, how about letting me decide what is or is not relevant? Node004->Node001 Thank you. I look forward to meeting Goris. Node004->Node001 All right. Node004->Node030 I have no intention of adding a deathclaw to my list of friends. Bye! Node026->Node001 Of course, Gruthar. I forgot myself for a moment. Node026->Node998 Blow me! Node026->NodeTeleport OK, I'll be going now. Node005->Node001 You seem to be an honorable being, Gruthar. Node005->Node001 Yeah, I suppose. Node005->Node025 Hey, maybe you figure I can kick your ass? Node025->Node001 All right, let's talk then. Node025->Node001 I'm sorry, Gruthar. Let's talk. Node025->Node998 You're a deathclaw and that means a death sentence... for you, that is! Node025->Node030 Whatever. I'm gone Node006->Node030 It's obvious that talking to you is a waste of time. Good-bye. Node007 I am sorry, but I do not allow just anyone to wander these halls. I am responsible for the safety of all who live here and I must exercise caution. However, I will look for this geck, and if I find it, I will let you know. --- I am sorry, but I do not allow just anyone to wander these halls. I am responsible for the safety of all who live here and I must exercise caution. Node006->Node007 Will you let me in to look for it? Node027 I assure you that I was not trying to be funny or toy with you. Please excuse me if I gave you that impression. I would help you if I could. Node006->Node027 Hey, that small lizard comment was really funny. That a relative of yours? Node007a Node006->Node007a To be honest with you, I'm not exactly sure what it is myself. Would it be all right with you if I looked for it? Node007->Node001 I understand, Gruthar, and I'll respect your wish for privacy. Node028 (Gruthar emits a guttural series of growls) I may not own this place, human, but it is my home and the home of others who rely on me for their protection. Do not push me to the point that either of us will regret it! Node007->Node028 Look. It's not like you own the place. Maybe I'll look around whether you like it or not! Node008a Node007->Node008a I can understand your concern. You don't know me well enough to trust me. What if I could help you out somehow, and in return you allow me to look around? Node027->Node001 Well, thanks. Node027->Node001 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to smart off like that. Node027->Node001 Give up the civilized act, bud. It don't work with me. Node007a->Node007 Node028->Node001 I'm sorry; I've been impolite and overstepped my bounds. Node028->Node998 Screw you and everyone who looks like you! Node028->Node030 Whoa! I'm outta here. Node008a->Node008 Node008->Node001 Sorry you feel that way, Gruthar. Node008->Node998 Fine. I think a bullet lobotomy is a viable solution to my problem. Node008->Node030 I'll be leaving, then. Node009 There are many machines here, machines built by humans. Deathclaw hands can not use these machines. However, there is one machine that understands questions. I ask it to run the other machines and it obeys. This machine no longer listens. It will no longer run the other machines. We are running out of food and water. I have ordered raids on the human lands so that we may survive. I am not proud of this and I would put an end to it. If you repair this machine, I will be able to feed my people once again. I will gladly stop the raids. Will you agree to this? Node008->Node009 Thank you. Node014a Node009->Node014a Sorry, I have no idea how to fix such a thing. Node009->Node014a I refuse to help deathclaws. Node009->Node010a I'm no tech, but I can give it a try. Node009->Node010a Hmm... sounds like the voice recognition module has gone bad on you. Let's go take a look. Node009->Node010a I will do what I can for you. Node031a Node009->Node031a I've changed my mind. I'll have to think about this some more. Node014 I am displeased with your decision but I accept it. You may leave, but please return if you reconsider. Node014a->Node014 Node010 Thank you. The machine is in the vault control center on the third level. If you can repair it, please do so. I am placing my trust in you. Please do not betray it. You are welcome here. Node010a->Node010 Node031a->Node030 Node010->Node999 I won't let you down, Gruthar. You have my word on that. Node010->Node999 Thanks. I'll get on it. Node010->Node999 There really is one born every minute... Node012->Node001 I couldn't agree with you more. I don't think you're a threat, Gruthar. Node012->Node001 Uh... yeah. What you said. Node012->Node998 Yes, well... I may have a small mind but I also have a BIG weapon. Node014->Node031 Done. Node016 I do not understand the workings of such things but I trust you, --- . I will wait for your return. Node016a->Node016 Node016->Node999 Done. Node016->Node999 I shall return, you have my word. Node029->Node999 Consider it done! Node019->Node999 Uh... that's okay. I'll try to locate one elsewhere. Node999a Node019->Node999a Thanks! Node032->NodeTeleport Done. Node024 Die, treacherous human! NodeTeleport->Node999 checkGeck timed_event_p_proc combat_p_proc checkFunction