ocjul checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc getTimeBit start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc Node009 You already dead. You just too dumb to fall over. talk_p_proc->Node009 Node001 Stop. You not go here. This place off limits. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node008 It you again. What you want? talk_p_proc->Node008 Node998 Node009->Node998 Node999 Node001->Node999 Okay. Me go. Node001->Node999 All right, I'll leave Node002 This hatchery. Pack mother inside. Eggs inside. I guard. All of pack guard. Node001->Node002 What this place? Node001->Node002 What is this place? Node003 I Jul. Pack warrior. I guard hatchery. I guard mother. --- Me --- . Me want talk mother. --- I'm --- , Jul, and I'd like to talk to the mother, please. Node001->Node003 Who you? Node001->Node003 Who are you? Node007 Lizard breath... Oh, I get it. Ha ha! Now you get this. I guard here because I meanest, toughest, ruthless son of bitch in whole damn vault. Screw with me, you screw with best. You leave here or I rip you head off and make you watch me crap down throat. Node001->Node007 I go where I please, lizard breath! Node008->Node999 Me say hi. Me go. Node008->Node999 Just dropped by to say hello. Node008->Node002 What this place? Node008->Node002 What is this place? Node008->Node003 Who you say you be? Node008->Node003 Who are you again? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a deathclaw. It watches you with strangely intelligent eyes. --- You see Jul, the deathclaw. description_p_proc You see a typical deathclaw. The creature is huge, with a powerful body, sharp teeth, and long claws. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc push_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node002->Node999 Me go now. Node002->Node999 I'll be leaving then. Node002->Node003 Who you? Node002->Node003 Who are you? Node004 You wait. I ask mother. Node002->Node004 Me want talk mother. Node002->Node004 I'd like to speak to the mother. Node003->Node999 Me go now. Node003->Node999 I guess I'll be leaving now. Node006 You think so? I not look at it that way. That make me feel good. I like. Thank you. Node003->Node006 Guard mother important job. You important. Node003->Node006 Guarding mother is a position of great responsibility. You must be an important pack member. Node007->Node998 Oh yeah? Let's see just how tough you are! Node007->Node999 I'll be going now. Node005 Mother say she talk to you. You go in. You not cause trouble. I not want hurt you, but I hurt you bad if you cause trouble. --- Mother say she talk to you. You go in but you go alone; friends stay here. You not cause trouble. I not want hurt you, but I hurt you bad if you cause trouble. Node004->Node005 Okay. Node006->Node999 You welcome. Me go now. Node006->Node999 You're welcome. I've got to go now. Node006->Node004 Me want talk mother. Node006->Node004 May I talk to mother? nodeTrans Node005->nodeTrans Okay. nodeTrans->Node999