rcfannie checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node003 talk_p_proc->Node003 Node001 (Fannie looks distinctly unhealthy as she wobbles towards you) Hey there, lover. I'm feeling a little under the weather lately. Want to give me some money for a quick boost? I can make it worth your while. (grins) --- (Fannie looks distinctly unhealthy as she wobbles towards you) Hey there, sister. Can you spare a few bucks to help a gal who's down on her luck? Just 'til I get back on my feet again. --- (Fannie doesn't look very well at all) Hey there, pal. Ready for a li'l fun with Fannie? Half-price for you, lover. Where'd I put my Jet? --- (Fannie doesn't look very well at all) Hey there, lady, spare some money? Or a bit o' Jet fuel even? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node015 Hey there. You want to spend some time with Fannie? talk_p_proc->Node015 Node019 Hey there, you came back. Looking for a little fun, or did you come back to give me some money for Lou? talk_p_proc->Node019 Node020 Always nice to get some repeat business. For you, I'll even change the sheets. talk_p_proc->Node020 Node006 Hey there, sailor. Come here often? You come here to visit with Fannie Mae? --- Hello, sister. Looking for work? talk_p_proc->Node006 Node002 Jet's the only thing that makes me fly. ./~Come fly with me ./~ Give me a little something special, won'tcha? --- Oh, you're just full of great ideas now, aren't you. Well, I don't need you. Plenty of people still want to pay for Fannie's charms. If you won't give me money for Jet, then just get out of my sight. Node001->Node002 Fannie, you look like hell. Why don't you lay off the Jet for a while? Node001->Node002 I think you've enjoyed enough of my charity, and it didn't seem to help you at all. Node001->Node002 You've had enough for now. Node001->Node002 Why don't you just sleep it off? Node007 Well, aren't you sweet. Acting so bashful and all. It's going to cost you $60 for a visit with me, sugah. --- Maybe you'll last a bit longer this time, honey. You'll get more of your $60 worth that way. --- Nice and slow, baby. I'll show you a real nice time for your $60. Node015->Node007 Sure, sounds good to me. Good thing I caught you before you left. Node016 Well, yes...but it turns out that I owe Lou more than I thought. Node015->Node016 Didn't I give you some money so you could stop doing this? Node999 Node019->Node999 Just stopping by, Fannie. Goodbye. Node019->Node007 Just here for some fun this time, Fannie. We'll see how it goes. Node011 All I need now is $200 and I'm in the clear. My man and I are out of here clean and free. No more strange, grubby, people pawing at me all day and night. Uh, I didn't mean no offense. Node019->Node011 How much do you need for Lou? Node020->Node999 Uh, I think I've changed my mind. See you around, Fannie. Goodbye. Node020->Node007 You sure know how to make a guy feel special. Thanks. Node006->Node999 Uh, I was just looking around. Goodbye. Node006->Node007 Uh, yeah. I'm here to visit you. Node021 You know, back-floppin' work. With looks like yours, I bet you could make a good living. --- You know, back-floppin' work. Even the way you look, you could make some money. Those miners ain't too particular, ya know. Node006->Node021 Work? What kind of work? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a rather worn-looking woman. --- You see Fannie Mae, one of the hostesses at the Malamute Saloon. description_p_proc You see a woman who shows more wear from mileage than from years. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node998 Node002->Node999 Find yourself another sucker, Fannie. Goodbye. Node002->Node999 You're going to kill yourself if you keep on this way. I don't want to watch you do that. Goodbye. Node004 A cure? What, are you crazy? Do I look like I want to be cured? You want to make me feel better, sugar? Give me some more Jet. Node002->Node004 I have something that should cure you of that reliance on Jet. Node004->Node999 You've already had more than enough Jet. Last thing I need to do is watch another Jet reliant. Goodbye. Node004->Node999 If I had any Jet, I'd be using it myself. Goodbye. Node004a Node004->Node004a Well, I guess just a little more to get you by wouldn't hurt. Here's some Jet. Node005 Yeah, that's what I need. Oh yeah. What a rush. Mmmmm... Node004a->Node005 Node005->Node999 Uh, well, I guess I'll just let you enjoy yourself now. Goodbye. Node005->Node999 Sounds like you're really Jetted-up, now. I'll see you around. Goodbye. Node007->Node999 Thanks for the offer, but maybe another time would be better. Goodbye. Node007->Node999 $60? I don't think I want to visit you if it's going to cost that much. Goodbye. Node007a Node007->Node007a $60, huh? Sounds like a good price to me. Here's my money. Node021->Node999 I don't think that's for me. Goodbye. Node022 Well it shore helps if'n your nose ain't to keen. Those miners ain't too fond of soap and water. Node021->Node022 You think so? Hmm, maybe I should. Node008 You've been so nice to me. I felt that you really meant something when you did that. (sob) I sure wish it was like that all the time. Node007a->Node008 Node009 I don't want to do this anymore. Me an my fella' are going to get away from here and live life straight. Just as soon as I can pay off Lou. Node008->Node009 Well, when you're with me, it is. Node008->Node009 You sure know how to talk the talk. Node010 Yeah, well...I owe Lou some money and I can't leave until I pay her off. But as soon as I do (sniff) I'm going to take my beau and get myself as far away from this life as I can. If I could only raise a little extra dough. Node009->Node010 Pay off Lou? Node017 Uh, I know, and I'm real grateful...but I guess I owed Lou more than I thought. I need more money. Node009->Node017 Hey, I gave you money already. What are you talking about? Node010->Node999 That's a sad story, but you should have the money you need soon enough. As long as you keep your back to the mattress, that is. Goodbye. Node010->Node011 How much extra money do you need to pay off Lou? Node013 He really wants to, but he's just barely getting by as a miner. We keep hoping he'll make a big strike but that hasn't happened yet. And last week a beam fell on him and broke his leg, so he can't work. Now I have to give him what little money I can spare 'til he gets better. Node010->Node013 Can't your boyfriend help you out of debt? Node017->Node999 Well, you've got all you're going to from me. Good bye. Node018 That's okay, baby. You've already helped enough. (sniff) I only need another $150, though. Node017->Node018 I can't believe it! How much more money do you need to get out of this? Node011->Node999 Sounds sad, alright. Well, I guess you'd better get busy then. Goodbye. Node011a Node011->Node011a None taken. I don't really paw, do I? Anyhow, I could pay your way out of here. Here's $200. Node013->Node011 Sounds as though you two have had some bad luck. How much did you say you need? Node012 Oh thank you,thank you. I didn't think that there was anyone this kind outside of my dreams. You're the best. Thanks again. Hey, want a freebie? On the house? Node011a->Node012 Node012->Node999 That's not really necessary, Fannie. Just use the money to get yourself out of this life. Goodbye. Node012a Node012->Node012a Why sure, Fannie. I think I'll take you up on that offer. Node014 Thanks again. I can't wait to tell my guy. We'll be out of here as soon as his leg heals up. Node012a->Node014 Node014->Node999 That was quite a thank you, Fannie. I just better get myself out of here while I can still walk. You're welcome. Goodbye. Node014->Node999 It'll be a loss to the profession to see you go, Fannie. Goodbye. Node016->Node999 I've heard enough of this. Goodbye. Node016->Node018 How much more? Node018->Node999 Yeah, sure. I'm out of here. Goodbye. Node018a Node018->Node018a Well, I guess if that's all you need. But this is it. I mean it. Node018a->Node012 Node022->Node999 Really? Maybe this isn't for me after all. Thanks for the offer, though. Goodbye. Node022->Node999 I don't know how you can stand it, but then I guess you don't. Stand, that is. Goodbye.