scbuster checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc Node014 Look, just get out or Mr. .45 is gonna get unhappy! critter_p_proc->Node014 pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc talk_p_proc->Node014 do_swap talk_p_proc->do_swap talk_p_proc->do_swap Node001 Hey, welcome to Buster's Fine Emporium of Armament! I'm Buster and there ain't nobody else. Got some fine goods here and on my shelves. Check it out. I'm ready to deal. --- Anything else? --- Hey, back again? What can I do for you? --- Anything else? talk_p_proc->Node001 NodeBarter Here is what I have on this shelf. If you need anything else make sure to check out the other shelves also. talk_p_proc->NodeBarter Node999 Node001->Node999 Goodbye. doBarter Node001->doBarter Want gun. Node001->doBarter What do you got? Node006 Maybe. Just might have a Triveld x10 rifle scope - would fit just fine on a hunting rifle, if somebody was interested. Let it go cheap -- $500. --- Hey, you already cleaned me out. Node001->Node006 Maybe you can fix me up something special? Node0405a Node001->Node0405a I've got some questions destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a little grease-stained guy. --- You're looking at Buster, the gun guy. description_p_proc This guy's clothes are ragged and he's got gun-bluing all over his hands, arms, and face. Still, he seems pretty cheerful. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node998 Node999->do_swap tryModify Node006->tryModify Sure, it's a deal Node001a Node006->Node001a No, thanks. Node004 Sure, stranger, what do you want to know? Node0405a->Node004 Node005 That's nice stranger, but I ain't no charity. Node0405a->Node005 Node002 A fine choice! --- Well, you got yourself a steal there, partner. Node003 Not to rush you, stranger, but I got work to do. Node007 New California Republic - that's what it is. President Tandi and the bunch say they're trying to rebuild the old days; I figure they're just trying to grab whatever they can. Hell, I got no complaint with them - the old days is all before my time. They're kind of a prissy bunch, though - don't like slaves, gambling, whatnot. That's why I set up out here. Don't like rules - never have. Node004->Node007 Tell me about NCR Node008 I don't mess with Mr. Merk and it don't pay to go gossiping about him. You got questions, go ask about him at the Rawhide. Node004->Node008 What's the deal with Merk? Node010 Funny you go asking that after what happened to Frank Westin. Not that I'd know, but there's a fellow - Merk - down at the Rawhide who might be able to help you. Node004->Node010 What can you tell me about Frank Westin? Node009 Frank Westin? You mean that Congress guy? Got himself a spread out west of town.  Brahmin man - big wheel in the Stockman's Association. He's always looking for hands, if you're wanting work. Node004->Node009 I'm looking for a meeting with Old Man Carlson. Know anybody who could help me? Node011 That one of them pre-war imports? Let me guess, 14mm ammo? Nope, ain't got one. Node004->Node011 Do you have a GECK? Node007->Node001 I see. Node007->Node999 Goodbye. Node008->Node001 I see. Node008->Node999 Goodbye. Node010->Node001 I see. Node010->Node999 Goodbye Node009->Node001 I see. Node009->Node999 Goodbye. Node011->Node001 I see. Node011->Node999 Goodbye tryModify->Node002 tryModify->Node005 Node012 Look, I can't do this on anything but a hunting rifle. It's the way the mount's built, understand? tryModify->Node012 Node001a->Node001 Node012->Node001 I see. Node012->Node999 Goodbye. Node013 The joint's closed. Bug off. Node015 Wrong move, stranger. storeOpen timed_event_p_proc