sccarkid checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc getTile getTileTime curTimeIsGreater check_tile_events cbFunc(target_tile) cbFunc(target_tile) check_tile_events->cbFunc(target_tile) tvar_Warp_To_Pos start critter_p_proc anim_end_call critter_p_proc->anim_end_call tvar_Warp_To_Pos(5, game_time + game_ticks(1)) tvar_Warp_To_Pos(5, game_time + game_ticks(1)) anim_end_call->tvar_Warp_To_Pos(5, game_time + game_ticks(1)) talk_p_proc Node016 I'm not supposed to talk to you anymore. talk_p_proc->Node016 Node001 My dad's Vice-President Carlson, so you better treat me nice! Who are you? talk_p_proc->Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node015 You got me wrong, kid. talk_p_proc->Node015 Node014 I told Daddy you were a bad man. talk_p_proc->Node014 Node011 Daddy says he can't see you. talk_p_proc->Node011 Node013 Daddy says you can come in the house. talk_p_proc->Node013 Node007 Hey, it's you again. Whatcha doing? talk_p_proc->Node007 walkToCarlson talk_p_proc->walkToCarlson Node001->Node007 I'm your worst nightmare, puke. Node999 Node001->Node999 Sorry kid, I'm busy. Node003 Then you got to be extra nice to me or I'll tell my dad. Node001->Node003 I'm one of your dad's guards. Node004 He's inside. In his office. He's always in there. Node001->Node004 Where's your dad? Node006 You're not a nice man, you're a bad man! I'm going to go tell my daddy! Node001->Node006 See this knife? I've gutted little kids nicer than you. Node014->Node999 You got me wrong, kid. Node999c Node014->Node999c That's right, I'm the boogy man! And I'm gonna eat you. Node129a Node007->Node129a Go ask your father if I can see him. Node010 News about Mr. Mishop. Okay? Node007->Node010 Tell you father I have news about Mr. Bishop. Can you remember that? Node008 You're a poop brain! Poop brain! Node007->Node008 Fnuh. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a snot-nosed little kid. --- It's Vice-President Carlson's kid description_p_proc Looks like a spoiled little runt. Fat, too. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc tvar_Warp_To_Pos(0, game_time + game_ticks(1)) tvar_Warp_To_Pos(0, game_time + game_ticks(1)) map_enter_p_proc->tvar_Warp_To_Pos(0, game_time + game_ticks(1)) push_p_proc Node998 Node003->Node999 Right. Oh boy. Node003->Node006 Oh? How about I (whisper). Node004->Node999 Okay. Thanks. Node005 By the water tank. I play over there sometimes.  I peek on him while he's working. Node004->Node005 Where's his office? Node002 ? That's a crappy name. You got a stupid name! Stupid name! Node005->Node999 Thanks kid, you've been a big help. Node999a Node005->Node999a You're an annoying little brat, aren't you? Node999a->Node999 Node009 Okay. Node129a->Node009 Node012 I told Daddy that. I think he doesn't like you. Node129a->Node012 Node999b Node010->Node999b Good enough. Node999b->Node999 Node999c->Node999 destCall timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->anim_end_call