scdocjub checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node001 I'm Doc Jubilee. What's wrong, young man? --- What's wrong, young man? --- I'm Doc Jubilee. What's wrong, young miss? --- What's wrong, young miss? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node008 So what can I do for you? --- Shoot. talk_p_proc->Node008 Node24 Node001->Node24 Me hurt. Node001->Node24 I need a doctor. Node011 I ain't heard that mentioned since old Saltbeef was brought in here. Sunstroke. Burned with fever for three days, all the time ranting how he'd found Vault 13, his mother lode. Node008->Node011 Vault 13? Node008->Node011 Know where I could find Vault 13? Node009 Well you shouldn't worry, son. As long as he doesn't tax his system, he'll probably outlast us all. 'Course that's if he'd ever mind my doctoring or his medicine. --- Well you shouldn't worry, miss. As long as he doesn't tax his system, he'll probably outlast us all. 'Course that's if he'd ever mind my doctoring or his medicine. Node008->Node009 I heard somebody saying Mr. Westin's not well. That true? I'm worried something might happen to him. He owes me some money. Node010 That old drunk! The only thing I ever got from him was my "Velvet Elvii" painting - in lieu of cash. Node008->Node010 There's this Saltbeef fellow says you stole a map from him. What's the deal? Node016 You best go talk to President Tandi. I've heard she's looking for a special type of person. Node008->Node016 I'm looking for a job. Know of any? Node017 I might... There is a group set against slavery and- well, most the other vices, too. You can sometimes find them over at the big shop, working on some automobile. Node008->Node017 Doc, you wouldn't know anything about a group that's fighting those evil slavers, would you? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see an old, kindly looking fellow. --- It's Doc Jubilee. description_p_proc He's an old man with a snow-white beard and a slightly blank stare. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc combat_p_proc Node998 Node999 Node002 I don't know. Don't think I can save it. We may have to cut that leg off. Node24->Node002 Node004 Can't you just take some pills or something and stop bothering me with this twaddle? --- It'll cost you $50. --- Hell, you're hardly bleeding. --- It'll cost you $50. Node24->Node004 Node005 Nope. Never joke. Best I cut that leg off before gangrene sets in. Node002->Node005 You're kidding. Node002->Node004 Ha-ha. Node005->Node999 That's it, I'm leaving. Node006 Well, if it festers, don't blame me. Node005->Node006 No way you're cuting anything off, understand? Node004->Node999 I'm not staying here. Node004->Node999 Me go now. Node3Heal Node004->Node3Heal Just heal me. Node004->Node3Heal You make better. Node003 There you are, sonny. --- There you are, miss. Node003->Node008 Thanks, Doc. Maybe you can help me out with some answers. Node003->Node999 Goodbye. Node003->Node3Heal Again. Node3Heal->Node003 Node007 I don't run a charity hospital. You'll need to get some cash before I do anything. Node3Heal->Node007 doHeal Node3Heal->doHeal Node013 The big one. Saltbeef's an old uranium prospector - more accurately, a drunk. Lives out on the Westin spread these days. Node011->Node013 Mother Lode? Node012 Couldn't tell you. Saltbeef always claimed he had a map, but nobody's ever seen it. Node011->Node012 So where is it? Node011->Node012 Where vault? Node009->Node008 Well, that's good to know. There's something else I was wondering. Node009->Node999 Thanks, doc. Node010->Node008 Not exactly a map, eh? Well, let me pick your brains on some other things. Node010->Node999 Well, I've got to get on. Node014 Well, I was really hoping to get some money for it. I'll let it go for $ --- . --- Sure. Here's the $ --- . Node010->Node014 A Velvet Elvii? Could I see it? Node016->Node008 Another question... Node016->Node999 Thanks. Node017->Node008 Another question... Node017->Node999 Thanks. Node014->Node008 Maybe later, another question... Node014->Node999 Maybe later, I have to go. Node013->Node008 Another question... Node013->Node999 Thanks for the story. Node012->Node999 Ask more. Node012->Node999 Well, that's more than what I had before. Node015 Saltbeef's an old uranium prospector. Lives out on the Westin spread these days. Node012->Node015 Saltbeef? Node015->Node008 Another question... Node015->Node999 Thanks for the story. Node018 Hey, get your hands off that, punk! Node019 Those meds are for Mr. Westin, not you. Put them back. Node020 Thanks, I've been trying to get the money out of Saltbeef, but that bum never had any. Node020->Node008 Another question... Node020->Node999 Thanks. check_pills check_poison checkItems checkItems->Node018 checkItems->Node019 timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->checkItems NodeSell NodeSell->Node020