scdusty checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node007 Let me buy you a drink! I've been wanting to smack him around for years! talk_p_proc->Node007 Node001 Say, you're the one who got Jack to give up, ain't you? That was good work. So what do you want? --- Sure. --- What can I get you? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node007->Node001 I've got some questions. Node999 Node007->Node999 Good! Bye. Node001->Node999 Goodbye. NodeBarter Node001->NodeBarter Drink. Node002 That's Hoss, President Tandi's boy. Born trouble when he's drinking, so I'd stay clear of him if I were you. --- That was Hoss, President's Tandi's son. Boy, you sure whupped his ass good! Node001->Node002 Who's the big guy over there? Node003 Not much. If you're looking for trouble, go drink someplace else, like the Rawhide. If you're looking for work, there's the Westin place west of town. Heard some things about President Tandi looking for a specialist, too. Node001->Node003 What's to do in this town? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a dumpy-looking bald guy, polishing a glass. --- It's the bartender. description_p_proc He's a gruff-looking guy with a crooked nose and pinched up ears like he might have been a boxer years ago. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node998 Node004 Daughter of President Aradesh, the guy who founded NCR. She's been president for years. Does a good job too. Node002->Node004 President Tandi? Node006 Would you like a drink? Node002->Node006 Tough guy, eh? Thanks. Node003->Node004 President Tandi? Node003->Node006 Thanks. Node005 Don't know. Gunther, her aide, probably does. He's down at the Hall of Congress. Node003->Node005 Specialist? Node004->Node002 Who's the big guy? Node004->Node006 Thanks. Node004->Node005 And she's looking for a specialist? What kind? Node006->Node999 No. Node006->NodeBarter Sure. Node005->Node002 Who's the big guy? Node005->Node006 Thanks