scenlone checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node033 I don't have time for idiots. Please go away. talk_p_proc->Node033 Node036 Greetings, fellow seeker. There is nothing more I can do for you. You must continue your journey as an AHS-1 on your own. talk_p_proc->Node036 Node037 The church is closed. Come back tomorrow. talk_p_proc->Node037 Node031 Greetings again. How can the Church of Hubology help you? talk_p_proc->Node031 Node001 Greetings, child. Are you one of the Enlightened? talk_p_proc->Node001 warpToPos talk_p_proc->warpToPos Node034 Close your eyes. This won't hurt a bit. talk_p_proc->Node034 warpBackToPos talk_p_proc->warpBackToPos Node999 Node031->Node999 Oops. Wrong door. Node002 Hello? Anybody there? Node031->Node002 <Drool> Node006 Oh. Well, are you seeking true understanding and spiritual peace? We can help. Node031->Node006 Uh, I really don't know what you're talking about. Node007 Merk? What's he want? Node031->Node007 So you're the itch Merk wants scratched! Node018 The Church of Hubology exists to free mankind from the chains that have kept his full spiritual potential in shackles. Node031->Node018 What does the church do? Node001->Node999 I just want to be alone. Node001->Node002 <Drool> Node004 Please don't mock the Church of Hubology. It's oppressives like you who make things hard for the rest of us. Oh, dear. I'm all turbulent! Node001->Node004 Sure, why not? Node005 Chosen One? Don't you mean AHS-One? Just what text are you working from? Node001->Node005 Well, I am the Chosen One. Node001->Node006 Uh, I really don't know what you're talking about. Node001->Node006 No. Node001->Node007 So you're the itch Merk wants scratched! Node008 Wonderful, brother. So what level are you? --- Wonderful, sister. So what level are you? --- I asked you first. Node001->Node008 Yes. destroy_p_proc You gain --- experience for taking care of the Hubologist for Merk. look_at_p_proc You see a striking woman in a long robe. --- It's the Enlightened One. description_p_proc Her fixed stare and expression of mindless bliss would be disturbing were she not so tranquil. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node998 Node003 Oh dear, a Level One. Still trapped in primitive state. Perhaps a zeta-scan alignment would help. Would you like that? Node002->Node003 Guh. Node009 Honestly! I don't know what they expect me to accomplish surrounded by such rim meat! Node002->Node009 No-body here. Node005->Node004 Can we just get to the part where you sprinkle holy water on me or something? Node005->Node006 What are you talking about? Node012 Predestination? What about free will? By your belief, nothing you do has any meaning since it's all determined in advance. It's like you're just a pawn in a game. Node005->Node012 It's simple. I am the Chosen One because that is what must be. Node013 Aligned Hub Seeker. You are obviously not Enlightened. Node005->Node013 AHS one? Node014 A primitive belief - but you show signs of great promise.  We can show you the higher path. Would you like to know more? Node005->Node014 That's what my Elder says I am. Node006->Node004 A rocket launcher gives me all the spiritual peace I need, lady. Node015 I can't help you with that. However, our scientists in San Francisco might know something. Perhaps you should travel there. Node006->Node015 No, I'm looking for a GECK. Node016 By purging you of the negative psychic energy that keeps you in an oppressive state. Only then can you be Enlightened! --- Neurodynes are the psychic centers of the body. They become polluted by the spiritual remnants of the people who died in the War. Their psi-energies imprint into our neurodynes at birth and hold us in an oppressive state. Alignment erases these imprints. --- As long as your brain chemistry is affected by negative psychic energy, your true spiritual potential is oppressed. Worse still, oppressives can transmit this energy unless they are very, very strong-willed. --- Enlightenment happens when all your neurodynes are aligned. Then you become an AHS, Aligned Hub Seeker, which is the goal of all Hubonites. Node006->Node016 Help? How? Node999a Node006->Node999a "True understand" this! (rude hand gesture with the middle finger) Node007->Node998 Simple. He wants you dead. Say bye-bye. Node032 Killing me will serve no purpose. I'm not a threat to Merk, I simply irritate him because of my beliefs. I hope you'll refuse to honor the contract. Node007->Node032 I don't know what you did, but he's put a contract out on you. Node008->Node008 What level are you? Node019 That is not an ability that I possess. Is there something else that I can help you with? An alignment perhaps? Node008->Node019 Oh. I assumed you could see my aura. I'm sorry. Node224a Node008->Node224a Why, I'm at Transcendency, of course. Node023 Were you asleep during indoctrination? Hmmph - you are not one of the Enlightened! Node008->Node023 Uhhh...isn't it really impolite to go talking about levels? Node010 Ah, such enthusiasm. Come with me. Node003->Node010 Zay-ta! Node011 "Lost are those who will not seek the Hub." If you should ever change your mind, you are always welcome. --- Do not shout! Now I've got a neurodyne to align! Node003->Node011 No! Node024 So you're saying there's some higher power who creates us with a purpose and then just abandons us? I can't believe any being would be so callous. Come, embrace the Church of Hubology. Let us show you the true way. Node012->Node024 You misunderstand. Only my potential as the Chosen One is pre-determined. My choices and my actions determine the fulfillment of that potential. Node025 Without control of your own life, though, what's the point? Nothing you do has any value. Did you choose to get up this morning? No, you're just a puppet by your own philosophy. Now, we at the church of Hubology have a true answer. Node012->Node025 Of course the universe is deterministic! After all, we've been put here for some purpose that's already known to our creator. Node026 Oh, what a sad and empty philosophy that is! Even if it were true, the only course for you is to seek to develop yourself. It is the only thing you have any control over. The Church of Hubology can help. Node012->Node026 Nonsense. There is no organizing force determining our fates. In fact there's no 'higher power' behind anything. The universe is just chance. I am the Chosen One because others have declared it. That's all. Node014->Node011 No. Node014->Node018 Yes. Node0161 Node016->Node0161 Neurodynes? Node0163 Node016->Node0163 Enlightened? Node0162 Node016->Node0162 Oppressive state? Node017 It's not painful. You just undergo a zeta-scan. I can do one now, if you like. Node016->Node017 So how's this purging work? Is it painful? Node999a->Node999 Node032->Node998 Forget it. You're one dead Hubologist. Node998a Node032->Node998a Yeah, you seem harmless. Node019->Node999 Forget about it. No hard feelings. That's all. Node019->Node010 I'll take the alignment. Node027 Vault 13? Our scientists have been searching for it somewhere to the west. That is all I know. Are you sure you don't want an alignment? Node019->Node027 I need some information. Vault 13 - what do you know about it? Node028 I tell you, spreading the word of Hubology out here is harder than you can imagine! AHS-9 just doesn't understand the difficulty. In fact, I've written it all down. Say, would you be willing to deliver it to AHS-9 in San Francisco? I can't promise any reward, but I know AHS-9 will appreciate it. Node019->Node028 How have things been going? Node224a->Node004 Node022 Transcendency?  Honestly, how do they expect me to spread the word out here when they don't even keep me up-to-date on the latest doctrine!? Node224a->Node022 Node024->Node011 No thanks. Node024->Node018 What true way? Node025->Node011 Sure you do. Node025->Node018 Which is? Node026->Node011 Oh, get out of my face. Node026->Node018 How? Node018->Node004 Oh yeah, like "Let my psyche go," right? Node018->Node016 How do you do that? Node0161->Node016 Node0163->Node016 Node0162->Node016 Node017->Node010 Sure. Node017->Node011 No way! Node027->Node999 No thanks. I'm fine. Node027->Node010 Sure, why not. Node029 Excellent. Here is the letter. Now, can I do anything else for you? A zeta-scan? Node028->Node029 Sure, why not? Node030 Then I've spoken too much already. Goodbye Node028->Node030 No thanks. I don't get involved. Node020 Node021a Node020->Node021a Yes! Node021 Node021a->Node021 Node029->Node999 You've already done enough. Bye. Node029->Node010 A scan? Why not. giveLetter Node029->giveLetter Node998a->giveLetter Node035 There. We erased a few nasty imprints! You are now an AHS-1. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to tend my church. Node35a Node35a->Node035