scfelix checkPartyMembersNearDoor getTimeBit start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node010 Done with your meeting? talk_p_proc->Node010 Node012 Back again, are you? Job done? talk_p_proc->Node012 Node015 Mr. Westin is waiting for you. talk_p_proc->Node015 Node001 What can I do for you, stranger? --- You again? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node999 Node010->Node999 Me go. Node010->Node999 Yes. I'm out of here. Node011 Fine, he wants you to have a job; I got a job for you. Someone, or something, kill moo-moos. You come me. You guard. Keep moo-moos safe. Make boss happy. Okay? --- Right. Someone, or something, has been killing brahmin on the west pasture. I'll take you out there and you take care of it. Let's go. Node010->Node011 Westin. Job. Me Node010->Node011 Yeah. He said to see you about some problem with the brahmin. Node004 Well then, get on out of here. Node012->Node004 No. Node003 Fine. Go on in. --- It's late. Come back in the morning. Node012->Node003 Yes. Node002 Great, another idiot. I suppose you want to see the boss? Node001->Node002 Nyeh. Node005 Well, we were having a problem with varmints, but they stopped hassling us. You can see Westin if you want. --- Dumont, eh? Well, that's good enough for me. Mr. Westin's inside. Node001->Node005 The sheriff told me to come by - said Mr. Westin might have a job for me. Node013 Yeah, he left orders. He's been expecting you. Node001->Node013 I'm here to see the boss. Node001->Node013 I'm here on business from Vault City. Node006 That's nice. Mr. Westin don't just see anybody. You got any cause? Node001->Node006 I'm looking for work. Node007 Hah! Another crackpot. You ought to go talk to Saltbeef. You and he'd get along fine. Node001->Node007 I'm looking for Vault 13. Node001->Node004 Just looking around. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a man wearing leathers and packing heat. --- It's Felix, the ranch foreman. description_p_proc He looks like a cooler, tougher customer than the rest of the lot hanging around here. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node998 Node002->Node004 Nooo. Node002->Node003 Uh-huh. Node006->Node007 I'm looking for Vault 13. Node006->Node004 Uh, no. Node009a Node006->Node009a What if I said Bishop in New Reno sent me to kill him? Node007->Node999 I'm out of here. Node008 Saltbeef Bob - over in the stables. Mr. Westin lets him stay there. Now stop wasting my time. Node007->Node008 Who? Node009 Then I guess we got to kill you. Node009a->Node009 Node008->Node999 Oh, thanks. NodeTele Node011->NodeTele Okay. Node004a Node011->Node004a Forget that! Node011->Node004a No. Me no kill. NodeTele->Node999 Node004a->Node004 Node014 HEY YOU! Get away from there! Node014->Node001 Okay. Node014->Node998 Fuck you! timed_event_p_proc You touch that door again and there'll be hell to pay. Got that, buddy?