scfergus checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc leaveMap critter_p_proc->leaveMap anim_end_call critter_p_proc->anim_end_call doWalk leaveMap->doWalk leaveMap->doWalk anim_end_call->leaveMap pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc That doesn't sound good. Now excuse me, I have work to do. talk_p_proc->leaveMap Node001 Welcome to Congress House. How can I help you? --- Back again, I see. How can I help you this time? --- Now, what can I do for you? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node999 Node001->Node999 You can't. Node001->Node999 Me go away. Node002 Sorry, no public bathrooms here. Why don't you move along? Node001->Node002 Uhhh... Node003 Concerning? --- Hmmm... Why do you want see Madam President? Node001->Node003 Me see Tandi? Node001->Node003 I'm here to see President Tandi. Node007 13? Or did you mean 15? Node001->Node007 Can you help me find Vault 13? Node008 No. Node001->Node008 Not unless you've got a GECK. Node004 Such as? Node001->Node004 I've got some important news for your boss. Node005 That's nice. This isn't a hiring hall. Why don't you try downtown? Node001->Node005 I'm looking for a job. Node006 This is the Congress House, law-making body for NCR. Node001->Node006 What is this place? Node016 Darion's dead? Oh, excuse me. Go right on in. Node001->Node016 Me fix problem. Kill bad guy. Want money. Node017 You did? Well...I'm sure that's wonderful news. Did you learn anything else? Node001->Node017 Tell her I solved her squatter problem. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a plain-looking young man in respectable clothing. --- It's the building receptionist. description_p_proc There's nothing partiuclarly exceptional about the guy. He looks like the epitome of a budding bureaucrat. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc checkFergusState map_enter_p_proc->checkFergusState timed_event_p_proc Excuse me, but you cannot enter there without permission. --- Security, please remove our "guest". Node998 Node009 Oh, that. Talk to Mr. Gunther, in back. Node003->Node009 Man say Tandi hire me. Node003->Node009 I heard your president's got a job to be done. Node010 Vault 15? They want to make a deal? Interesting. In the back - talk to Gunther. Node003->Node010 Little town in desert want make friends with Tandi. Node003->Node010 The folks at Vault 15 want to make a deal. Node014 Well then, I can't help you with that. Node007->Node014 I said 13. Node015 Oh, nothing. My mistake. You said 13, right? Well, I don't know anything about that. Node007->Node015 15? Node012 That doesn't sound good. Now excuse me, I have work to do. Node004->Node012 Someone's been selling her out. Node013 I have to tell her something. Node004->Node013 It's none of your business. Node018 What a rel-I mean, I'm glad it's all over. Go right on in. Node017->Node018 No Node012a Node017->Node012a Yeah, there's something else -- something about a spy. Node013->Node012 Fine. Tell her there's a spy in her office. Node011 You can tell her yourself. Just go and talk to Gunther. Node013->Node011 You just tell her I want to see her. Understand? Node012a->Node012