schal checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node001 You here for the drive? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node002 Need some redding floats!!! talk_p_proc->Node002 Node007 You're on your own. Good travelling with you. talk_p_proc->Node007 Node005 You again? Go away. Node001->Node005 Node003 Great. Let's roll out. Head 'em out for Redding boys! Node001->Node003 Yes. Node004 Well then, leave me alone. I got 500 head of brahmin to get on the trail. Node001->Node004 No. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc He's a  muscular guy, with a barrel chest. --- It's Hal, the captain for the brahmin drive. description_p_proc He's chewing a wad of something you hope he don't spit this way, because it stinks to high heaven. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc checkLoadConditions map_enter_p_proc->checkLoadConditions combat_p_proc Node998 Node999 Node006 Well, that was the crapper! Afraid there's no money in this run for any of us. Just be happy you're alive. --- Well, the ranchers are none too happy - it's only a $1000 run. Tough luck. --- Well we had little string of bad luck but did all right. Here's the $2000 you signed on for. --- Hot damn, you were just fine! There's a $1000 bonus in it for you. That and $2000 makes your pay. Redding better watch out tonight! checkNextDay timed_event_p_proc