schenry checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node016 So, how did it go? Is the test done? talk_p_proc->Node016 Node001 Excuse me, I'm Dr. Henry and I'm very busy. What do you want? --- You again? What do you want? --- I'm --- , the Chosen One. I'm looking for Vault 13. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node022 the mutation rate stablizes over-don't bother me now. talk_p_proc->Node022 DoCallGuards talk_p_proc->DoCallGuards Node018 And... How did it work? Node016->Node018 Yes. Node017 Well, if you don't mind, would you please get on with it? I'm not a young man anymore. Node016->Node017 No. Node002 Hmm, sub-par cranial development... Stunted intellectual development. No gross physical mutation, though. No, you just simply won't do, I'm afraid. Good day. Node001->Node002 Hurgh. Node013 Tell your Mr. Merk that my answer hasn't changed. I have no interest in any of his "joint ventures." Thank you and good day. Node001->Node013 Enough chit-chat. You've got some papers Mr. Merk wants. Hand em over and nobody gets hurt. Node014 It's no use, I'm not going back. None of you appreciated the work I was doing, so don't pretend to be my friend. Thank you very much! Node001->Node014 Ever heard of a place called the Enclave? Node015 Well then, we've nothing to talk about. Good day. Node001->Node015 None of your business. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a pudgy guy with a shiny bald head and thick-lensed glasses. --- It's Dr. Henry description_p_proc This guy is so out of place it's painful. He's got that egghead, not living in the real world air about him, that's for sure. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node998 Node999 Node013->Node999 Fine, I'll let him know. Node023 Uh... Ok, the papers are in my desk over there. Take them; just don't hurt my hands. Ok? --- Kiss my ass, you cretin! Guards! Guards! Node013->Node023 Good day, my ass, bucko, I'm here to be polite. You hand over those papers or I'll start removing fingers. Let's see how good of a doc you are then. Node003 The Chosen One? Of course, that makes sense. Interesting... I'm afraid I can't help you. I was assigned to cyber-genetics research, not the Vault Behavioral Project. Node003->Node999 Right. You're mad as a hatter. Goodbye. Node004 Oh my, I've said more than I should already. Never mind, and if anybody asks I didn't say anything. Node003->Node004 What are you talking about? Node005 Something about extreme sociological conditioning. Mind you, I thought it was all so much mumbo-jumbo, no real science in it at all. But I did hear something about 13 having to be improvised during the course of the experiment. Sloppy work, I'd say. Node003->Node005 Vault Behavioral project? Node006 Oh, it's a whole new field - very exciting. Why I'm working on some projects right now - a radical new concept for the mutant problem.  You see, it's really quite simple - mutancy isn't absolute. It can be cured. --- Of course, my simple-minded colleagues were just trying to solve the whole problem the crudest way possible. Purification, indeed. I'll admit there were some early problems, but I've got them worked out now...I think. Node003->Node006 Cyber-genetics? I don't remember ever studying that one. Node005->Node999 You expect me to believe any of this? You are a loon. Node005->Node004 Experiment? What experiment? Node005->Node006 What's this about cyber-genetics? Node006->Node006 Continue Node006->Node006 Continue Node007 In fact, you could help me perform the field testing. Interested? Node006->Node007 Node007->Node004 Not a chance. Node008 I've prepared a small sample of the serum but it needs to be injected into a host. Node007->Node008 Field testing? What do you mean? Node008->Node999 That's it, I'm out of here. Node009 You? Oh, no - the serum's not refined enough to handle such a low mutagenic quotient. It must be used on a super-mutant. Inject the serum into a super-mutant and then come back and report the results. I understand Broken Hills is full of them. Node008->Node009 I'm not letting you stick any needles in me! Node010 Well, it should cause a regression in the genetic matrix that results in the destabilization and assimilation of abberant DNA, leaving the host free of mutagenic potential. If I knew for sure, I wouldn't need you to test it. Node009->Node010 What's it do? Node011 You'll be participating in an important experiment, in fact, the most important, scientific-oh, you mean money. Well, I do have a Cyber-Hound Mk. II, Personal Security Model, that I brought with me. I suppose I could have it activated and on-line by the time you got back. Would that do? Node009->Node011 What's in it for me? Node010->Node011 What's in it for me? Node011->Node999 You are out of your mind. Just completely loony. Node012 Excellent. Here's the serum, fitted up in an stim hypo. All you have to do is use it on a super-mutant and then report back to me. Like I said, Broken Hills - that's the place to look. Good luck. Node011->Node012 Cyber-hound? Sure, why not. Node023->Node999 Now you're being reasonable. I'll let Mr. Merk know. Node023->Node999 You'll regret that, Doc. Node019 You misunderstood. I said it would remove their mutagenic potential. The process does seem violent on the system, though. Oh well, more refining to do. Node018->Node019 It killed him! You said it would cure mutants! Node020 Still some bugs, I see. Well, try and try again. Node018->Node020 He's dead, Jim. Node021 Of course. The cyberdog is all yours. Now, I have work to do. Node019->Node021 What about my pay? Node999a Node019->Node999a You're a monster! I want nothing to do with you. Node020->Node999 You're a monster! I want nothing to do with you. Node020->Node021 What about my pay? Node999a->Node999 Node024 Hey! You have exactly ten seconds to put those papers back before I call the guards. --- Caught you again, huh? Fine, I'll let the law deal with you. Guards! Guards! timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->DoCallGuards timed_event_p_proc->Node024