sckarl checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc anim_end_call critter_p_proc->anim_end_call walkBack anim_end_call->walkBack pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node001 Welcome, stranger. I'm Deputy Karl. What can I do for you? --- Such as? --- My name's --- . I'm in need of some honest work. talk_p_proc->Node001 walkUnLock talk_p_proc->walkUnLock Node002 Okay, had a little too much party did you? Look, there's an unlocked cell back there. Why don't you go in back and sleep it off? --- Look, take my advice - get your friends to take you home so you can sleep it off. Drunk in public's a crime here. Node001->Node002 Uh...nugh.. Node003 This is NCR, capitol of the New California Republic. Population 3000 and growing. No slavery, no gambling, no chems. President is Mrs. Tandi, my boss is Sheriff Dumont. That answer your questions? Node001->Node003 I'm new to NCR. What can you tell me about your town? Node004 So did I when I was a kid. Let me know if you find it! Node001->Node004 Well, I'm looking for Vault 13. Node005 His name's Oswald. That's all we could get out of him. He's supposed to be a squatter, from vault 15, but... I doubt it. He's a bit too tough. You know what I mean? Node001->Node005 President Tandi sent me over to talk to some prisoner you've got. Node007 That's Officer Jack, stranger. One of our men. You haven't been talking to Mira, have you? Node001->Node007 I'm looking for a guy named Jack. Some folks call him Whack Jack. Node008 That SOB? He's got a spread just outside town. Just take the road past Stockmen's. Node001->Node008 Where can I find Roger Westin? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a young man wearing the badge of the NCR police --- It's Karl, the town deputy. description_p_proc You see a young man barely out of his teens. He looks eager to please. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node998 Node999 Node003->Node001 Well, I've got some other questions. Node003->Node999 Yeah, that's all. Node004->Node001 Well, I've got some other questions. Node004->Node999 Gee, thanks. Node009 Yeah. He's a real bad one. Killed two of our men and hasn't said a thing. Node005->Node009 Tough guy, huh? Node010 Hang the bastard, I hope. Him and his buddies killed two good men. Won't be any pain for me to see him dead. Node005->Node010 What're you going to do to him? Node011 She and Jack used to be married, you know. Had themselves a really messy divorce. I wouldn't believe spit from her, not about Jack. Do yourself a favor, stay out of it. Jack's a good man, it's just this stuff's got him a little high-strung. Node007->Node011 Yes. Node012 His ex, that's all. If he's not here, he might be over at the powerplant. He's been moonlighting over there for Dorothy. Node007->Node012 Mira who? Node008->Node001 Well, I've got some other questions. Node008->Node999 Thanks. Node013 Guess I'm pretty obvious. Lot of folks look up to him because he's a councilman, but not me. He thinks he's a big man, like the law don't always apply to him. I'd like to take him down a notch or two someday. Node008->Node013 You don't like him much. Node014 No problem. Next five minutes, maybe I won't hear a thing. Follow me. Node009->Node014 Give me a little time alone with him. Maybe I can convince him to be cooperative. Node015 Sure, for what good it will do you. Node009->Node015 Can I see him now? Node010->Node015 Can I see him now? Node006 Say, I've heard of you haven't I? Yeah - some pretty good stuff. Look, there's some folks I know, they could use a fellow like you. Just go to the auto shop and ask for Elise. Tell her Karl sends his regards. --- Work? The Stockmen's Association is looking for guards. Raiders been hitting the cattle drives hard again. And I heard that President Tandi's been looking for somebody "resourceful," as she puts it. That help? Node006->Node001 Well, I've got some other questions. Node006->Node999 Some. Thanks. Node011->Node001 Okay, let's move on to other topics. Node011->Node999 Well, thank you kindly for that advice, deputy. Node012->Node001 Well, I've got some other questions. Node012->Node999 Thanks. Node013->Node999 I've got to go. Just outside of town, you say? Node016 Well, a couple of years ago he had a stroke and now Doc Jubilee's got him on some kind of medicine. What's it to you, anyway? Node013->Node016 Stranger things have happened. What can you tell me about him? Node016->Node999 Nothing, just talk. I'll quit wasting your time. timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->walkUnLock timed_event_p_proc->walkBack