scmerk checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc I know Lenny's death ain't no accident, you bastard. EndFight critter_p_proc->EndFight pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node998 talk_p_proc->Node998 Node019 Looks like we can do business, friend. Here's the deal - there's a loopy scientist in town - Dr. Henry. He's got some papers I'd like. I'll pay $1000 for them. Oh, and I don't want no harm to come to Dr Henry. He's useful alive. Interested? talk_p_proc->Node019 ReturnWeapons talk_p_proc->ReturnWeapons unHideParty talk_p_proc->unHideParty Node002 talk_p_proc->Node002 Node003 talk_p_proc->Node003 Node001 Hey, I've seen you in the movies! Come to show me some action, have you? --- Whaddya mean, disturbing my peace like this? Get outta here. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node048 So, is that little business with Dr. Henry done? talk_p_proc->Node048 Node043 What the hell you doing in my place? talk_p_proc->Node043 Node042 Ah, I've heard the news. You still interested in a job? talk_p_proc->Node042 Node006 You again? So's the job done? talk_p_proc->Node006 Node005 You again? --- Well keep it polite, punk, or this could get ugly. --- I'm Merk. Whattya want? talk_p_proc->Node005 Node004 Get outta my way! talk_p_proc->Node004 LennyFight talk_p_proc->LennyFight Node023 I had you figured for a wuss. Node019->Node023 Nope, not my style. Node39a Node019->Node39a I'm on it. Node046 I'm not talking to you until the job's done! I need those papers from Dr. Henry's place, pronto. --- I'm not talking to you until the job's done! Node048->Node046 No. Node049 Days like this make me so happy. Well, let's conclude our business. Node048->Node049 Yeah, I got the papers you want. Node013 I'm tired of this. Boys - take care of our guest. Node043->Node013 I'll do what I want, you weasel. Node522a Node043->Node522a I was out of line before. I won't do it again. I just want a little of your time. Node042->Node019 Yeah, I'm tired of freebies. I could use the work. Node020 Knowledge costs you. Am I clear? --- "The price of wisdom is above rubies." Node042->Node020 No, but I need some information. Node047 That disappoints me. I normally remove things that disappoint me. However, in your case I can be generous. Just leave and don't come back and I'll forget all about it. Node042->Node047 No. Node044 Get out of here, you warthog! Node006->Node044 Glub. Node045 Then what're you doing here you dumb shit? You wanna impress me, then get things done! Node006->Node045 No. Node006->Node046 I got some questions Node007 Hmm... Strong. Dumb...If you want a job, talk to Mira. Understand? Mi-ra. Over there. --- Like making noises? Will somebody get this brahmin turd out of here? Node005->Node007 Oort. Node008 Are you that stupid? You think I'm just gonna hire anybody? You work for me, you got to prove you're good for something. --- Listen, I'm --- and I'm a badass mofo. Just ask anybody. Node005->Node008 I'm looking for work. Node009 It was that goddamn Doofus, wasn't it? That little junkie talks to much for his own good. Tell you what - you cap him for me -- call it a favor -- and then we'll talk. Node005->Node009 Informed sources say you're the man to see about doing business, if you know what I mean. Node1011a Node005->Node1011a They say you're the man who ripped off my car. Node005->Node020 I'm looking for some information. Node1211a Node005->Node1211a Some say you might know a thing or two about, oh say, stuff missing from cars. Node037 Hey, a man's got to try. Vault 13's practically a religion around here. They've even built a statue to some chump who supposedly came from there. That's all I know. --- That map didn't pan out? Sorry. The guy swore it was genuine. How was I to know? I don't know where Vault 13 is. --- I sold you a map for it. Try using it. Node005->Node037 Hey that map was a fake. StripPlayer LennyFight->StripPlayer HideParty LennyFight->HideParty destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a well-dressed, heavy set man who moves with deliberate slowness. --- It's Merk - folks call him The Man around here. description_p_proc This fellow's got an air of arrogant coldness to him, like he cares for you no more than the fly he just squished between his fingers. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_exit_p_proc timed_event_p_proc enterMap timed_event_p_proc->enterMap exitMap timed_event_p_proc->exitMap ensureAnimation timed_event_p_proc->ensureAnimation timed_event_p_proc->ensureAnimation doMerkAttack timed_event_p_proc->doMerkAttack doMerkAttack->Node998 combat_p_proc Node999 Node014 I don't think Lenny would like that. Node008->Node014 How about I just shoot Lenny, there? He deserves it. Node016 Like I've got problems that need solving. Node008->Node016 Prove like how? Node017 Jet? Are you proposing something...? Node008->Node017 You know anybody who'd like some jet, maybe? Node999a Node008->Node999a Right. Like I got to prove myself to you. Forget you, slugwort. Node999b Node009->Node999b Deal. Node022 Well, as far as I'm concerned, here you're just a pile of dung. Node009->Node022 Whoa - I'm not that cold-blooded! Node010 And they're gonna say you were a dumb ass. Boys- Node1011a->Node010 Node011 Interesting. Now who'd go saying something like that? Node1011a->Node011 Node020->Node999 Forget it. Node029 Well, I am a learned man. What's your question? --- Ask away. Node020->Node029 Node20Rep Node020->Node20Rep Here's $50. Node1211a->Node011 Node012 Supposing I do know something. What of it? Node1211a->Node012 Node037->Node999 That's all I need to know. Node030 Your payment gets you one question. Another costs you another $50. Node037->Node030 I've got some more questions. Node37a Like I said sorry it didn't pan out for you. Node037->Node37a Well what about the money I gave you. Node014->Node999 Have it your way. Node015 guy. --- chick. --- True. Been too dull around here. Time for a little one-on-one in the basement. Come on, Lenny, I want to watch you kill this Node014->Node015 Probably, but I wasn't asking him. Node028 Such as there's a damn Hubologist in town who has irritated me. Once this itch is scratched, come back and talk to me. Node016->Node028 Such as? Node018 Intriguing. I'll give you $1000 for his services - permanently. Node017->Node018 My friend here knows how to make it. Interested? Node017->Node023 Something illegal? No, I wouldn't do that. Node999b->Node999 Node011->Node999 Oh, it's just something I heard. Just wanted to see what you'd say. Node2413a Node011->Node2413a Don't bullshit me, fat man. If I don't get back what's mine, somebody'll be shopping for your burial suit. Node1312a Node011->Node1312a Cute. You gonna answer my question or not? Node2413a->Node013 Node024 Okay. No problem. I don't want no trouble. I'll tell you what, I'll even have my boys put the stuff right back where they found it. Node2413a->Node024 Node1312a->Node012 Node1312a->Node013 Node012->Node2413a I want my shit back, fat man! Node25a Node012->Node25a Now if a man had some things missing, do you suppose he could buy those things back? Node027 By all means, call in the officers. Of course, I assume you have evidence to back up your wild accusation. Node012->Node027 How about I talk to the law? Node025 Such a person just might be able to. Node25a->Node025 Node026 Now, I suggest you leave. Node027->Node026 Never mind. Node4041a Node027->Node4041a Yeah, sure. Node028->Node998 How dare you speak against the true belief! Node028->Node023 Sorry, I don't get involved in religious wars. Node055d Node028->Node055d Consider it done. I got just the backscratcher for him but... what's an Hubologist and where do I find him? Node018->Node999 No, I can't do that to a friend. Node19a Node018->Node19a Deal. Node19a->Node019 Node039 Excellent. Come back when you're done. Node39a->Node039 Node029->Node999 That's it. Node3731a Node029->Node3731a I'm looking for Vault 13. Node32a Node029->Node32a Ever hear of a GECK? Node33a Node029->Node33a What do you know about some outfit called the Rangers? Node34a Node029->Node34a What can you tell me about some guy named Westin? Node35a Node029->Node35a I'm looking for info on Vice-President Carlson. Node20Rep->Node020 Node021 Oh, you're that person. Node024->Node998 Don't give me this bs! Node999c Node024->Node999c It better be, or I'll be back. Node999c->Node999 Node040 That is very troubling. Boys, kill him and recover this evidvence. Node4041a->Node040 Node041 Your feeble attempts to intimidate me are almost amusing, but now I suggest you leave before I tire of this game. Node4041a->Node041 Node055 A Hubologist is a nut-case religious fanatic. It can be found at the church in town. Node055d->Node055 Node3731a->Node037 Node031 Just so happens, I've got a map to Vault 13. It's only 1000 bucks. You interested? Node3731a->Node031 Node032 Is it some kind of chem out of New Reno? I've never heard of it. Node32a->Node032 Node033 Those bastards? Best stay out of my place or I'll put a hole in them. Node33a->Node033 Node034 The rancher, eh? Came in here one time, about croaked. Town doc had to rush over with some pills - seems Westin's got a heart condition. Ruined business for the rest of the night. Node34a->Node034 Node035 As a good citizen, I applaud Carlson's opposition to any New Reno influence around here. Now that Westin's dead, I've been helping out with security for the Vice President. Node35a->Node035 Node030->Node999 I've got all the facts I need. Node29a Node030->Node29a Okay, here. Node29a->Node029 Node031->Node037 And I'll bet you've got a bridge to sell, too. Node36a Node031->Node36a Sure. I'll take it. Node036 That all? Node031->Node036 Maybe later. Node36a->Node036 Node036->Node999 Yeah, that's it for now. Node036->Node030 No, I've got some more questions Node032->Node999 That's all I needed to know. Node032->Node030 Nope. I've got some more questions, though. Node033->Node999 That's all I needed to know. Node033->Node030 Well, that was informative. Another question. Node034->Node999 That's all I needed to know. Node034->Node030 Thanks for the info. I've got some more questions. Node035->Node999 That's all I needed to know. Node3836a Node035->Node3836a Oh, well, I guess I'll never get to meet the man. I've heard a lot about him, too. Node3836a->Node036 Node038 Tell you what. I like your work and Carlson could use another guard. Give a little time and there'll be a job waiting for you down there. Node3836a->Node038 Node37a->Node998 Well how bout you eat this bullet for my trouble. Node37a->Node999 Hmmphf. Node038->Node999 I don't need a job. Thanks anyway. NodeCarlsonSec Node038->NodeCarlsonSec I'm on it, Merk. NodeCarlsonSec->Node999 Node522a->Node005 Node522a->Node022 Node050 It has come to my attention that the ingenious doctor expired during your visit. That was against my orders. To recoup future losses I think it will be necessary to receive a refund. Node5253a Node050->Node5253a Look, I'll just give you 500 bucks and we'll forget the whole deal. Node053 I think I'll just kill you, get my money back, and collect a reward. After all, that's what being a good citizen is all about. Node050->Node053 Screw you. Node5253a->Node053 Node052 Deal - but only because I like you. I suggest you don't come back any time soon. Node5253a->Node052 Node051 Well, success in your ventures. I see no reason for us to talk again. Node051->Node999 Fine by me. Node054 You again! DIE! --- I thought I said don't bother me anymore. Node054->doMerkAttack Node055->Node999 I'm on my way. loadMapPosition shouldBeHere onValidMap whatTile whereAmI CheckRemove(LVar0) CheckRemove(LVar0) StripPlayer->CheckRemove(LVar0) Node997 Node2122a Node2122a->Node022 Node2122a->Node021 NodeBarter NodeBarter->Node026 Node5051a You gain --- exp for Retriving Dr. Henry's papers. Node5051a->Node050 Node5051a->Node051 checktime goodWeapon putAllInBox CheckRemove putAllInBox(arg0, obj_pid(arg0)) putAllInBox(arg0, obj_pid(arg0)) CheckRemove->putAllInBox(arg0, obj_pid(arg0))