scskeete checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node002 Whoa man, there's like this giant talking to me! Is that so cool or what? talk_p_proc->Node002 Node003 What do you want with Doofus, man? --- Whoa, we met before? What can I do for you? --- Right, sure man. talk_p_proc->Node003 Node999 Node002->Node999 Useless junkie - get lost! Node010 Gurg, ladal spaf! Node002->Node010 Gurg? Node008 Whoa, thought communication! I'm picking up mental vibes! Okay, let me try... uhhh.... Uhhh... Node002->Node008 I am not a man! Node002->Node008 What place is this? Node011 Right - obey the giant, man. It the way things are supposed to be. What should I do, giant? --- Man that's a lot. Giant, I'm Doofus and I'm a car hop and I'm supposed to watch cars that people bring here, but, you know, I got this...thing, see, and sometimes I need a little extra money and stuff, see? --- Yeah, right. So like sometimes I'm a little short and I got my needs, understand, like when I start feeling sick, so I gotta score me some caps or something, so I'll go talk to Merk. --- Man, Merk's the man. He's got action and stuff. Sometimes he'll let me get sleep at the Rawhide after closing. But then he wants me to do little favors. --- I'm getting to that - wow, the colors, man! Merk he sometimes wants stuff from cars I watch. But I fool him! --- See I only take from the cars I ain't paid to watch. He thinks I'm jacking my customers, but I don't do that. Man, I got to quit talking. I'm like seeing things...oh, man, the glow. It's all about glowing. Node002->Node011 That's right. I'm a really powerful giant! You will obey me. Node003->Node999 Nothing. Thought you were somebody else. Bye. Node001 That's fine transport, man, truly fine! Oh man, I am the one for you - watch your car, keep it safe from the bedbugs. Five bucks, no problem. Five bucks and Doofus is on the job! Never sleep - 24 hour, always there, man. --- I am the car hop, man. I watch cars -  $5. Nobody touches them, cause Doofus's on the job. --- Right, sure man. --- So man, you want my protection? Node003->Node001 Node003->Node001 What do you do? Node009 This is the NCR - the high, mighty, righteous, absolutely and always correct New California Republic. They are the ones who will lead people like us out of the wasteland and into the new and perfect future. Can you dig it? Node003->Node009 What is this place? Node004 Whoa, man, I warned you. Bad place. Bad folks around here. Heard your transport got jacked. Node003->Node004 Node012 Oh, just shut up you dumb shit! Node003->Node012 Squa? Node003inc Node003->Node003inc I am not a man! destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a thin-looking punk. --- It's Doofus, the car hop. description_p_proc This guy's a ragged little weed, full twitches and tics, no doubt a reliance on something. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node998 Node001->Node999 Get lost, skuzz! Node0506a Node001->Node0506a Good. Do.. Node001->Node0506a Deal. $5 - you watch the car. Node007 Hey man, Doofus warned you. --- Fuck you. I not answering your questions. Node001->Node007 No. You no touch. Node001Inc Node001->Node001Inc I am not a man! Node001->Node009 What place is this? Node005 Doofus will perform, man. Not even a fly is gonna land his shit on your au-to-mo-bile! Node0506a->Node005 Node006 If you ain't got the jack, just get the fuck out of here! I got important things to do. Node0506a->Node006 Node007->Node999 Goodbye Node007->Node999 Bye-bye. Node007Inc Node007->Node007Inc What is this place? Node001Inc->Node001 Node009->Node999 Yeah, thanks. Goodbye. Node001Stub Node009->Node001Stub Let's get this business finished Node010->Node012 TAK! Node014 That's right, man. Go see Merk. He's always got things that need doing. Node010->Node014 Doof? Ganya kulk zar! Node008->Node999 You are a goddamn head case! I'm out of here. Node008->Node014 Yes? Node015 Oh man, you blew it! Merk's not going to be happy when he hears this. Node008->Node015 No? Node011->Node999 That's enough, I can't take any more. Node011Take Sure, dude, take it all. Node011->Node011Take Give me all your stuff. Node011Repeat Node011->Node011Repeat Tell me what you know. Node004->Node999 Great. Thanks. Fine. Node004->Node012 Brak? Node013 Oh, you know. Sometimes I hear things. I hear a lot; can't always remember it right. Node004->Node013 How did you know? Node012->Node999 Bye-bye. Node003inc->Node003 Node013->Node999 Screw this. I don't have time to waste with a junkie. Node01606a Node013->Node01606a $50 bucks says you remember it right. Node016017a Node013->Node016017a Remember or I blow your fucking head off. Node005->Node999 Good. Shut up. Node005->Node009 What is this place? Node007Inc->Node007 Node014->Node999 Go bye-bye! Node015->Node999 Goodbye, dope-head Node001Stub->Node001 Node011Repeat->Node011 Node01606a->Node006 Node016 Okay! Look it was Merk's crew. They were jacking cars last night. Ask around and you might find them. Node01606a->Node016 Node016017a->Node016 Node017 Sure.  You've got me terrified. Node016017a->Node017 Node016->Node999 You lie, me kill. Node016->Node999 Don't be lying. I'll be back if you are. Node017->Node999 Bite me. I'm out of here. Node017->Node999 Need a car watched? No problem. I can do that. Node017->Node01606a $50 bucks says you remember it right. timed_event_p_proc Need a car watched? No problem. I can do that. --- Need a car watched? No problem. I can do that.