scslvovr checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc talk_p_proc critter_p_proc->talk_p_proc anim_end_call critter_p_proc->anim_end_call Node001 What the hell are you? Some kind of burglar? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node002 What do you want? talk_p_proc->Node002 pickup_p_proc Node999 Node002->Node999 Sorry, wrong guy. Node003 Go on, get out of here. I've already got enough idiot guards! Node002->Node003 Kurg? Node004 What are you chump, blind? This is a slave pen. You want to know more, talk to Vortis. Node002->Node004 What is this place? Node005 It that so? Well, I'm sending you back in a body bag. Node002->Node005 The Rangers sent me. Node006 That'd be Vortis, the old guy. Node002->Node006 I'm looking for the owner. Node007 Well now, you put it that way, I can't really say no. What's on your mind? --- Thanks, stranger. --- I know more than old Vortis gives me credit for, you know. --- Well, I've done a lot more than most people suspect. Like this job, though. It's nice and cushy. --- Whatever. Node002->Node007 Brother slaver, I've got a few questions. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a stocky man with a submachine gun slung under his arm. --- It's the slave overseer. description_p_proc Well, from his tattoo you know he's a slaver. Looks like he's in charge of the guards around here. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node998 Node006->Node999 The old guy, eh? Okay. Node006->Node007 Thanks. Say, you seem like a bright guy. I'll bet you can help me out with a few questions Node007->Node999 Forget it. I don't want to take up your time. Node008 Those bastards killed my brother and then said it was for the good of the people!  I want them dead. If you can help, talk to Vortis. Node007->Node008 What's the deal with these Rangers I hear about? Node009 Everybody's heard of Vault 13. When I was a kid, me and my friends used to go prospecting for it. Supposed to be east of here, so we searched everything but never did find it. Node007->Node009 I'm looking for Vault 13. Ever hear of it? Node010 GECK, eh? Back when I was studying Vault tech, I read about those. Supposedly every vault got one and it was supposed to be the first thing used once a vault got opened. They say that's how Shady Sands got its start - from a GECK. That help at all? Node007->Node010 Ever hear of a GECK? Node011 The Enclave.... You know, there's a doc in town, goes by the name of Henry. One night when he was drunk he started going on about some guys he called the Enclave. Node007->Node011 Know anything about an outfit called the Enclave? Node012 Me, I'm always on the lookout - problem is, nobody ever wants to hire a slaver anymore. Vortis, my boss, has got something hush-hush. And in town the ranchers at the Stockmen's Association are always hiring plus Dorothy can always use a hand at the powerplant if you got skills. Word is even President Tandi's looking for a specialist. Node007->Node012 I'm looking for work. Know anybody who's hiring? Node008->Node999 Right. Think I'll do that right now. Node008->Node007 Vortis, eh? You're a fountain of wisdom. What else do you know? Node013 You cut their... you knows... off for me, okay? Node008->Node013 Sounds like a good idea to me. Node009->Node999 Well, I got to go. Node009->Node007 I'm sure you tried hard. I'd like to ask some more questions, since you know so much. Node010->Node999 Well, I got to go. Node010->Node007 You studied vault tech? Impressive. Say, I got some more questions for you. Node011->Node999 That's all I need bother you with. Thanks. Node011->Node007 That's just what I needed to know. You are a well-informed man. Node012->Node999 Well, I'll get right on these leads. Node012->Node007 Man, you know a lot. I could spend all day asking you questions. Node013->Node999 I'll take care of them, don't worry. Node013->Node007 No problem. There's some other stuff I'd like to know, though. check8to11pos go_tile(10501) go_tile(10501) check8to11pos->go_tile(10501) check12to3pos go_tile(11921) go_tile(11921) check12to3pos->go_tile(11921) check4to11pos check4to11pos->go_tile(11921) check12to7pos check12to7pos->go_tile(10501) go_tile canSeePlayer getTimeBit timer_proc timer_proc->check8to11pos timer_proc->check12to3pos timer_proc->check4to11pos timer_proc->check12to7pos timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->timer_proc