scvortis checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc anim_end_call critter_p_proc->anim_end_call pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node021 What the fuck? Guards! We got an intruder! talk_p_proc->Node021 Node016 You're back again. Did you get that map? talk_p_proc->Node016 Node001 Brother, welcome to Vortis' hall. How can I help you? --- So what do you want? --- You're starting to annoy me. --- This place is my place and I, Vortis, run an honest and legitimate busines no matter what anybody in NCR tells you. Since NCR doesn't allow slaves inside the gates, I mind them for folks who've got business inside. --- What are you, dense? This is a slave pen. I got licenses for it. talk_p_proc->Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node002 Oh, look - the goody two-shoes, lollipop kid. Boys, escort this hypocritical paragon of saintly virtue out of my sight! talk_p_proc->Node002 Node998 Node021->Node998 callGuards Node021->callGuards Node19a Node016->Node19a Yes. Node020 Well don't hang around here, you moron! Somebody'll get suspicious. Node016->Node020 No Node999 Node001->Node999 Not outhouse? Me go away. Node001->Node999 Nothing. Wrong place. Node005 Fuck you. Boys, escort this annoying crud out of my sight. Node001->Node005 Node001->Node005 Node003 Well? Node001->Node003 Just got some questions. Node0405a Node001->Node0405a I'm looking for work. Node001r Node001->Node001r Uh? Node001->Node001r What's this place do? Node002->Node999 Fuck this. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a scrawny old guy with a pen stuck behind his ear and spectacles balanced on the end of his nose. --- It's Vortis, the owner of this slave pen. description_p_proc He's got about three teeth. His fingers and shirt are stained with blue ink. There's a really faded slaver's tattoo on his forehead. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc doLoadStuff map_enter_p_proc->doLoadStuff Node005->Node999 Bite me! Node003->Node998 You're slaver scum! Why shouldn't I kill you? Node003->Node005 Node006 Vault 13! Get outta here. Damn place is a myth. Vault 13, my ass. Node003->Node006 I'm looking for Vault 13. Node007 A what? Well, whatever it is, I ain't got it. Node003->Node007 Do you have a GECK? Node008 New California Republic - nothing but temperance types and merchants. Got a bug about slavers and slavery, but what the hell, it makes my business. Node003->Node008 What can you tell me about this town? Node91018a Node003->Node91018a I heard there's these guys - New California Rangers. They been giving you any trouble? Node011 No, you may not go nosing around, shit-for-brains! This ain't a museum! Node003->Node011 Mind if I have a look around? Node0405a->Node005 Node004 Work? Well...there might be something. You ever hear of the New California Rangers? Node0405a->Node004 Node017 I'm still waiting for you to finish the first job! Node0405a->Node017 Node001r->Node001 Node006->Node999 Well, thanks for nothing. Node006->Node003 Another question... Node007->Node999 Well, thanks for nothing. Node007->Node003 Another question... Node008->Node999 Thanks, got to go. Node008->Node003 Another question... Node009 Somebody steered you wrong. I don't have no trouble with nobody - especially not no Rangers. I'm all legal, so there ain't nothing on me. Node91018a->Node009 Node010 Yeah, I may have some feelings about the Rangers. You looking for work? Node91018a->Node010 Node018 Not since you did your job. Thanks. Node91018a->Node018 Node011->Node999 You're too touchy for me. I'm leaving. Node011->Node003 Another question... Node012 Well then, you should know some folks see them as a potential problem. It would be extremely useful if we had a map of their safe houses through the north - New Reno, Klamath, wherever. I'd be willing to pay, oh say, $500 for something like that. You think you could get that for me? Node004->Node012 Yes. Node013 Let me tell you, then. These Rangers have got it in their heads to wipe out slavery and slavers - by force. They've been creating a lot of trouble for hard working folks. --- They work in secret, especially up north. --- Jeez, I got to spell this out for you? They raid slavers, drive off the stock, and smuggle 'em down south to NCR lands where slavery's illegal. So you interested? --- There is no "and"! You want the job or not? Node004->Node013 No. Node012->Node005 I don't think so. Node014a Node012->Node014a Sure. Node013->Node012 So what you want me to do? Node013r Node013->Node013r And? Node009->Node999 Whatever you say. I'll be going. Node009->Node003 Another question... Node010->Node003 No. Node010->Node012 Yes. Node014 Fine. When you get me a map, I'll be here. Node014a->Node014 Node013r->Node013 Node014->Node999 I'm on it. I'll see you then. Node014->Node003 Okay, I got some other questions, though. Node015 How the hell should I know!? If I knew, I'd have it, wouldn't I? Look, there's supposed to be a cell in town. Find them and see what you can do. Node014->Node015 Where am I going to find a map? Node015->Node999 Alright. I'll be back. Node015->Node003 Just a few more questions. Node019 Good work. Now you best make yourself scarce, in case those Rangers ever wise up. Node19a->Node019 Node020->Node999 All right, I get the hint. Node017->Node001 Oh yeah, I forgot Node018->Node999 No problem. Bye. Node018->Node003 Just a question or two. Node019->Node999 Pleasure doing business. Node022 Go in there and I'll blow your head off. Understand? checkTime walkToOffice checkTime->walkToOffice walkToBed checkTime->walkToBed timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node022 timed_event_p_proc->checkTime