scwesgrd checkPartyMembersNearDoor old_pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->old_pickup_p_proc start critter_p_proc checkNotify Hey, get away from there! --- You should ask before you play with things that aren't yours. critter_p_proc->checkNotify Node009 Your not allowed on to the ranch without official busniess. critter_p_proc->Node009 talk_p_proc Node001 Hello. Did you need to see Mr. Westin again? --- This is private property, please move along. --- Are you ready to leave? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node007 Yeah, yeah. I am in the middle of something. talk_p_proc->Node007 Node999 Node001->Node999 No. Node001->Node999 Ok, me go. Node001->Node999 All right, I'll be going. Node001->Node999 No, me stay. Node001->Node999 No, I'll hang around a bit longer. NodeFieldOff Node001->NodeFieldOff Yes. Node001->NodeFieldOff Me want go. Node001->NodeFieldOff Yes, I need to be going now. Node002 This is Westin Ranch, home of councilman Westin. Node001->Node002 Who live here? Node001->Node002 Excuse me but who lives here? Node008 All right, come on in. Don't cause any trouble though, I'll be watching you. Node001->Node008 Me have things from Vault City for Mr. Westin. Node001->Node008 I have something from Vault City for Mr. Westin. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a guard. --- You see Grant, the guard description_p_proc You see a guard. His armor and weapons are in excellent condition. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc FieldOff timed_event_p_proc->FieldOff Walk timed_event_p_proc->Walk UseComputer You should ask before you play with things that aren't yours. timed_event_p_proc->UseComputer timed_event_p_proc->UseComputer UseEmitter You should ask before you play with things that aren't yours. timed_event_p_proc->UseEmitter Node998 NodeFieldOff->Node999 Node002->Node999 Ok. Bye. Node002->Node999 I see. Well, I'll be on my way. Node003 What business do you have with Mr. Westin? Node002->Node003 Me need see. Node002->Node003 I need to see the councilman, please. Node008->NodeFieldOff Me thank. Node008->NodeFieldOff Thanks. Node003->Node999 Nevermind. Node003->Node999 Never mind, I'll come back later. Node003->Node008 Me have things from Vault City for Mr. Westin. Node003->Node008 I have something from Vault City for Mr. Westin. Node004 Hmm... I seem to remember something about work being available. All right, come on in. Don't cause any trouble though, I'll be watching you. Node003->Node004 Me need job. Node003->Node004 I'm looking for work and I hear that he's hiring. Node005 Mr. Westin doesn't just 'chat' with anyone who walks in off the street. If you don't have specific business with him then I suggest you leave until such time as you do. Now please go away. Node003->Node005 Just want chat. Node003->Node005 I would like to chat with Mr. Westin. Node006 (sigh) I've heard that Mr. Westin has a soft spot for people like you. Come on in. Node003->Node006 Uh... Node004->NodeFieldOff Me thank. Node004->NodeFieldOff Thanks. Node005->Node999 Done. Node006->NodeFieldOff Me thank you.