sishelf3 checkPartyMembersNearDoor start use_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a bookcase used to store inventory. description_p_proc An old bookcase stands here. It seems sturdy enough you could probably store things on it's shelves. use_skill_on_p_proc This bookcase doesn't seem to be trapped. --- doesn't think this bookcase is trapped. --- Leave the damn bookcases alone before I have to impose extreme sanctions on your ass. --- Don't do that. Skill_Disarm_Traps use_skill_on_p_proc->Skill_Disarm_Traps Disarm_Traps You see a bookcase used to store inventory. --- An old bookcase stands here. It seems sturdy enough you could probably store things on it's shelves. --- This bookcase doesn't seem to be trapped. --- doesn't think this bookcase is trapped. Skill_Disarm_Traps->Disarm_Traps use_obj_on_p_proc Hey, don't plant that here. --- Leave the damn bookcases alone before I have to impose extreme sanctions on your ass. --- Don't do that. damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc Look_Traps_And_Locks Look_Traps Look_Locks Damage_Critter Disarm_Traps->Damage_Critter Unlock_Lock Lockpick_Door You see a bookcase used to store inventory. --- An old bookcase stands here. It seems sturdy enough you could probably store things on it's shelves. Unlock_Lock->Lockpick_Door Lockpick_Lock Lockpick_Lock->Lockpick_Door Lock_Door You see a bookcase used to store inventory. --- An old bookcase stands here. It seems sturdy enough you could probably store things on it's shelves. Set_Lock Set_Lock->Lock_Door Set_Lockpick_Lock Set_Lockpick_Lock->Lock_Door Set_Trap Hey, don't plant that here. --- Leave the damn bookcases alone before I have to impose extreme sanctions on your ass. --- Don't do that. Set_Trap->Damage_Critter Pry_Door