vcbarkus checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node001 What th--?! A mutant! In Vault City! Guards! Guards! --- What th--?! A ghoul! In Vault City! Guards! Guard! talk_p_proc->Node001 Node033 What are you doing back here? I sent you to the Vault! Of all the... very well, I will have someone escort you back there. talk_p_proc->Node033 Node002 The Servant Allocation Center is closed. Please return in the morning. talk_p_proc->Node002 Node003 Yes, Captain? --- Yes, Citizen? --- Yes, what is it? I'm behind in my assignments. talk_p_proc->Node003 Node998 Node001->Node998 Umm...hurnhh? Node001->Node998 If it's a fight you want... Node033a Node033->Node033a Oh-keeeee Node999 Node003->Node999 Shamble off Node003->Node999 Nothing today, thanks. Node006 What th-? Are you one of the new Servants? Node003->Node006 Umm...Me luuwk Valt! Node004 This? Why, this is the Servant Assignment Center. Were you in need of a servant? --- This is the Servant Assignment Center. Node003->Node004 What is this building? Node005 The Vault? It's that huge hole in the mountain on the east side of the city. Head out the front door, turn left and walk straight ahead. You can't miss it. Node003->Node005 I'm looking for the Vault. Node003a Node003->Node003a I'm looking for a particular Servant...Joshua, I believe. Is he here? Node027 Perhaps. Do you have some you wish to sell? Node003->Node027 You looking to buy any, servants? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see...another...Vault City official. description_p_proc You see Barkus, the Vault City Servant Coordinator. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc Node006->Node999 Uh-uh me leave now Node008 I'm tired of Servants being sent over with no clearance... *sigh*... let's see, you said you were looking for the Vault? That must be your assignment for the day. Very well. I will have someone escort you there. Node006->Node008 Yup Node004->Node999 No, just curious. Thanks. Node004->Node999 Just curious. thanks. Node004->Node003a I'm looking for a particular Servant...Joshua, I believe. Is he here? Node004->Node027 Servant Allocation, huh? Do you buy, servants here? Node007 Citizens who need help with menial tasks come here to have a Servant assigned to them for the day. --- You must be new around here. I'll explain it...slowly. --- Citizens who need help with menial tasks come here to have a Servant assigned to them for the day. Node004->Node007 Servant Assignment Center? What's that? Node005->Node003 I had another question for you. Node005->Node999 Thanks for the directions. Goodbye. Node005->Node004 What is this building? Node010 No, you need to be a Citizen in order to be allowed into the Vault. Now, look, I happen to be very busy at the moment, so if you would please excuse me... Node005->Node010 Can anyone get in there? Node013 Joshua? Yes, we do have a Servant by that name, but you wouldn't want him assigned to you. Training him has been...difficult. I'm not certain he can be trained. Node003a->Node013 Node017 Joshua? Yes, we do have a Servant by that name. He was recently transferred from the Corrections Center. Your interest in him is...? Node003a->Node017 Node027->Node003 No, actually. I had some questions for you... Node027->Node999 No, not today, actually. Goodbye. Node028 Hmmm. That woman there, Miria, is it? She has strong arms...and nice hips. I will buy her from you for $250. --- Hmmm. that boy there, Davin, is it? He look relatively free from Outworlder contamination. I will buy him from you for $250. --- Hmmm. That tribal you have. He smells...strongly. But he looks healthy. I'll take him for $100. --- Hmmm. That man there...Vic, is it? Even though he's old, he looks like a handyman. $100. --- Perhaps you should return when you have a servant of value to show me. Your current stock... is unimpressive. Node027->Node028 Yes, I have one right here with me. Take a look and make me an offer. Node027->Node028 Yes, I have a few right here with me. Take a look and make me an offer. Node013->Node003 Hmmm. Another question then... Node013->Node999 All right. Goodbye. Node026 Of course, Captain. I will take care of it right now. Node013->Node026 I need to question him about a matter of Vault City security. Have him sent to the Courtyard at once. Node014 I don't think it's a good idea. Wait until he has undergone some more training first, then I'll consider it. Node013->Node014 I would like him assigned to me anyway. Node015 Yes, he's more stubborn than almost any Servant we've ever had here. If I didn't know better, I'd assume his father was a brahmin. Node013->Node015 Difficult? Node024 Infected? Infected with what? --- Symptoms? What kind of symptoms? --- Uh... --- 's Syndrome. A lot of Outworlders have it. Its symptoms include, uh, speaking when not being spoken to. And using coarse language. Node013->Node024 Oh, I don't want him assigned to me. Far from it. I am concerned that he might be infected. Node017->Node003 No reason. I did have some other questions... Node017->Node999 All right. Goodbye. Node018 Oh, really? And what makes you think I would release him? Node017->Node018 I'd like to negotiate for his release. Node022 Is that so? Are you aware that each Servant is thoroughly checked before being admitted into the Allocation Center? --- Are you aware of --- 's Syndrome? It doesn't show up on most medical scans, and its symptoms can lie dormant for weeks. --- In the wastes, there is a disease called --- 's Syndrome. Perhaps you've noticed the lowered energy level of your Servants recently? Their general surliness? Node017->Node022 I suspect he has a contagious disease. You might want to release him before he infects the other Servants. Node007->Node999 All right, just curious, thanks. Good day. Node007->Node003a I am looking for a particular Servant...Joshua, I believe. Is he here? Node007->Node027 Are you looking to buy, servants, right now? Node009 I'd watch that kind of talk if I were you. It is NOT slavery. We take care of these refugees, and they have a good life...better than they would get in the wastes. Node007->Node009 That sounds a lot like slavery. Node007->Node009 Oh, so this is where the slaves are stored? Why didn't you say so? Node011 Our Servants are usually refugees from raider attacks or contractual prisoners who wish to work off their sentence in a productive manner. Node007->Node011 Where do you get all these servants? Node010->Node003 Just one more question... Node010->Node999 All right. Goodbye. Node008a Node008->Node008a Valt! Valt! Node009->Node003 Oh, I had some other questions... Node009->Node999 That's all I needed to know then, thanks. Good day. Node009->Node011 Where do you get them? Node011->Node003 Hmmm. I had another question... Node011->Node999 I see. Thanks for the information. Node011->Node003a Do you have a contractual prisoner named Joshua in custody? Node011->Node027 Are you looking to buy any, servants...right now? Node011a No, not scripters, you moron. Node011->Node011a Oh, you mean scripters? I knew this guy named Dan once who... Node012 You're a fine one to make moral judgments, slaver. Get out of here. --- You sound a lot like that idiot Moore...just what Vault City needs. Look, whoever you are, I have work to do, so if you'll kindly remove yourself... Node011->Node012 At the cost of their freedom, eh? Node011a->Node011 Moron? I had to work hard to get the minimum 9 Intelligence and Perception to find this node.  Anyway, you were saying? Node012->Node998 Why don't you make me leave? Node012->Node999 All right, all right... Node021 It is done. Joshua is no longer a servant of Vault City, and he has been moved into the Courtyard with the rest of the Outworlders. --- You convinced Barkus to release Joshua. --- You see...another...Vault City official. --- You see Barkus, the Vault City Servant Coordinator. Node026->Node021 Excellent. Thank you, Citizen. Node014->Node003 Just one more question... Node014->Node999 All right. Goodbye. Node014->Node015 You said he's been difficult? Node015->Node003 Just one more question... Node015->Node999 All right. Goodbye. Node016 That's true. I have had to separate him from some of the others...and just yesterday one of the Servants actually had the audacity to question one of my requests. Node015->Node016 You know, that kind of attitude could prove to be a problem. What if the rest of the Servants start following his example? Node019 No, I was thinking of a more sizeable donation. --- Hmmn. Donations are indeed welcome to insure the smooth operation of the Center, but it would require a sizeable donation before I could release Joshua into your care. Node015->Node019 I could purchase him and take him off your hands. Does the Center take..."donations?" Node025 Hmmmm. It wouldn't do if Citizens began to report problems with the Servants...very well, I shall release Joshua at once. If you would give me a moment to make the arrangements... --- Yes...I have noticed those symptoms in the Servants of late. Contagious, you say? Hmmm. Well, if this Joshua is a carrier, I shall release him at once. Give me a moment to make the arrangements... Node024->Node025 Perhaps you've noticed the lowered energy level of your Servants recently? Short attention span? Their inability to hear orders and follow them correctly? Those are only the early stages. Node016->Node025 You should release him now before it gets worse. Node019->Node003 I'll think about it. I did have some other questions... Node019->Node999 I see. I may return later. Node019->Node999 I see. I may return later when I have enough funds for a donation. Node019a Node019->Node019a How about $1000? Node019b Node019->Node019b How about $750? Node019c Node019->Node019c How about $500? Node019d Node019->Node019d How about $250? Node025->Node021 No problem. Joshua would be better off with the Outworlders anyway. Node018->Node003 No reason. I did have some other questions... Node018->Node999 All right. Goodbye. Node018->Node019 A sizeable donation to the Servant Allocation Center operating fund, perhaps? Node018->Node022 I suspect he has a contagious disease. You might want to release him before he infects the other Servants. Node022->Node018 Maybe I was wrong. Nevertheless, I'd like to negotiate for his release. Node020 Well...that's not as much of a donation as I would like, but it will do. I shall see to it that this Joshua you have requested is shipped to the Courtyard for processing. Let me make the necessary arrangements. Node019a->Node020 Node019b->Node019 Node019b->Node020 Node019c->Node019 Node019c->Node020 Node019d->Node019 Node019d->Node020 Node020->Node021 Okay. Node021->Node003 Thanks. I had some other questions... Node021->Node999 Very well. I will go pick him up there, then. Node021->Node999 Sounds good. Hopefully, he won't make this way back into the city. Node021->Node999 Sounds good. Hopefully, he won't make this way back into the city. Node022a Node022a->Node024 Node023 That is utter nonsense. Now if you are quite done with wasting my time with your lies... --- All right, forget " --- 's Syndrome." I'd still like to negotiate for Joshua's release. Node022a->Node023 Node023->Node003 Never mind, then. I had some other questions... Node023->Node999 I'm leaving, then. Goodbye. Node028->Node003 Actually, I'm not looking to sell that one just yet. I did have some questions I wanted to ask you... Node028->Node003 Very well. I had some questions for you, though... Node028->Node999 Actually, I'm not looking to sell that slave. Let's deal another time. Node028->Node999 All right. Some other time when I get better stock, then. Node028a Node028->Node028a C'mon, the slave's worth more than that. Node028b Node028->Node028b That is a fair price. The servant's all yours. Node030 Hmmmm...She does look like a healthy specimen...maybe I could put her to work around here. $500. And that's my final offer. --- Hmmmm. He is a healthy specimen. $400 for him, then. --- Hmmmm. All right. $200, then. And no more haggling. --- Hmmmmmmm. $200. And not a dollar more. Node028a->Node030 Node029 No, I don't think so...250 or nothing. --- No, the boy looks like he would be difficult to train...200 or nothing. --- Look. It'll take a week to wash the smell off that tribal. 100 or nothing. --- You can't even promise me that he won't have a heat attack once he leaves you care. He's old. 100 or nothing. Node028a->Node029 Node031 Excellent. Here is your money. I will have her shipped off for medical tests and processing. --- Give me a moment to take care of the arrangements... --- Excellent. Here is your money. I will have him shipped off for medical tests and processing. --- Give me a moment to take care of the arrangements... --- Excellent. Here is your money. I will have the tribal shipped off for medical tests and processing. --- Give me a moment to take care of the arrangements... --- Excellent. Here is your money. I will have the old man shipped off for medical tests and processing. --- Give me a moment to take care of the arrangements... Node028b->Node031 Node030->Node003 Actually, I'm not looking to sell that one just yet. I did have some questions I wanted to ask you... Node030->Node999 Actually, I'm not looking to sell that slave. Let's deal another time. Node030->Node028b That's fair. The servant's all yours. Node029->Node003 Forget it, then. I did have some questions I wanted to ask you... Node029->Node999 Nothing it is, then. I can't afford to let my servant go for that price. Maybe some other time. Node029->Node028b All right, that's fair. The servant's all yours. Node032 Very well. Your Servant has been relocated for medical testing and re-conditioning. Curious...the Servant seemed quite surprised by the whole affair. It took a few tranquilizer darts to smooth things over. I put everything the Servant was carrying in the box in my office. Node031->Node032 Sure. I'll just wait here. Node032->Node003 Well, Servants will be Servants. I had some other questions I wanted to ask you... Node032->Node999 Yeah, they can be a little difficult at first; they'll get accustomed to it. Good day. Node032->Node028 Really? Well, I 'm sure they'll be more docile as time goes on. Are you interested in any other companions?