vcmclure checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node001 I have heard of your act of heroism. We are all in your debt... Chosen One. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node002 I have to tabulate these lists before I leave. Return in the morning, and I will speak to you then. talk_p_proc->Node002 Node006 Good day... Captain, is it? I've heard a great deal about you. Is there something I could help you with? --- Good day... Citizen, is it? I'd heard we had gained a new member of the community. Is there anything I could help you with? --- Hello... can I help you? --- Good day, Captain. Everything is well, I trust? --- Good day, Citizen. Can I help you? --- Yes? Was there something else you wanted? talk_p_proc->Node006 talk_p_proc->Node006 Node003 A ghoul?! Guards! Guards! talk_p_proc->Node003 Node004 A mutant?! Guards! Guards! talk_p_proc->Node004 Node1000 talk_p_proc->Node1000 Node005 I have nothing to say to you. Leave, or I will call the guards. talk_p_proc->Node005 Node999 Node006->Node999 Shamble off Node006->Node999 Just looking around, thanks. Good day. Node007 How did you get into our City? Guards! We have an Outworlder that needs to be escorted to the gate! Node006->Node007 San-tah Klass? Node008 What is it you would like to know? --- Of course, Captain. --- What is it you would like to know? --- Of course, Citizen. --- What is it you would like to know? Node006->Node008 Can I ask you some questions? Node009 I am Senior Councilor McClure. And you are...? --- . Pleased to meet you. Node006->Node009 Who are you? Node998 Node1000->Node998 destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see an elderly Vault City official. His hair is graying around the edges. --- You see Senior Council Member McClure. description_p_proc You see an elderly Vault City official. His hair is graying around the edges. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node007->Node1000 I go no I GO NO Node1001 Node007->Node1001 Ahhh... Ples no go? Me be good Node008->Node999 Nothing today, thanks. Node024 I am the Senior Council Member. I oversee the council meetings. Node008->Node024 What's your job here? Node017 A GECK? As I understand it, we only had one. I read that it lasted a long time but it broke down a number of years before I was even born. We were supposed to have two... Node008->Node017 I'm looking for a Garden of Eden Creation Kit. Node021 She is the leader of the people. The Citizens of Vault City look to her for guidance, but the Citizens, through the Council, still have final say on matters. In these trying times, she is a pillar of our society. Node008->Node021 What can you tell me about the First Citizen? Node022 Gecko? What do you want to know? Node008->Node022 I'd like to ask you some questions about Gecko. Node023 Not much to tell, other than the fact that our ore shipments have become few and far between. Node008->Node023 What can you tell me about Redding? Node035 What is it? Anything you could tell me would be a great help. Node008->Node035 I need to speak to you about Redding. Node008a Node008->Node008a How does one become a Citizen? Node042 What do you mean? Node008->Node042 I think you might have a part that could fix Gecko's power plant. Node008b Node008->Node008b I repaired Gecko's plant. Node048 I'm sorry... an economic data disk? What do you mean? Node008->Node048 I have an economic data disk here you might find interesting. Node060 What is it? Node008->Node060 I found a way to optimize the Gecko reactor. Node059 Excellent! --- Let me take the reactor disk, and I'll have the Vault central computer optimize it. --- All right. --- Let me take the reactor disk, and I'll have the Vault central computer optimize it. Node008->Node059 Here's the Gecko reactor disk. Can you optimize it? Node009->Node999 I really have to run. Maybe we can do introductions some other time. Node009a Node009->Node009a None of your business. Node024->Node999 Thank you for you time. Goodbye. Node024->Node008 Can I ask you another question? Node024->Node021 Then what does the First Citizen do? Node018 ... but apparently the old government messed up the shipments and we received a shipment that was meant to go to a Vault number... thirteen, I think it was. They probably received our other GECK. Node017->Node018 Supposed to? Node021->Node999 Thanks for you time. Goodbye. Node021->Node008 Can I ask you another question? Node021->Node024 What is it you do? Node029 Things have been tough these last two years. The NCR has been getting more aggressive in their attempts to get Vault City to join the Republic. --- Things have been tough these last two years. The NCR has been getting more aggressive in their attempts to get Vault City to join the Republic. --- They tell us that if we were to join, they would be able to defend us from the raider attacks on our city. As of late, these raider attacks have become more brutal. --- On top of all of this, we have ghouls in Gecko contaminating our groundwater. --- Things have been tough these last two years. The NCR has been getting more aggressive in their attempts to get Vault City to join the Republic. --- They tell us that if we were to join, they would be able to defend us from the raider attacks on our city. As of late, these raider attacks have become more brutal. --- Things have been tough these last two years. The NCR has been getting more aggressive in their attempts to get Vault City to join the Republic. --- On top of all of this, we have ghouls in Gecko contaminating our groundwater. Node021->Node029 "Trying times?" What do you mean? Node022->Node999 Thanks for you time. Goodbye. Node022->Node008 Can I ask you another question? Node030 It is just northeast of here, but if you are planning on going there, I would advise you to purchase some anti-radiation chems. If they are contaminating our water, it is likely their town itself is irradiated. Node022->Node030 Where is Gecko? Node031 It is a forsaken place, a shantytown built around the remnants of an old atomic power plant. Node022->Node031 What is Gecko? Node023->Node999 Thanks for you time. Goodbye. Node023->Node008 Can I ask you another question? Node032 No. I don't understand it at all. We are willing to pay top dollar for their ore, but whenever we try to talk to them about it, they become evasive. If only I knew what was going on... Node023->Node032 Any idea why? Node034 Redding is a week or so west of here. I've never been there. Never been outside Vault City, for that matter. As I understand it, Redding is supposed to be one of the more pleasant settlements in the wastes. Node023->Node034 Where is Redding? Node035a You told McClure about the Redding Jet reliance problem. --- You see Senior Council Member McClure. --- You see an elderly Vault City official. His hair is graying around the edges. Node035->Node035a I found that a large part of Redding is reliant on a chem called Jet. The miners are trading most of their ore to New Reno just to keep supplied. Node039 He has? Well then, what are you doing here? Take it to Doc Johnson in Redding! He should be able to find a way to administer it to the miners. --- I know, you already told me. Please take it to Redding and see if you can help them. Node035->Node039 Dr. Troy has created an antidote for Jet. Node040 Thank you! Now all we can do is wait. Hopefully, this fixes our problem. Thank you again for all of your assistance. Node035->Node040 I delivered the antidote to Redding. Node025 Well, Citizenship isn't for everyone, you understand. You seem more like an adventurer to me... I really don't think that Citizenship is for you. Node008a->Node025 Node026 You wish to become a Citizen? Well, we would be pleased to have you. All you need to do is talk to Proconsul Gregory and he will give you the Citizenship test. Node008a->Node026 Node042->Node999 Oh, nothing. Sorry to trouble you. Node043 That's an acceptable solution. Stopping the radiation poisoning is all I care about. Node042->Node043 If I had a hydroelectric magnetosphere regulator, I could make their plant run clean. Node046 Excellent! I was worried that the radiation build-up might force us to relocate. You are to be commended on a job well done. --- Vault City prevails, Citizen. --- Excellent! I was worried that the radiation build-up might force us to relocate. You are to be commended on a job well done. --- Vault City, prevails, Captain. --- Excellent! I was worried that the radiation build-up might force us to relocate. You are to be commended on a job well done. --- Here's your Citizenship papers. If you ever need anything, come see me. Node008b->Node046 Node047 Yes, you mentioned that. --- Well done, Citizen. --- Yes, you mentioned that. --- Well done, Captain. --- Yes, you mentioned that. --- Well done. Node008b->Node047 Node048->Node999 Nothing. Sorry to disturb you. Node048->Node008 Never mind. I had some other questions. Node049 Very well. Give me a moment... Node048->Node049 Here, take a look. Node051 I... see. So. What does this have to do with me? Node048->Node051 It's an economic data disk that shows the amount of energy that Gecko's atomic power plant produced before the war... and could produce again. Node054a Node060->Node054a I have a reactor data disk here from Gecko. According to... the... uh, technician at the power plant, the Vault City computer can optimize the reactor disk and make the plant run more smoothly. Node059a Node059->Node059a Great. Thanks. Node025->Node999 Nevermind then. Node025->Node008 Can I ask you another question? Node027 Very well. All you need do is talk to Proconsul Gregory and he will give you the Citizenship test. Node025->Node027 Aw, c'mon... just tell me what I need to do to become a Citizen. Node025->Node027 I'd still like to become a Citizen anyway. Node026->Node999 Thanks. I'll go find him now. Goodbye. Node026->Node008 Can I ask you another question? Node028 You'll find him in the East Wing. His office is across from the First Citizen's. Node026->Node028 Where can I find Proconsul Gregory? Node046->Node999 Vault City prevails, Councilor. Node046->Node999 Thanks. Node047a I wish I could help, but I'm afraid my knowledge of reactors is... limited. Perhaps one of the technicians at the Gecko plant would know how to optimize the plant? Node046->Node047a I'm still looking for a way to optimize the power plant. Node047->Node999 Thanks. Node047->Node008 I had some other questions... Node047->Node047a I'm still looking for a way to optimize the power plant. Node010 I expect that kind of rudeness from an Outworlder, not a Citizen. I am a member of the Vault City Council, and you will show me the proper respect, or I will have your Citizenship revoked. Do you understand me? Node009a->Node010 Node011 Well, this is the rudeness I've come to expect from Outworlders! Give me your Day Pass and go with the guards. There is no place for your kind in our city. Node009a->Node011 Node010->Node999 Sorry. Didn't mean to offend you. Node014 Don't ever speak to me again. If you do, I will have your Citizenship revoked. Good day. Node010->Node014 Screw you, old man. Node010a Node010->Node010a Whatever. I'm done talking to you anyway. Node011->Node1000 I'm not giving you anything. You want it? You come get it. Node011->Node1001 Okay, okay, I'm going. Node012 I find that hard to believe. Let me see your papers. Node011->Node012 I'm NOT an Outworlder. I'm a Citizen. Node014->Node999 Good day. Node015 That's it! Citizen or not, you're out of here. Guards, show this degenerate to the gates! Node014->Node015 You try and revoke my Citizenship, you'll regret it. Node014->Node015 Your powers are weak, old man. You are no match for me. Node012->Node1000 You want them? You come get them. Node013 I don't know how someone of your inferior breeding became a Citizen but these papers seem to be in order. Strange... I don't recall seeing you around before. No matter, I shall honor your Citizenship. Node012->Node013 Here, take them! Node013->Node999 Yeah, right. I'm outta here. Node013->Node014 You're damn right you'll honor my Citizenship! Node015->Node1000 I'm not going anywhere. Node015->Node1001 I'm going. This place sucked anyway. Node016 What can I do for you? Node016->Node999 Nothing today. I was just taking a tour of the council building. Node016->Node008 Can I ask you some questions? Node016->Node017 I'm looking for a Garden of Eden Creation Kit. Node016->Node009a I don't know, old man. What CAN you do for me? Node018->Node999 I see. Thanks for the information. Node018->Node008 Can I ask you another question? Node019 Water Chips, a hundred or so. I don't know why they sent so many... we have never needed to replace ours. We have had the same water chip since the day our people lived underground in the Vault. Node018->Node019 What was in the shipment that was meant for Vault 13? Node020 It was disassembled, and its parts were used for other applications. Node018->Node020 What happened to the GECK that broke down? Node019->Node999 Interesting. Thanks for your time. Node019->Node999 The irony is razor sharp. Maybe we'll talk later after I stop the bleeding. Node019->Node008 Can I ask you another question? Node019->Node020 What happened to the GECK that broke down? Node020->Node999 I see. Thanks for your time. Node020->Node008 Can I ask you another question? Node020->Node019 What was in the shipment meant for Vault 13? Node029->Node999 Sorry to hear it. Thanks for your time. Goodbye. Node029->Node008 Trying times, indeed. Can I ask you another question? Node029->Node030 Where is Gecko? Node029->Node031 What is Gecko? Node030->Node999 Thanks for the warning. Goodbye. Node030->Node008 Can I ask you another question? Node030->Node031 What is Gecko? Node031->Node999 Thanks for you time. Goodbye. Node031->Node008 Can I ask you another question? Node031->Node030 Where is Gecko located? Node032->Node999 Thanks for you time. Goodbye. Node032->Node034 Where is Redding? Node033 You will? It is not in my power to pay you, but your aid will be much appreciated. Node032->Node033 I could go check it out for you. Node034->Node999 I see. Thanks for the information. Node034->Node032 Do you have any idea what's causing the shipments to drop off? Node027->Node999 All right. I'll go speak to the Proconsul now. Node027->Node008 Can I ask you another question? Node027->Node028 Where can I find Proconsul Gregory? Node028->Node999 Thanks for you time. Goodbye. Node028->Node008 Can I ask you another question? Node033->Node999 No problem. I'll check it out and return when I find out what's wrong. Node033->Node034 Where is Redding? Node036 What is this "Jet" that they are all reliant on? Node035a->Node036 Node039->Node999 Okay, goodbye. Node039->Node008 Before I go, can I ask you some other questions? Node040a You told McClure about the Jet antidote delivery. --- You see Senior Council Member McClure. --- You see an elderly Vault City official. His hair is graying around the edges. Node040->Node040a You're welcome. I was glad to be of service. Node040b You told McClure about the Jet antidote delivery. --- You see Senior Council Member McClure. --- You see an elderly Vault City official. His hair is graying around the edges. Node040->Node040b Not a problem. Could I ask you some other questions? Node041 If it is money you want, money you will receive. Here's $500 for your troubles. Now good day. Node040->Node041 Whoa... don't I get anything for my troubles? Node037 Please keep me posted. Node036->Node037 I'll tell you later when I find out more. Node038 This is sad news, we need to find a way to put a stop to this. If this keeps up, our ore supplies will dwindle to nothing. Please help us. Node036->Node038 It's a chem with a 100% reliance rate, and severe withdrawals. Node037->Node999 Sure. Node037->Node008 Can I ask you some other questions? Node038->Node037 I'll see what I can do. Node040a->Node999 Node040b->Node008 Node041->Node1000 Five hun --? You better cough up some more and fast, or your life won't be worth $2. Node041a Node041->Node041a THANK you. Node043->Node999 I'll keep that in mind. Node044 If you fix their plant, I'll give you Citizenship, and there's not a damn thing she can do about it. Node043->Node044 I'm worried that Lynette will withhold my Citizenship if I fix the plant. Node045 Go see Randal, the Chief Amenities Officer. He should have the part in stock. Node043->Node045 Great! Where can I get the part? Node044->Node045 Excellent! Where can I get the part? Node045->Node048 There's one other thing. You might find this economic data disk interesting. Node045a Node045->Node045a Thanks. I'll go see him right now. Node047a->Node999 Maybe so. I'll go see. Node047a->Node008 Perhaps. I had some other questions... Node049a Node049->Node049a All right. Node052 I'm not going to ask you how you came by that information, but if it were true, what are you proposing? Node051->Node052 Well, as I understand it, Vault City's power generator can only support so many people. In fact, it's already nearing its limit. Node050 Hmmm. How did you come by this disk? Node049a->Node050 Node050->Node051 I... found it. Node050->Node051 I found it while searching some of the archives in the Vault City library. Node050->Node051 I got it from someone in Gecko. Node050->Node051 I received it from a ghoul in Gecko. His name is Gordon Gecko. He's interested in optimizing the power plant and sharing the energy with Vault City... in exchange for Vault City's medical technology. Node053 Are you suggesting we SEIZE Gecko and take their power plant? I will NOT lis -- Node052->Node053 Once the Gecko power plant is fixed, the disk indicates it's possible it could produce enough energy for Vault City, too. It looks like the reactor would need to be optimized first, though. Node052->Node053 The disk shows that Gecko's power plant... if it were optimized... could produce a great deal of energy. Far more than Gecko needs. Vault City could use that energy. Node054 Hmmm. As far as medical assistance goes, I'm not unsympathetic to the plight of the ghouls. They have certainly suffered enough... but how could we optimize their plant? Node053->Node054 No, no... if Gecko could receive the optimization data for their plant, I'm betting they would be willing to trade their excess power for medical assistance. Node055 I have no objections to your proposal. If you can find some means of optimizing the plant, let me know. Node054->Node055 I don't know. Maybe there's someone I can talk to once the plant is repaired. Node054->Node055 I don't know. Maybe there's someone I can talk to at the plant. Node054->Node054a I would just need access to the Vault City computer. It could optimize the power plant reactor disk and allow the plant to run more smoothly. Node055->Node999 I see. Thanks for the information. Node055a Node055->Node055a All right. I'll go get that part from Randal and see about repairing the reactor first. Node056 You have my permission to use the Vault computer and optimize the reactor disk. You can find it on the third level of the Vault, near the Operations Room. --- Very well, Captain. --- You have my permission to use the Vault computer and optimize the reactor disk. You can find it on the third level of the Vault, near the Operations Room. --- Very well, Citizen. --- You have my permission to use the Vault computer and optimize the reactor disk. You can find it on the third level of the Vault, near the Operations Room. Node054a->Node056 Node058 Hmmm. Well, I cannot allow you access to the Vault, but I could optimize the reactor disk for you. Node054a->Node058 Node056->Node055a Excellent. Thank you, Councilor. I'll go do that. Node058->Node059 That'd be great. Node058->Node055a All right. But I don't have the reactor disk on me. I'll be back with it. Node055a->Node999 Node057 I'll keep the economic disk and study it some more... Perhaps I can persuade the Council to enter negotiations with Gecko to trade for their power. The data disk would be a strong argument in of itself. --- It is done. Here you go. --- You gave the economic data disk to McClure. --- You see Senior Council Member McClure. --- You see an elderly Vault City official. His hair is graying around the edges. --- It is done. Here you go. --- I'll keep the economic disk and study it some more... Perhaps I can persuade the Council to enter negotiations with Gecko to trade for their power. The data disk would be a strong argument in of itself. Node055a->Node057 Node057->Node999 I appreciate it. Thanks. Node059a->Node057