vcrandal checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node001 Congratulations, --- ! talk_p_proc->Node001 Node002 An intruder! Guards! Guards! talk_p_proc->Node002 Node003 Wh-?! A mutant! Guards! talk_p_proc->Node003 Node004 Wh-? A ghoul! Guards! talk_p_proc->Node004 Node008 talk_p_proc->Node008 Node014 Hey there, welcome back. Anything I can do for you? --- Sure. What's on your mind? talk_p_proc->Node014 Node009 Hello there, stranger. Always a pleasure to see a new face. Name's Randal...I'm the Chief Amenities Officer. Need something? talk_p_proc->Node009 Node998 Node002->Node998 Node003->Node998 Node004->Node998 Node999 Node014->Node999 Shamble off Node014->Node999 Nothing today, actually. Node010 A GECK? That's a Garden of Eden Creation Kit, a kind of gray suitcase looking thing, right? I haven't heard anyone mention one of those in... well, since... almost forever. Node014->Node010 Gechkk? Node014->Node010 Do you happen to have a GECK in stock? Node015 This is the Amenities Office. Got your typical stock... basic living necessities, some books, "how to" manuals, some tools, stimpacks, medical supplies, this and that. Node014->Node015 What is this place again? Node029 Yeah, I know. I'm still waiting for the requisition lists to clear the server, but it's going to be a while. Don't know what to say. Things just take time. Node014->Node029 Valerie over at the maintenance shed could use a new wrench and some pliers. Node023 So... you're Citizen --- , huh? Wait one minute, and I'll go get you the Hydroelectric Magneto...uh, the Hy-Mag. --- Yeah, he said you'd be stopping by... --- , right? Wait one minute, and I'll go get you the Hydroelectric Magneto...uh, the Hy-Mag. Node014->Node023 Councillor McClure said you'd have a... uh, hydro-magneto-thingie that I could have for the Gecko power plant. Node014->Node023 Councillor McClure said you'd have a hydroelectric magnetosphere regulator in stock that I could have. Node025 Yeah, the First Citizen said you'd be stopping by... Captain. (Winks.) Let me tell you, Captain, you've got a BEAUTY waiting for you. --- Yeah, the First Citizen said you'd be stopping by. Well, let me tell you, friend, you got a BEAUTY waiting for you. Node014->Node025 The First Citizen sent me here to claim my reward. Node009->Node999 Nooooooooo-pe Node009->Node999 Shamble off Node009->Node999 Nothing today, actually. Node009->Node010 Gechkk Node009->Node015 Well, it depends. What is this place? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a middle-aged man with thinning black hair. --- You see Randal, the Chief Amenities Offcier. description_p_proc You see a middle-aged man with thinning black hair. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc timed_event_p_proc->Node001 timed_event_p_proc->Node002 timed_event_p_proc->Node003 timed_event_p_proc->Node004 Node005 timed_event_p_proc->Node005 Node006 timed_event_p_proc->Node006 Node007 timed_event_p_proc->Node007 map_update_p_proc Node010->Node014 Mind if I ask you something else? Node010->Node999 Shamble off Node010->Node999 Well, never mind then. Node011 Hate to break it to you, friend, but we don't have ours anymore. Used it up to make Vault City...*poof.* All gone. Node010->Node011 NEED Gechkkk Node010->Node011 Do you have one? Node015->Node014 Mind if I ask you some other questions? Node015->Node999 I may be back some other time. Node015->Node010 Do you have a GECK? Node015->Node029 Valerie over at the maintenance shed could use a new wrench and some pliers. Node015->Node023 Councillor McClure said you'd have a... uh, hydro-magneto-thingie that I could have for the Gecko power plant. Node015->Node023 Councillor McClure said you'd have a hydroelectric magnetosphere regulator in stock that I could have. Node015->Node025 The First Citizen sent me here to claim my reward. Node015a Thanks. Node015->Node015a Sounds great. Can I see what you have in stock? Node011->Node014 Mind if I ask you something else? Node011->Node999 Shamble off Node011->Node999 Well, nevermind then. Node012 Well, hmmm. Here's your problem, as I see it: the GECK's an old piece of tech... pre-war tech, in fact. You just can't "find" them anymore. They were only issued to Vaults. Node011->Node012 NEED Gechkkk. Node011->Node012 Oh...well, do you know of any place that might have one? Node012->Node014 Mind if I ask you something else? Node012->Node999 Shamble off Node012->Node999 Well, never mind then. Node013 You could go scan the Vault Central Computer, see if it has any coordinates for any other Vaults. I doubt it, but no harm in checking. --- Well, if you had access to our Vault Central Computer, you might be able to find some mention of some other Vaults. But only Citizens are allowed in the Vault. Node012->Node013 NEED Valt. Node012->Node013 Do you know where I could find any other Vaults? Node013->Node014 Mind if I ask you something else? Node013->Node999 Tanks Node013->Node999 Thanks for the information. Node029->Node014 I see. Mind if I ask you some other questions? Node029->Node999 Maybe I can go find those tools somewhere else, then. Node023->Node999 Actually, never mind, I'll come back later for it. Node023a Node023->Node023a All right. Node025->Node999 Actually, keep it for me. I'll pick it up later. Node026 Nothing less than a Heckler and Koch G11, one of the best assault weapons ever made...(hefts weapon, passes it to you)...fires a 4.7 mm caseless cartridge, 50-round magazine. When it talks, people listen. Node025->Node026 What is it? Node016 Well, sorry to break it to you, but I'm only authorized to do transactions with Citizens. No offense to you, but it's the rule, you know? You might try Happy Harry's out in the Courtyard. Node015a->Node016 Node028 That'll do it for you, then? Node015a->Node028 [continue] Node016->Node014 Mind if I ask you some other questions? Node016->Node999 Fine. Goodbye. Node016->Node023 Councillor McClure said you'd have a... uh, hydro-magneto-thingie that I could have for the Gecko power plant. Node016->Node023 Councillor McClure said you'd have a hydroelectric magentosphere regulator in stock that I could have. Node016->Node025 The First Citizen sent me here to claim my reward. Node017 You can take the Citizenship test. Proconsul Gregory gives it to any Outsider who wants to become a Citizen. You should probably talk to First Citizen Lynette first, though. She kind of runs the show around here. Node016->Node017 How can I become a Citizen? Node019 Really? Can't say I recall you. You got any papers on you? Might clear up the matter. Node016->Node019 But... uh, I am a Citizen. Don't you remember me? Node028->Node014 Mind if I ask you some other questions? Node028->Node999 Yeah, that'll be it for today. Node017->Node014 I see. Mind if I ask you another question? Node017->Node999 Thanks for the information. I'll go look for her. Node018 She's in the Council Building... head out the building here, make a right, and keep heading down the street past the park. You should run right smack into it. Node017->Node018 All right. Where is she? Node019->Node999 Never mind. I'll talk to you later. Node021 Well... uh, all right. Node019->Node021 No, I don't have them on me right now. Node020 Well, let me run it through the reader here, and we'll just make sure everything's on the up and up. Won't take but a moment. Node019->Node020 Yes. Here you go. Node018->Node014 I see. Mind if I ask you another question? Node018->Node999 Thanks for the information. I'll go look for her. Node021->Node014 Mind if I ask you some questions? Node021->Node999 I'll see you later. Node020->Node021 Wh-?! Whoa! Give those papers back! Node020->Node021 Uh... actually, I don't have time to buy anything right now. Let me have the papers back, and I'll be on my way. Node020a Node020->Node020a All right. I'm sure everything's in order. Node022 Everything checks out. Here's your papers back. What can I do for you? Node020a->Node022 Node022->Node014 Actually, do you mind if I ask you some questions instead? Node022->Node999 Nothing today, actually. Node022a Thanks. Node022->Node022a Let me see what you have in stock. Node022a->Node028 [continue] Node024 Okay, here you go. One Hy-Mag. Kinda looks like a lava lamp, doesn't it? Oh, don't drop it... it's pretty fragile. Node023a->Node024 Node024->Node014 Mind if I ask you some questions? Node024->Node999 Thanks. I might stare at this for a few hours before taking it to the Gecko plant. Node024->Node999 Got it. Thanks for the part. Node024->Node015a Say, what else do you have in stock? Node027 No problem. Plus, here... have a couple of frag grenades on me. Consider it my thanks for wiping out those raiders. Node026->Node027 I'll bet. Thanks. Node027->Node014 Can I ask you some other questions? Node027->Node999 Thanks. I'll put them to good use. Node027->Node015a Great. Can I see what else you have in stock?