vcskeeve checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node001 Hey, you got any pieces of Horrigan? I could sell 'em for fifty, hundred bucks a pop, give you 10% of the action. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node003 Oh, uh, hey, Captain. Good day, huh? talk_p_proc->Node003 Node002 talk_p_proc->Node002 Node006 You can't bring that mutant in here. talk_p_proc->Node006 Node007 You can't bring that ghoul in here. talk_p_proc->Node007 Node004 Well, if it ain't the new Citizen. talk_p_proc->Node004 Node005 Hey there, "Citizen." talk_p_proc->Node005 Node035 Whoa. How did you escape? You better get back inside before Barkus gets mad. C'mon... talk_p_proc->Node035 Node008 We're shut down for the night. Come back in the morning. talk_p_proc->Node008 Node009 Look, Outsider, if you got customs business, Wallace is in the back there, okay? He'll set you up with all the forms you need. talk_p_proc->Node009 Node030 You reconsider? --- You again. What do you want? talk_p_proc->Node030 Node999 Node035->Node999 Shamble off Node035a Node035->Node035a Oh-keeee Node009->Node999 Shamble off Node009->Node999 All right. Thanks. Node031 Look, dim, get out of here, or I'll call the guards. --- Look, dim, get out of h -- Mmmm. Wait a minute. Maybe... Node009->Node031 Furms need? Node010 This is the CUSTOMS Office. Like the sign outside says. If you haven't got customs business, what are you doing here? Node009->Node010 Uh... what is this place? Node030->Node999 Shamble off Node030->Node999 Nothing, never mind. Node030->Node999 No, thanks. Maybe some other time. Node030->Node031 Vant? Vant! Node030->Node010 What is this place? Node012 Well, you could go see my boss, Wallace, and TRY to get permission to get inside, but you'd be wasting your time. He never lets anybody in. Of course, there's other ways... Node030->Node012 I'd like to get inside the city. Node013 Advice? Well, advice's expensive, Outsider. You got any money? Node030->Node013 Since you're a part of customs and all, I was wondering if you had any 'advice' on how to bring certain items within the city. Node036 If you're not born a Citizen, then you have to take a test to become a Citizen. Number of Outsiders that have taken the test and become Citizens? Zero. Your chances? LESS than zero. Node030->Node036 How do you become a real Citizen? Node025 What th-?! Nobody's gonna believe you, Outsider! It'll be your word over mine! Node030->Node025 I've decided to turn you in for selling fake Citizenship papers. Node030a Node030->Node030a I'd like to buy those fake Citizenship papers you were offering before. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Wallace's Assistant, Skeev. description_p_proc You see a scrawny young man. His eyes are darting back and forth. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Found this Outsider wandering in the wastes, Barkus. Looks like good Servant material. --- Found this bunch wandering in the wastes, Barkus. This one Outsider here looks like good Servant material. --- You HAVE to be kidding. It's obviously retarded. --- Re-tar-dead! Pooooo! --- C'mon. You need someone to work the Vault, don't you? --- Valt! Gechkk! --- Well...hmmm. I suppose you'll be expecting a finder's fee? --- Do Outsiders eat their own feces? Of COURSE I want a finder's fee. --- Feeee? Peeeeeeee! --- Very well. I'll send it off to the Vault then. MAYBE it can clear up the storerooms. timed_event_p_proc->Node001 timed_event_p_proc->Node003 timed_event_p_proc->Node002 timed_event_p_proc->Node006 timed_event_p_proc->Node007 timed_event_p_proc->Node004 timed_event_p_proc->Node005 Node034 Whoa. How did you escape? timed_event_p_proc->Node034 Node998 Node031->Node999 Shamble off Node032 Come with me a second, dim. I got somebody you gotta meet. Node031->Node032 Hurnh? Node010->Node999 Nothing. Sorry to bother you. Node011 The Vault? It's inside the city. Why? You looking to get past the gate? Node010->Node011 I was looking for the Vault. Node010->Node012 I was looking to get inside the city. Node010->Node013 Since you're a part of customs and all, I was wondering if you had any 'advice' on how to bring certain items within the city. Node011->Node999 No, just looking around. Thanks. Node011->Node012 Yes. Node012->Node999 Thanks. I'll go see Wallace then. Node012a Node012->Node012a What other ways? Node013->Node999 Probably not enough to interest you. I'll be back when I have some more. Node013->Node999 Never mind. Maybe we'll talk later. Node013a Node013->Node013a Give him $50. Node013b Node013->Node013b Give him $75. Node013c Node013->Node013c Give him $100. Node021 $200, and the papers are yours. --- Like I said before, I can make you a full-fledged Citizen for $200. You'll have free passage through the gate, no hassles. I can print out the papers, register your serial number, and have you on your way in five minutes. --- For two hundred bucks, I can make you a full-fledged Citizen. You'll have free passage through the gate, no hassles. I can print out the papers, register your serial number, and have you on your way in five minutes. Node012a->Node021 Node020 If you got the cash, then I'll go into detail. Otherwise... Node012a->Node020 Node021->Node999 I don't have that kind of cash on me. Maybe some other time. Node021->Node999 No thanks. Maybe some other time. Node022 Simple. They wouldn't BELIEVE you. You're an Outsider, I'm a Citizen. Guess whose word they're going to believe? Node021->Node022 What if I told somebody that you were peddling Citizenship papers? Node021->Node036 What does it take to become a real Citizen? Node021a Node021->Node021a Sounds good. Here's $200. Node021b Node021->Node021b Well, two hundred's pretty steep. I only got $150 on me. Node020->Node999 Nevermind. Maybe we'll talk some other time. Node020->Node021 I've got the money. What are you selling? Node014 Well, there's a few things you can do. One is become a Citizen. They never search Citizens. Of course, your chances of becoming a Citizen are next to nothing. Node013a->Node014 Node013b->Node014 Node013c->Node014 Node014->Node999 Nevermind. Maybe we'll talk some other time. Node015 If you're not born a Citizen, then you have to take a test to become a Citizen. Number of Outsiders that have taken the test and become Citizens? Zero. Your chances? LESS than zero. Node014->Node015 Why? Node018 Hide the goods on your slaves...your "Servants." You see, Vault City mentality is this: They don't seem to catch on that anyone would let Servants carry anything important... or questionable. Go figure. Node014->Node018 What else could I do? Node015->Node999 Never mind. Maybe we'll talk some other time. Node015->Node018 What else could I do to beat customs? Node016 Gregory, the Proconsul, gives a "test" to any Outsiders who want to become Citizens. It measures their intelligence and perception, and you have to be damn lucky to pass it, too. Most Citizens would have trouble with it. Node015->Node016 What is this test? Node018->Node999 All right, then. Thanks. Node018a Node018->Node018a Any other options? Node016->Node999 Never mind. Maybe we'll talk some other time. Node016->Node018 What else could I do to beat customs other than becoming a Citizen? Node017 Since most Outsiders can't read, do trigonometry, or spell "Australopithecus," you figure it out. It's just an excuse to keep Outsiders from becoming Citizens. Node016->Node017 So what makes it so hard? Node017->Node999 Never mind. Maybe we'll talk some other time. Node017->Node018 What else could I do to beat customs other than becoming a Citizen? Node018a->Node021 Node019 Well, you CAN become a Citizen... unofficially. Node018a->Node019 Node019->Node999 Never mind. Maybe we'll talk some other time. Node019->Node020 What are you talking about? Node022->Node999 Well, $200's too steep for me. I might be back if I get some more money. Node022->Node999 Never mind. Maybe we'll talk some other time. Node022->Node036 What does it take to become a real Citizen? Node022->Node021a I'll take the Citizenship papers, then. Node022->Node021b I'll take the Citizenship papers... but for $150, not $200. Node036->Node999 Never mind. Maybe we'll talk some other time. Node036->Node021 I see. How much for those papers again? Node037 Gregory, the Proconsul, gives a "test" to any Outsiders who want to become Citizens. It measures their intelligence and perception, and you have to be damned lucky to pass it, too. Most Citizens would have trouble with it. Node036->Node037 What is this test? Node024 All right, they're all done printing. Here you are..."Citizen." And don't tell anyone about this, ESPECIALLY Wallace, all right? Node021a->Node024 Node023 Hmmm. Well, all right... I'm feeling charitable today. But don't tell any of your other Outsider friends you got them so cheap. Node021b->Node023 Node028 Two hundred or nothing, Outsider. It's the only way you're going to get inside the gate. Node021b->Node028 Node024->Node999 Got it. No problem. Node024->Node025 No problem. I would never think of doing such a thing to an upstanding Citizen such as yourself, especially when I have proof of your illegal activities sitting right here in my pocket. Node024->Node025 And what if I do? I could go tell him right now that you're selling fake Citizenship papers. Node023a Node023->Node023a All right. Node023->Node023a Just give me the damn papers. Node028->Node999 Well, $200's too steep for me. I might be back if I get some more money. Node028->Node999 No, thanks. Maybe some other time. Node029 Ha! Good luck, Outsider. The only way you'll get a Day Pass outta ol' man Wallace is if you pry it from his stingy, dead fingers. Node028->Node029 I think I'll try official channels. Node028a Node028->Node028a I'll take the Citizenship papers, then. Node023a->Node024 Node025->Node999 We'll see about that. Node025a Node025->Node025a Normally, it would be. But these fake papers speak for themselves. And they will, unless you can pay for their silence. Node025b Node025->Node025b I sure hope so. I can be pretty persuasive. Node026 I... wh... you dirty... Node025a->Node026 Node025b->Node026 Node025c Ha! I'd like to see you try. Wallace'll never believe you. Node025b->Node025c Node027 All right, I got a LITTLE cash stashed away. Here. Take it... three hundred bucks. Now, you gonna keep quiet? Node026->Node027 Careful... I'd watch your tongue if I were you. Node026->Node027 Sweet talking me isn't going to help, Skeev. Node025c->Node999 We'll see about that. Node025c->Node025a Oh, I think he will once he sees the fake citizenship papers you gave me. Of course, if you happen to have some cash on you, it can be our little secret. Node027->Node999 As far as you know. See you. Node027->Node999 No problem. You have my silence. Node029->Node999 I'll try him anyway. Node029->Node999 If I have to pry it from his dead fingers, I will. Node029->Node021 Hmmmm. How much for the Citizenship papers again? Node029->Node036 What does it take to become a real Citizen? Node028a->Node024 Node030a->Node021 Node032->Node999 Nuh-uh ME STAY Node032a Node032->Node032a Okee-dokeee Node033 Node032a->Node033 Node037->Node999 Hmmmm. Maybe we'll talk some other time. Node037->Node021 I see. How much for those pspers again? Node038 Since most Outsiders can't read, do trigonometry, or spell "Australopithecus," you figure it out. It's just an excuse to keep Outsiders from becoming Citizens. Node037->Node038 So what makes it so hard? Node038->Node999 Hmmm. Maybe we'll talk some other time. Node038->Node021 I see. How much for those papers again?