wsterm1b checkPartyMembersNearDoor start talk_p_proc Node004 Error 29 Unable to contact server Please reboot talk_p_proc->Node004 Node003 Skynet Security Systems Access to this terminal is denied. talk_p_proc->Node003 Node001 Skynet Security Systems Intruder Level 1 Activating Counter Measures Level 1 Attempting to reroute power to field generators --- Skynet Security Systems Intruder Level 1 Activating Counter Measures Level 1 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node002 Skynet Security Systems Intruders Detected - Outside Perimeter Automated Repairs Initiated Main Door - Malfunction Reinitializing... Main Door reports locking bolts still in place Returning to power save mode talk_p_proc->Node002 Node999 Node004->Node999 Exit Node003->Node999 Exit Node001->Node999 Exit Node010 Analyzing Command Please Wait.. Granted Terminating Alarm Systems Level 1 Node001->Node010 Terminate Alarm Level 1 - False Alarm Node011 [A menu appears] To Deactivate Alarm Press - 1 For Diagnostic check Press - 2 To Exit Press - 3 Node001->Node011 [You notice a key on the keyboard labeled "Help"]. Press Key. Node001a Node001->Node001a Hack into security systems Node002->Node999 Exit Node002->Node999 Arg! [You slam your fist into the keyboard in frustration] Node002a Node002->Node002a Activate Alarm System Level 1 Node012 Warning! This program works best if you shut down all programs. Do you wish to do so now? Node002->Node012 Run self-diagnostic program. look_at_p_proc A computer terminal. description_p_proc The screen saver is active. use_skill_on_p_proc use_p_proc Computer in diagnostic mode. Please wait until diagnostic routine is finished. --- You are unable to read what's on the monitor. --- Computer in diagnostic mode. Please wait until diagnostic routine is finished. damage_p_proc Node010->Node999 [With security as shoddy as this, it's no wonder they blew themselves up.] Exit Node011->Node001 Press 3 Node011->Node010 Press 1 Node011->Node012 Press 2 Node014 Access Denied Access Denied Jzaedd Denied Quada Adjfjef Access Granted Terminating Alarm Systems Level 1 --- A computer terminal. --- The screen saver is active. Node001a->Node014 Node001a->Node014 Node015 Unauthorized Access Initiating Security Lockout of remote terminal User Access to this Terminal is TERMINATED Node001a->Node015 Node014->Node999 Exit Node015->Node999 Exit Node002a->Node001 Node012->Node999 Exit Node012->Node014 No Node013 Shutting down all programs Shutting down Skynet Security Program - Level 1 Last time system was diagnosed Oct. 15 1990 Analyzing System... Estimated time to completion 99:24:60:60 Node012->Node013 Yes Node013->Node999 [You don't think this is going to be done any time soon.] Exit.