wsterm2b checkPartyMembersNearDoor start talk_p_proc Node001 Munitions Access Terminal Force Field - Disabled Shock Plates - Disabled --- Munitions Access Terminal Force Field - Disabled Shock Plates - Active --- Munitions Access Terminal Force Field - Active Shock Plates - Disabled --- Munitions Access Terminal Force Field - Active Shock Plates - Active talk_p_proc->Node001 Node999 Node001->Node999 Exit Node001a Node001->Node001a Disable Shock Plates Node001b Node001->Node001b Disable Force Fields Node016 [Somebody forgot to close their mailbox.] Order Confirmation Notice to Evacuate Penpal Greetings Trade --- [Choose a file to read] Node001->Node016 Read Mail look_at_p_proc A computer terminal. description_p_proc Pictures of scantily clad women are affixed to various spots on the computer. use_skill_on_p_proc use_p_proc [This terminal is no longer operational.] --- You are unable to read what's on the monitor. --- [This terminal is no longer operational.] damage_p_proc Node010 Disable Shock Plates Please Enter Password: Node001a->Node010 Node013 Disable Force Fields Please Enter Password: Node001b->Node013 Node016->Node001 Return to Main Menu Node016->Node999 Exit Node016a Node016->Node016a Read Order Confirmation Node016b Node016->Node016b Read Notice to Evacuate Node016c Node016->Node016c Read Penpal Greetings Node016d Node016->Node016d Read Trade Node010->Node001 Return to Main Menu Node010->Node999 Exit Node010a Node010->Node010a Hack into security systems Node010b Node010->Node010b Guess Password Node013->Node001 Return to Main Menu Node013->Node999 Exit Node013a Node013->Node013a Hack into security systems Node013b Node013->Node013b Guess Password Node012 [You manage to bypass the password and turn off the Shock Plates.] --- A computer terminal. --- Pictures of scantily clad women are affixed to various spots on the computer. Node010a->Node012 Node010a->Node012 Node025 [Somehow your tampering causes the terminal to explode in your face.] Node010a->Node025 Node011 [This program is just too complex for you to understand.] Node010a->Node011 Node021 [What incredible luck! You manage to guess the correct password. "Hooters"] Deactivating Shock Plates Node010b->Node021 Node022 [No matter how hard you try, you cannot guess the password.] Node010b->Node022 Node012->Node001 Return to Main Menu Node012->Node999 Exit Node025->Node999 Exit Node011->Node001 Return to Main Menu. Node011->Node999 Exit Node021->Node001 Return to Main Menu Node021->Node999 Exit Node022->Node001 Return to Main Menu Node022->Node999 Exit Node013a->Node012 Node013a->Node012 Node013a->Node025 Node013a->Node011 Node023 [This person must have an infatuation with breasts. The password was "nipples"] Deactivating Force Fields Node013b->Node023 Node024 [No matter how hard you try, you cannot guess the password.] Node013b->Node024 Node023->Node001 Return to Main Menu Node023->Node999 Exit Node024->Node001 Return to Main Menu Node024->Node999 Exit Node014 [The files are encrypted and without a decoder you are unable to read anything.] Node014->Node001 Return to Main Menu Node014->Node999 Exit Node015 [Mere child's play. The force fields are now deactivated.] --- A computer terminal. --- Pictures of scantily clad women are affixed to various spots on the computer. Node015->Node001 Return to Main Menu Node015->Node999 Exit Node017 This is to confirm your video order for Debbie Does the Army and Deep Throat volume 1059. Your order should arrive by mail in 2-4 weeks.  Thank you for your order. Node016a->Node017 Node018 Evacuation of Sierra Army Depot has been moved up by one week. All security measures must be in place by that time. By order of General Clifton. Node016b->Node018 Node019 [You hear faint whirring noise as smoke starts to rise from the computer terminal. You stand by and watch as the keyboard melts into a puddle of goo. Hmm...must have been one of those viruses you've been hearing about.] Node016c->Node019 Node020 This is Klinger from the 8063rd.  We're in desperate need of part number 102-53B.  I've got a case of Chateau Lafayette 2155 if you could expedite the order. Get back to me ASAP. Node016d->Node020 Node017->Node999 Exit Node017->Node016 Read more mail Node018->Node999 Exit Node018->Node016 Read more mail Node019->Node999 Exit Node020->Node999 Exit Node020->Node016 Read more mail