ziBlkJck checkPartyMembersNearDoor start look_at_p_proc You see a Black Jack dealer. --- You see a Black Jack table. description_p_proc You see a Black Jack dealer. --- This is a Black Jack table. Minimum bet is $ --- . talk_p_proc Node000 You're not allowed to play here anymore. Please leave. --- Care to play some Black Jack? Minimum bet is $ --- . --- You're not allowed to play here anymore. Please leave. talk_p_proc->Node000 Node001 Sorry, you don't seem to have the minimum bet amount. Come back when you have more money. Node000->Node001 Sure. Node999 Node000->Node999 No thanks. Node000->Node999 Wuh blak juk? Node000->Node999 Sure, no problem. Node998 Node000->Node998 I'll show you my limit. pickup_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node002 Node001->Node002 GiveCards(0) GiveCards(0) Node002->GiveCards(0) GiveCards(1) GiveCards(1) Node002->GiveCards(1) Node005 Game is a push. --- You win $ --- . --- Dealer wins the hand. Node002->Node005 Node006 [while reshuffling] Care to play again? --- Sorry, I think you've reached your limit here. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. Node005->Node006 [more] Node006->Node001 Sure. Node006->Node999 No thanks. Node006->Node999 Sure, no problem. Node006->Node998 I'll show you my limit. DrawCard GetCardValue TotalCards GiveCards PrintDrawCardMessages of --- , a --- of --- and a --- of --- for --- . Black Jack --- . Bust --- . --- You draw a --- The dealer has a