ziGenGrv checkPartyMembersNearDoor start look_at_p_proc You see a grave. --- You see a headstone. description_p_proc You find a trap on the grave. --- finds a trap on the grave. --- This is a grave site. --- The headstone reads: map_enter_p_proc give_headstone_name map_enter_p_proc->give_headstone_name use_p_proc You find a trap on the grave. --- finds a trap on the grave. Explode_Grave use_p_proc->Explode_Grave pickup_p_proc You find a trap on the grave. --- finds a trap on the grave. pickup_p_proc->Explode_Grave use_obj_on_p_proc You find a trap on the grave. --- finds a trap on the grave. --- The grave site has been covered. use_obj_on_p_proc->Explode_Grave Set_Trap You skillfully set a trap in the grave. --- skillfully sets a trap in the grave. --- You fail to properly set the trap in the grave. --- fails to properly set the trap in the grave. --- You fail to properly set the trap in the grave. --- fails to properly set the trap in the grave. use_obj_on_p_proc->Set_Trap Set_Trap->Explode_Grave use_skill_on_p_proc You do not find any traps on the grave. --- does not find any traps on the grave. Disarm_Traps You skillfully disarm the trap. --- skillfully disarms the trap. --- You see a grave. --- You see an uncovered grave. --- You do not find any traps on the grave. --- does not find any traps on the grave. --- You fail to disarm the trap. --- fail to disarm the trap. use_skill_on_p_proc->Disarm_Traps Disarm_Traps->Explode_Grave num_to_bit