ziSlots checkPartyMembersNearDoor ChooseFromList You swear you can see it looking at you out of the corner of your eye. --- Its shiny frame and golden handle gleam seductively beneath the lights. CLICK_PREV CLICK_PREV->ChooseFromList CLICK_0 stored_node stored_node CLICK_0->stored_node CLICK_1 CLICK_1->stored_node CLICK_2 CLICK_2->stored_node CLICK_3 CLICK_3->stored_node CLICK_4 CLICK_4->stored_node CLICK_MORE CLICK_MORE->ChooseFromList start pickup_p_proc Node998 pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc Node000 talk_p_proc->Node000 Node004 You see a strange golden metal box with three eyes and one arm. It is one of the prettiest things you have ever seen. --- Me --- who yu? --- Me miss MOM. --- miss ARR-YO. Me want go home Node000->Node004 Node003 (You stare at the slot machine realizing you don't have enough to play, and you curse your poverty. Perhaps another time…) --- (The "OUT OF SERVICE" light on the slot machine is flashing on and off.) Node000->Node003 Node001 You see a slot machine. Its shiny frame and golden handle gleam seductively beneath the lights. Its coin slot beckons you, and you feel your face flush with anticipation. --- Play last $ --- . --- Insert $ --- . --- C'mon, --- Insert $ --- . --- Play last $ --- . --- Insert $ --- . --- C'mon, --- Insert $ --- . --- Play last $ --- . --- Insert $ --- . --- C'mon, --- Insert $ --- . --- Play last $ --- . --- Insert $ --- . --- C'mon, --- Insert $ --- . --- Play last $ --- . --- Insert $ --- . --- C'mon, --- Insert $ --- . Node000->Node001 destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a strange machine. description_p_proc You see a strange machine. --- The minimum bet is $ --- . use_p_proc There seems to be someone blocking the machine. use_skill_on_p_proc bar damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node999 Node004->Node999 Wander off, look for other shiny things Node004->Node999 Leave. Node006 You grab its arm and shake it warmly. As you do, there is a *bzzzzzzz,* and the box speaks! "Please… insert… money." Node004->Node006 (Shake its hand) Node005 The strange pretty golden metal box with three eyes and one arm does not answer. --- ME --- ! YU ANSWER ME! Node004->Node005 you one strange mutant Node004->Node005 Praise the Vault! Praise the Vault! Node004->Node005 Are you a water chip? Node003->Node999 Leave. Node003->Node999 Leave. Node002 The rolls spin on the machine... --- ... --- ... --- ... --- DOUBLE JACKPOT!!! --- JACKPOT! --- Three --- . --- Two cherries. --- One cherry. --- Nothing. --- Payoff is $ --- . --- Play last $ --- . --- Insert $ --- . --- C'mon, --- Insert $ --- . --- Play last $ --- . --- Insert $ --- . --- C'mon, --- Insert $ --- . --- Play last $ --- . --- Insert $ --- . --- C'mon, --- Insert $ --- . --- Play last $ --- . --- Insert $ --- . --- C'mon, --- Insert $ --- . --- Play last $ --- . --- Insert $ --- . --- C'mon, --- Insert $ --- . Node006->Node999 Aighhhhh! Robot! Robot! Runnnnn Node006->Node999 (Leave.) Node005->Node999 Wander off, look for other shiny things Node005->Node999 (Leave.) Node005->Node006 (Shake its hand) Node005->Node005 Me child of Vault Dweller. You talk to me NOW. Node005->Node005 you one strange mutant Node005->Node005 Are you a water chip? Node013 (You see a slot machine. Its shiny frame and golden handle gleam seductively beneath New Reno's lights. Its coin slot beckons you, and you feel your face flush with anticipation. As you stare at it, one of its three windows winks at you. From the coin slot you hear a throaty voice.) *Well, my word! Helloooo there, sugah. Show a girl a good time?* Node013->Node999 ::Take a deep breath, walk away.:: Node014 *I'm still here, pretty lady.* (The slot machine lowers its voice.) *Look, come on…you want to place a bet?* Node013->Node014 ::Pinch self:: Node013->Node014 Uh…hello? Node014->Node999 I think I better leave before I stick something in you I might regret. (Leave.) Node014->Node999 ::Take a deep breath, walk away.:: (Leave.) Node014->Node001 Surrh I'll plasssh a bet in yooo Node015 *I'm your ideal man.* (The slot machine gives you a wink.) *Give me some coins, and I'll please you in ways no man has EVER pleased you.* Node014->Node015 Whooo *are* yoooo? Node015->Node999 I think I better leave before I stick something in you I might regret. (Leave.) Node015->Node999 ::Take a deep breath, walk away.:: (Leave.) Node015->Node001 Surrh I'll plasssh a bet in yooo Node016 *Course we can, sweetheart, course we can.* (The slot machine looks sympathetic.) *What's troubling your pretty little head?* Node015->Node016 Can't we jusht talk Node016->Node999 ::Take a deep breath, walk away.:: (Leave.) Node017 *There, there...don't trouble your pretty little head about it no more…just let me take care of everything. C'mon, rest your head on me. There you go. Let it all out.* Node016->Node017 I finsshed the game…anna now I'm jusht wandrin' round and…ah'm worried itz all OVER and…*sniff* Node016->Node017 It's jusht that Fhallowt tooo doesnt s'port my 3D Fxxxx card an I spend so much *monee* onnit and *sniff* Node016->Node017 I tried ta get a good charactrr but I think I spent the pointz all *wrong*…n' now I ave a shitteee charactrr…n'…*sniff* Node016->Node017 Me need to fix big ship…and I dunna know HOW…and muh-muh-my Mom's GONE and…*sniff* Node016->Node017 Me miss MOM and Arroyo wuz ATTACKED and I…dunna where they are…and…*sniff* Node016->Node017 Me miss MOM and miss ARROYO and I…canna find the GECK and…*sniff* Node016->Node017 ah'm havinn a conversashun with a slot macheen, ah'm pretty bad off Node017->Node999 ::Take a deep breath, walk away.:: (Leave.) Node018 Node017->Node018 Thanks, slot macheen *sniff* yer the best Node017->Node018 Yooo onlee *nice* pershun I met so far everybodee else is so meeen n' tried ta *hurt* me an' take my monee and…*sniff* Node019 Node018->Node019 I'll be all rite…thasnk fer talkin' with me, slot macheen I loooove you Node019->Node999 Byeeeee Node997 Node997->Node002 Node981 Node981->Node997 Node982 Node982->Node997 Node983 Node983->Node997 Node984 Node984->Node997 Node985 Node985->Node997