Let's see what happens.

Cape Fear

· Alexander


There are references and reinterpretations of some tools used in The Shining inside of this picture. The most outstanding verbal reference for me was “Come out, come out”, spoken outside, because the reference is both implicit and strong, so I predicted it a number of seconds before it actually occurs. Just thinking about how the director produced that effect makes for some bad-looking depth packed into that scene. So medium development context helps in understanding scenes and details.

The Shining is abstract, with artful analytical core, and having a breadth only of reasonable interpretation possibilities. This is a more explicit picture with concrete evils and skeletons, and even with a religious angle to the end as it seems.

Obviously, Cape Fear has own interesting artistic moves. And there is a gradation of uncovering the story. So technically there is rewatch potential, but I think I got enough of the gist.


Missing string is the image that rings true on different levels for the picture.


De Niro’s role is too colorful not to rewatch the movie, so I ended-up solving the ending too. Anyway, I’m consistent with The Shining; I like how these movies interact.

The final shoot of the eyes is so simple and effective. Even that by itself demonstrates how Cape Fear is a more wholesome picture at a human scale. Which is a good thing.

Religious angle in the picture is quite strong and is painted with contrasting colors.