Collective Lies
While reading Marxism by T. Sowell I cought myself on thoughts that the stuff is not as ugly as what is claimed to be applications of it. The stuff even felt attractive in theory.
So I quickly visited one site to see what ideas are there these days.
What I found is some pool of mud filled with red-herrings and repeated talking points. It didn’t look that the writers are entirely dumb but that they are a bit psychotic and very ideological and partisan. And they produce propaganda for their audience.
The problem with ideologies is that they are there for the ruled to beleive in. And they are not in any way for informed decision making by the free people.
The assumption behind any ideology than uses propaganda (lies, abuse of logic/emotions/attention flaws) is that the public is low-IQ and it can be used that way.
So it has to be kept that way.
I thought that ideologies are so 20th century. But then also the data shows that IQ decreaces in some key countries.
So ideologies are still there and with trends like that they are not going anywhere.