Let's see what happens.


· Alexander

– Hear me today discoursing in the house of Quadratus.

– Why should I hear you? Do you wish to show me that you put words together cleverly? You put them together man. And what good will it do you?

So I have finished listening to an audiobook of teachings of Epictetus. The audiobook is performed by Hayward Morse.

The content is both very sober, straightforward and logical as it is also entertaining and with a lot of humour.

I greatly enjoyed both content and perfomance. I am looking forward to listening more by the performer. Also there is certain Greco-Roman aesthetics that adds value.

Content-wise general spirit felt familiar (Because I am not entirely new to stoicism and other moral philosophy). But the core logic and argument was more explicit than what I had known.

So main points that I take from the book now are:

  1. Simple core argument
  2. Practice of analyzing appearances
  3. Effort