Ghost Dragon
Back in a day I liked heroes of might and magic game. Overall it was not right to get me addicted but I really liked some parts.
One thing I found odd is that there are like ten types of dragons. Most of them I considered to be nonsensical - created just to fill some gaps in ideas.
One particular kind of dragons I liked irrationally is the Skeleton Dragon that can be upgraded to the Ghost Dragon. I liked it on one hand for no apparent reason. But I found it odd that you upgrade a material thing to something ephemeral and that thing gets stronger.
Move forward 20 or so years. And today I saw that kind of dragon in the sky. I was Big. Kind of in the center above you. Not a complete version but a convencing one with open jaws. Then after a minute it disappeared because clouds got dissolved.
It looked more like a bone version but now I see the point why it is upgraded to the ghost version. Also now it is apparent why in the game it has the lowest HP among dragons.