Let's see what happens.


· Alexander

During the previous year I got to read some of Igor Guberman short but sharp writings. They are often smart and touch on different topics while they can easily contain raw language.

In this year I got to check short-form writings by Piet Hein. I thought that there is likely to be an inheritance/influence between the authors.

First is obviously similar short form.

Second is political angle. As I understand Piet Hein wrote generally interesting pieces but with contextual second meanings relevant to German occupation of Denmark of that time. Igor Guberman writing is more open and costed him imprisonment in Soviet Union.

Then the ultimate inheritance that surprised me the most was visual. It looks like a drawing by Piet Hein was interpreted by Igor Guberman and then applied to create a new piece that is still relevant to Russia.

by Piet Hein

(translation by G. L. Vardenga)

Лишь шутку в шутке замечать
И лишь серьезное в серьезном –
Воистину не различать
Ни одного в единстве розном.

image drawn by Piet Hein with two different masks that are half-merged and a person who has fallen under them

by Igor Guberman

Напрасно телевизоров сияние,
театры, бардаки, консерватории:
бормочут и елозят россияне,
попав под колесо своей истории.


Having one obvious but not stated piece of interpretation in place makes it fit very well. And there are other text pieces by Igor Guberman that fit exactly this picture! Seeing this underlying “structure” is what opens the door to see the creative process of the author and it shows additional nuances.