Let's see what happens.

L Innocente

· Alexander

I don’t use names here because they does not matter. It is not a movie for rewatching for me. I feel that that “dark freedom” mixed with good looks is a bit repulsive. One the other hand it still takes it’s own place. With it’s own confused ugliness in a nice shaped environment. But still roles do not deserve names from my point of view. No idea why.

TLDR: Crazy miscommunication between genders. A female makes a poor choice of the husband. Then gets his attention by having somebody on a side with unintended consequences. Then basically tells him to solve the problem while not understandnig it.

On one hand at some times the story and scenes resemble a soap opera. So I found myself thinking that this exploration of Visconti made me do impossible - watch something with that angle in it. But I watched mostly into how he arranges scenes. (Not that I know much and have reference points at this point but overall I want to get maximum from the director)

Obviously aristocratic views. Main music theme resembled Death in Venice in its confusedness.

The last movie by Visconti. Also last one of him that I have seen the first time.

I want to give another round to The Leopard for reasons I do not understand.

Interestingly that when the guy solved another problem I felt release of some tension. And a minute before that when the guy took a sharp looking jewelry from a head of his mistress I expected some danger. Also at different points in the movie the guy was fighting with rapiers. I assume that jewelry taking scene was supposed to feel dangerous!

Anyway I think danger is not kind of tension I prefer to experience in movies. My self image says that I prefer light comedic release of also light tension. But I can watch messy stuff if it has trash aspect - so it is not serious. Also if there is a food for brains but in this movie the food has some serious chemical smell around it if you ask me.