Let's see what happens.


· Alexander


So I’m excited about my third approach of the market. It is different from the previous ones.

The latest thinking is that margin is by default is not going to be used at all.

I have an interesting idea to start with “paper-trading” and then introduce cash gradually (with randomness actually to even not know the size of the position first to be more chill). Actual paper-trading should address the greed to jump into the last wagon and be more chill. Same thing with margin - it alters decision making so it has to be avoided for sure and way-way later introduced only gradually with randomness because otherwise it is a sign of greed - what is a costly state of mind for sure (as almost any other alteration I assume).

Also there are ideas for some cool indicators and automation related to stop-loss because the current tool does not have that the way I want. Execution is so key I’m sure about that.

Dollar in the money!

There is this wild TraderTV Live show. I mean there is something to it and I don’t know what. Watching a bit of it here and there gives me ideas so it is useful to see an example if you haven’t seen it somewhere else. Also it is very positive on its own.

The phrase “dollar in the money!” I hear in the show itself seems like something arbitrary but it actually is more than that.

Also I’m reading a “trilogy” about trading. It seems like some medieval magic with animals and all that, but hey, without that crazy basics and language knowledge you are on your own to create own language and notions - and that probably is there at some experience level but I assume one should start early with just-paper and with any kind of language to be able to iterate on your approach and tools and to get to see rare events that are great opportunities so that you can spot them the next time!