The Blues
Looking into Blues and got this series produced by Scorsese. I liked Vinyl series so checking this too sounded like a good idea. I watch it in the order of my own relevance/preference.
The part by Clint Eastwood got me interested from some unexpected angle. Most of the time music itself did not attract me. And that got me interested even more.
Possibly he tried to capture some of that atmosphere so brought those characters to convey it for themselves.
There is both individualism and yet certain communication and understanding. Also I feel like certain simplicity, freedom and optimism are relevant words. But I’m still divided on the music - gotta practice it more and see.
Clint Eastwood called it own American form of art and that is an interesting nut to crack. I think I’m having something and simple explanations do not work here for me.
The part by Wim Wenders seems complex.
I liked how it started - with something that look very open and promising in my eyes. Of course overexpectations are often unmet. But it was an interesting part in its own way.
One aspect is about following certain characters stories. Even though it is not a high-energy content. I really like biographical content so surely I liked it here.
Then there is social-political aspect. (These days “social-” is added everywhere so I felt like it fits there even though I’m not sure if the phrase is correct at the time)
My relation here is two-fold. On one hand I understand the arts changing life for better aspect. Very cool feeling and probably left deep marks in souls of those involved.
On the other hand there is certain purity of music that possibly is an illusion that I still harbor. More specifically music by itself evokes something. And that something is what actually gets me interested. And any lyrics not to say some socio-political meaning I consider to be distraction from those images. So I like what it evokes in abstract. But then making movie about that would be risky or impossible. And also sometimes it feels like this abstract magic could get dispelled.
To be continued…