Let's see what happens.

The Choking

· Alexander

To solve is to reduce complexity.

Given an ambiguous picture, It looks like what one considers to be the solution is formed by a sequence of what one considers to be bigger insights or stimuli the person could see.

I considered The Shining to be generally solved as I saw it for some time. But the picture always leaves some breadcrumbs one can follow further into it.

Now my impression is that opportunities are seemingly infinite in it. So one can read the picture similar to reading coffee residue. At some point I get too much caffeine to the extent that it physically does not feel good.

On one hand ideas were coming easier, and they were stimuli in themselve. On another hand there were no perceivable limit or end where it would go. So at that point I was thinking about just abandoning any further investigation and leaving it in the existing form as it was.

This and a couple of external inputs on the movie made me solve it at satisfactory for me level.


The movie is conceptual choking and it does not hide it a bit.

Anyway it is not the first case when solution lies outside the piece. But this time the only way to solve it is to have outright external to the movie perspective.

Being mindful of not just the big picture, but of the outside picture formed by external feedback loops is the point. But I got this realization not because of the picture but against it. So I simply abstain from the picture.