Let's see what happens.

Three Holes

· Alexander

I didn’t plan to have a series of posts on my dentist experiences initially. But the times are strange already and fashion is ever changing so maybe this is going to be the new thing one day. In fact I’ll be the least surprised when celebrities start to post their selfies from dentist chairs with mouths open wide.

So after not seeing dentists for some time that was justified by different uncertainty I finally went to one and he told me that I can have three holes fixed in one session if I want to. And I told him that I’m entertaining this idea. But the real idea was, whether I should have them done without anesthesia. On one hand it is not what I’m used to do at all. On the other hand missing such an opportunity would be so wasteful.

So I have read tips from my previous dentist post in the series. And then I went that day while still not being certain enough. The destination place lies in a quieter part of the city so I had one hour trip by foot to reach it. And this is enough time to come-up with the decision.

The decision point was when I decided to not make a big feat of it. Just by assuming the pain is going to be moderate/limited and by this fact itself some psychological load should be out and effectively that will make it moderate. Asserted a little victory there.

In the chair with somebody’s fingers in my mouth sometimes I was thinking uncomfortably about meaning of those finger biting scenes in La Dolce Vita, also about that “fingers of gloves” abstract poetry.

Should I want to fit all the entertaining stuff about this trip that would demand more writing abilities from me. Probably taste and composition would require introduction of fiction into it. This one is true to reality so I’ll leave it there.