Let's see what happens.

Till You Make It

· Alexander

Today I noticed that I feel unusually proud of myself. I thought that there has to be a reason for that. And indeed I found couple of them.

Then I thought that feeling of pride is not really concious in it’s source.

And then I thought about artificial sources.

Given say body positivity. When say fat people are told to feel or pretend to be proud of themselves. This is ambiguous.

Because there are three possible situations:

  1. You just feel it and chances are there are objective reasons for that.
  2. You perceive that outcome as desirable so you imitate some aspects of it to bring it closer to reality by making it part of your decision making;
  3. You 100% fake it and surround youreslf with people who support your illusion and have acceptance instead of it;

Whether illusion is bad or not I have no idea. I guess it should be.

But calling things their names and ordered, non-ambiguous thinking are objectively valuable traits for free individuals.